Meng Liang is already very powerful. Who can run through a group of zombies and be safe and sound? People nearby admire Meng Liang.

But Meng Liang is not happy at all.

As a 2nd-level master, he is still useless in the face of a group of zombies.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’π‘‘π‘€π‘˜π‘Žπ‘›.π‘π‘œπ‘š

It is estimated that the 70-level group army zombie may not be easily defeated in a single fight, not to mention that there are many level 60 zombie kings behind the group army zombie.

For a team of 70-level group army, 60-level zombie kings and 50-level zombie kings are equivalent to small soldiers. This is the most difficult part.

Meng Liang was discouraged and immediately organized people to retreat.

This time, there was no one on the defense line, and the zombies drove straight in.

Meng Liang and the front-line soldiers fought and retreated, all the way to the rear defense line.

The people here changed. There were almost 2,000 people willing to stay behind with Meng Liang. Among them, more than 400 were from the Beauty Corps, and 800 were veterans of the Tyrant Corps. The rest were people who had just joined and originally belonged to Dingfeng Mountain.

The battle never stopped. Zombies rushed down, and Meng Liang and his men used the defensive fortifications on the top of the mountain to fight.

There were more than 2,000 people, but there were more zombies rushing up. Many of them were small camp zombie kings, which were very difficult to deal with. Except for the dozen people around Meng Liang, it took more than a dozen people to deal with one.

This kind of battle could not be fought, and Meng Liang could only order to fight and retreat.

At this time, the main army that had just rushed to the front had not gone far. Seeing that Meng Liang and his men were having a hard time, they rushed back.

The number of people on the defensive front became about 5,000.

When they retreated to the top of the mountain, the entire southern hillside was full of zombies.

The battle was too fierce. In less than ten minutes, more than a thousand people died in the battle.

They quickly went down to the foot of the mountain in the north. At this time, all the people in Dingfeng Mountain withdrew and fled in all directions.

Suddenly, the reverse army appeared.

Aunt Zhu Hong came back with more than a thousand people.

Li Xiangyue couldn't help crying after seeing this.

Meng Liang saw her laughing and said:

"Why are you back, aunt? You can't bear to leave me."

"Humph! You have your own personality charm after all, and this is also my choice!"

Meng Liang was somewhat moved.

This old woman Zhu Hong is definitely not a saint, she is a tough guy.

What she meant by saying this is that she came back for herself, which is obviously contrary to her worldview.

Meng Liang was a little moved, so he became more excited and killed more vigorously.

Under the leadership of Meng Liang, the sniper team was more heroic and killed countless enemies.

It's a pity that

Fighting against the zombie army, no matter how many zombies are killed, it can't be considered a win.

This is a game world where you fight monsters and upgrade. Once a virtual person dies, it is really dead and cannot be resurrected. The data is completely deleted from the database, just like formatting, and it cannot be restored.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and they retreated to the foot of the mountain while fighting.

Meng Liang realized that he had suffered too many casualties.

Chen Mei'er and Luo Yuhuan didn't know where they had gone, and their camp had been divided by the zombie army!

"The battle is over! Run!"

Meng Liang calmed down in an instant and issued an order.

At the same time, he began to run horizontally and provide support everywhere.

He killed those high-level zombies and rescued the trapped soldiers.

Slowly, some people gathered around Meng Liang again.

Aunt Zhu Hong, Li Xiangyue, Li Yuanhai.

Zhou Wenhui.

Guo Da Yao Ji and her son.

Stingy guy.

Chen Mei'er and Luo Yuhuan were also seen. They did not fall into the encirclement, so Meng Liang shouted at them to retreat quickly.

That was really hoarse.

The two women were used to listening to Meng Liang's words. Although they disagreed, they had no choice but to retreat.

"Husband! We will wait for you at the pavilion in Beishan! Husband! Husband, you must come out!"

Chen Mei'er screamed from a distance.

Beishan Pavilion is a geographical location, on the back of Dingfeng Mountain, about 20 kilometers away from here, not far or near.

Meng Liang swung out the Half Moon Slash and killed a group of zombies.

Two of the trapped comrades around him were bitten and had begun to turn into zombies. Meng Liang killed them without hesitation.

Then he shouted to the other side:

"Got it! Go! If there is any change, hang a banner in a conspicuous place!"

This is a way of communication. Once separated in the doomsday, it is not easy to see each other. When traveling in the doomsday, you must leave traces of contact information for your companions at all times, so that you will not get lost.

Chen Meier Luo Yuhuan had no choice but to follow the team around him.

Meng Liang led the people around him to break through the defense and rescued some trapped people. This is considered fighting in the zombie group. The situation is very bad. He died while saving people. In the end, only those around Meng Liang escaped.

The Dingfeng Mountain Battle was declared a complete failure here.

In fact, it can't be said that way.

Judging from the number, it is estimated that more than 100,000 zombies were killed.

However, the number of human casualties is estimated to have reached nearly 40,000.

Zombies are creatures without souls, and they are dead when they die.

Humans, however, have seven emotions and six desires, and everyone has experienced life and death. Even if they don’t die, people around them will die, so sadness spreads.

Fortunately, 80,000 to 90,000 people escaped.

They scattered.

As the disciplinarians of this battle, they are also the disseminators.

Ten days later, many people within a hundred kilometers knew about the Battle of Summit Mountain.

So the news was spread further, and the battle was spread extremely fiercely. Many epic stories appeared, some of which were true, but most of them were false.

People didn't care about the truth or falsehood.

After so long in the doomsday, they had regarded the doomsday zombies as enemies.

But the enemy was powerful and invincible. They could not imagine that there would be a man named Meng Liang, who organized 300,000 iron-blooded warriors in a place called Pingdingshan, and eliminated one million zombies. This was really an unimaginable war.

Obviously, the scale of the battle was exaggerated, but no one believed that it was all false. Some people even found evidence, because it was said that many people saw with their own eyes that the blood left on the mountain was like a mountain torrent, and the corpses on the mountain had covered the mountain.

Seventeen days later, the news came to Suogong Mountain and soon reached Qu Jiaolan's ears.

Qu Jiaolan was stunned.

She couldn't imagine that Meng Liang, who had been hanging around her for two years, could do such a great thing.

Oh my god, it's hard to imagine, it feels so exaggerated.

But then more news came, and many of them were refugees from Dingfeng Mountain.

Qu Jiaolan went to investigate in person.

Some refugees even saw Meng Liang.

They described Meng Liang's greatness, because they felt that they were also heroes and witnesses of this battle.

After investigating Yiquan, Qu Jiaolan felt that it seemed to be true. Meng Liang did lead a battle that could be recorded in the history of the end of the world.

She couldn't wait to return to her room, closed the door and talked to Meng Liang.

What's going on? Some people from Dingfeng Mountain have come to Suogong Mountain. Why hasn't Meng Liang come back yet?

Is there something dangerous?

It took Qu Jiaolan five minutes to finally contact Meng Liang.

"Damn it! Don't disturb me, I'm busy."

Talking with the same heart knot is actually similar to making a phone call.

So Qu Jiaolan could feel the urgency of Meng Liang's tone and the tension.

"What's wrong with you? Meng Liang, what are you doing? Are you fighting zombies again? Are you okay?"

"Yes! Fighting zombies, I'm surrounded by zombies! Don't bother me, bye!"

Meng Liang closed the call while speaking.

Qu Jiaolan couldn't help but hold the clothes on her chest with her hands, and felt her heartbeat speed up.

Where is he? The situation seems very urgent!

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