This is a completely closed world, with only 3,200 people. These people have lived in a small world for many years, and they probably know each other and are relatively familiar with each other.

This is just a cause.

The most important thing is the worldview.

In their thinking mode, there should be these people in the world.

For example,

After a person is born, he grows up by himself.

No one tells him what the earth is and where the universe is, so he will think that he is the only one in this world.

If one day another human suddenly appears.

Then in his eyes, this human will not be regarded as a kind by this person.

Because in his mind, he has no kind at all.

Now it is the same for this little girl named Dong Linglong.

In her mind, Li has only seen these people since she was a child. Suddenly seeing Meng Liang's face, of course she was scared.

Meng Liang was in a very depressed mood.

He still had a mission in the fantasy world, but he accidentally came here.

However, Meng Liang's heart is actually quite big.

Since he is here, what else can he do? He can only make the best of it. No matter how much sorrow he has, he can't go back immediately.

So Meng Liang tried his best to put on a smile, waved his hand at Linglong and said:

"Little girl, don't be afraid, look, am I not a human like you? Do humans understand?"

"No, no, no, you are not a human! I have never seen anyone like you!"

Meng Liang curled his lips in anger, and was scolded by the little girl.

Looking at the top of his head, the blood bar is still there.

The little girl has no blood bar, which means that she has not been parameterized yet.

This is a broken world, so is the world in front of him the whole world of ghosts?

Meng Liang is not sure.

"What are you! Don't hurt me! My father is very powerful!"

The little girl continued to cry at Meng Liang.

Meng Liang's mouth twitched, and he was a little reluctant to pay attention to the little girl.

At this time, there was a loud noise outside.

The noise was too loud, and it seemed like an earthquake afterwards. Meng Liang hurried to the window to see that the water flow of the waterfall became turbulent, and it was different from before.

At the beginning, the waterfall fell from the sky and went directly into the ground when it reached the ground, without affecting the horizontal land at all.

But now the waterfall is still flowing, but it is not flowing underground, but flowing onto the flat surface.

Is the end of the world coming?

Meng Liang still can't figure out everything here, and can only deal with it as it comes.

The little girl named Ena rushed over from behind and wanted to jump out of the window to escape.

Meng Liang hurriedly grabbed her and held her in his arms.

"Where are you running? It's safest to be with me."

"Let me go, let me go!"

Dong Ena struggled hard.

In the other world, Meng Liang would not be polite to such a beautiful girl, and directly pressed her against the wall.

The little girl was a little confused by Meng Liang's kiss, and finally stopped resisting.

At this time, the flood had already rushed into the community where people lived.

"Damn! Is there a boat?"

Meng Liang looked at Dong Ena and spoke.

Dong Ena had just been forced to kiss Meng Liang, but she didn't feel any pleasure at all. She was just afraid and hated him at this time, so she naturally ignored Meng Liang and didn't answer his questions.

In fact, she couldn't answer it either, because she didn't know what a boat was.

Meng Liang reacted quickly.

Although there was a big waterfall on the side border of this world, the water of this waterfall was not considered water to them, but just a border.

Without water, there would be no river. Without river water, they shouldn't be able to swim, nor should they know what a boat is.

Thinking of this, Meng Liang immediately rushed out of the school. Not far from the school, there was a central square, and there was a big tree on the square.

This was also the only tree in the entire map, with a height of more than 70 meters and a diameter of 60 meters. For a human body, it was a towering tree.

Meng Liang ran to the big tree, took out the Kui Niang Blade, and started to chop the tree with all his strength.

In fact, this tree was very fragile for Kui Niang, but it was too big, so it was not very convenient to chop it.

Meng Liang spent more than ten minutes and finally cut down a tree. Meng Liang controlled the direction of the tree's fall, so it didn't hit any buildings, and no one was killed.

It was impossible to quickly turn this big tree into a boat.

Meng Liang went over to find a tree trunk and used Kui Niang to dig out a small wooden boat. There was no problem for two people on it.

At this time, Dong Ena had no idea where she had run to. The cube world was flooding quickly, and the water was already two meters high. Most people climbed to a very high position.

Because this was the central square, surrounded by buildings, people saw Meng Liang who was busy.

"What is that!"

"Oh my God! It's so scary, I've never seen such a thing."

"Why does it look like us?"

"Is it a devil?"

"What is he doing?"

Meng Liang was of course depressed after hearing what they said.

Damn it, a group of guys who are surprised by what they have never seen before, and their understanding ability is too poor, just like that little girl Dong Ena.

Meng Liang had already lifted up the wooden boat and climbed up to sit in it.

It was OK, he could basically keep his balance and float, which was good.

After floating, Meng Liang started to fiddle with the boat, sliding around and found the graceful little girl.

Meng Liang quickly rowed the boat over and reached the roof over there.

Euna finally ran back home and finally climbed onto the roof before the water rose.

"Hey, little girl, come here quickly, this roof is useless, all of you climb up the big tree, the water will rush down in a while, only wood can float, this house can't do it."

Meng Liang shouted from behind, Dong Euna looked back and found that it was Meng Liang, and immediately screamed in fear. Meng Liang rolled his eyes directly.

The water was still rushing quickly, more than three meters high, and Meng Liang was closer to the roof.

On the roof of Euna's house, her family was hiding at this time.

Their relationship structure only continued to her parents, and there was no concept of grandparents.

So her family members were only her father and mother.

The family would not stop what Meng Liang said.

They didn't know the simple truth that wood would float.

Time passed little by little.

Meng Liang's boat and the huge tree really floated up, and the roof was about to be submerged, and people were panicked and nervous.

Meng Liang quickly climbed to the roof, carried Dong Ena onto the boat, and then backed her parents into the water.

Her parents couldn't swim, so they could only quickly grab the wooden boat, which was a life-saving straw.

It was a piece of cake for Meng Liang to save the three of them, and others had ways to rescue them.

The water was deeper, and they all floated up. They couldn't swim and were quickly drowned.

Of course, there were some lucky ones who were closer to the big wood, so they climbed up the huge tree trunk and floated with Meng Liang's boat.

Time passed slowly, and the waterfall continued to flow down, eventually filling up the cubic space.

Meng Liang left this square space and reached the vast ocean for Dong Ena's family and more than a hundred people who survived on the big tree.

Dong Ena was frightened and lay in Meng Liang's arms, stunned by the boundless ocean around her. This was a world she had never seen before, and she had never imagined it before.

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