But Meng Liang checked the parameters of the two women. One is level 35, and the other is level 40.

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This should not be considered a weakling, at least not for most people in the doomsday.

There are probably not many monsters like himself at level 300, and most people are still at a very low level.

But they are showing weakness. Are they really coming here for help?

Meng Liang is not sure.

At this time, the rope has been pulled down, tied around the waist, and then pulled up.

It has nothing to do with me, so let's go.

At this time, another rope fell.

"Come up, we haven't accepted people here for a long time. Since two women have come, it doesn't matter if there is a man."

The voice from above is a woman.

Meng Liang was a little surprised. He didn't expect his luck to be good, so he went up.

So he pulled the rope and the people above pulled him up directly.

Two sexy beauties have been surrounded by several men, asking about their well-being. One is called Xiaolu and the other is called Xiaohong.

Next to Meng Liang, there is a woman standing at this time. It was she who ordered Meng Liang to come up.

Her figure is okay, but her appearance is really average.

It’s not that she is ugly, but Meng Liang has seen too many beauties in various worlds, so this decent appearance is very average in his eyes.

The other party is also looking at Meng Liang.

He is a man in his thirties. He was very fresh meat when he was young, and now he is even more attractive, completely different from a little boy.

The woman frowned slightly when she saw him, but she was actually a little concerned in her heart.

It has been more than a year since the apocalypse, and I haven’t seen such a attractive man for a long time.

The so-called taste is actually charm.

After seven years of killing, Meng Liang does give people a different feeling, as if there is murderous aura around him.

Of course, there is no obvious description of what you feel when you are close to him, that is, the woman feels something that makes her feel pressured, but she doesn’t know that it is murderous aura, but just feels that this man is very different.

"Thank you for letting me come up. I haven't eaten for a long time. Is there anything to eat?"

This woman is only level 19, so her combat power must be very average, but she is also considered a high level in this place. She is probably a small leader. Meng Liang directly put forward his request.

"Come with me."

I didn't expect this woman to be so talkative, and Meng Liang was happy to hear it.

When following her, Meng Liang also paid attention to the surroundings and prepared some oil barrels, firewood and other things. There were guards on the platform, holding guns and looking down.

It can be considered quite cautious.

But the three of them still came up so easily, which shows that the so-called defense is actually useless. At least it is easy to sneak in spies.

Sweeping his eyes over Xiaolu and Xiaohong, Meng Liang had some guesses in his heart that their identities might not be simple.

But all this has nothing to do with Meng Liang. He followed the woman all the way to a small house in the center of the platform.

"My name is Du Mei. This is where I live. Come in."

"Oh, OK, my name is Meng Liang."

Meng Liang followed Du Mei into the tree house. It was a simple little house, probably only 1,000 square meters. There was a bed, but not much empty space. There was a wardrobe and a small square table, and some food was piled on the ground.

Du Mei picked up one of the basins, opened the lid and put it on the small square table. There were three boiled corns in it.

This was a rare thing.

After seeming to hesitate for a moment, Du Mei searched through the food and took out a can of luncheon meat and a bag of pickled mustard.

"The pickled mustard has expired, and the can of luncheon meat expires today. You are so lucky. I was going to eat it myself. Now that you are here, let's share it together."

"Haha, sister Du Mei, you are such a good person."

Meng Liang was standing on the ground and talking, while Du Mei had already sat on the bed.

Although the house is small, it is airtight. There is a small window. When it is opened, the sun can still shine in, and spots fall on the bedding. You just love the bedding. It is a set of pink, very clean and tidy. The bed is wider than a single bed, but not as wide as a double bed. It is very thick and should be very comfortable to sleep on.

Meng Liang was not polite and sat down next to Du Mei directly, so that he could reach the dining table.

Du Mei glanced at Meng Liang sideways and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Sit on my bed whether your clothes are dirty or not?"

"It should be OK. I bought it in a small village before. It looks a little old, but not too dirty."

"Huh, how old are you to call me sister?"

Meng Liang couldn't help but sigh after hearing Du Mei's question.

The real age of Meng Liang when the doomsday broke out was 21, the same age as Qu Jiaolan. In order to get married, they all lied about their age, otherwise they couldn't get a marriage certificate.

It has been more than a year since the Doomsday. Qu Jiaolan is in her early 22s, but I have been through nine years and am now 30.

I am 8 years older than Qu Jiaolan.

"Hey, I am asking you, how old are you?"

Du Mei asked.

"Oh, 30."

"Ah! Then you are four years older than me, and you still call me sister. Do I look old?"

"Haha, you are not old at all. Calling me sister is just a respectful title. You gave me food in the Doomsday Clock. I call you sister because I am grateful."

"Do you know how precious Doomsday supplies are?"

Du Mei leaned against the head of the bed and looked at Meng Liang sideways.

Meng Liang was speechless. She asked him to come with her. What was she doing now? Was she asking him to pay for it? There was no currency in the apocalypse. He did have things to exchange, such as some useless equipment.

"It's very precious. What do you say?"

Meng Liang didn't intend to play dumb. The key point was that he was really hungry and wanted to eat now.

"I like you. I'm still single."

Du Mei's words almost made Meng Liang roll his eyes.

"What do you mean, sister, you want to make a deal with me?"

"Well, you stay and be my man, and I'll support you in the future."

"Haha, it's too direct. We don't understand each other. We don't know what kind of people each other is."

"I can't care so much. There are only a few hundred people in this place, and I don't like them. You are the only one who makes my heart beat after the apocalypse. I want to fall in love with you at first sight. I don't care about eternity. I just want to have you once. What? I don't deserve it?"


Meng Liang seemed to have experienced such a scene before.

It's the apocalypse. People have indeed changed a little. If it was before the apocalypse, a woman would never take the initiative to a man like this.

But now is the end of the world. Today we don't know what will happen tomorrow. Who knows how long we can live? It is true that we have no regrets. Even if we have regrets, we should live a crazy life. Otherwise, we will die without experiencing anything, and then we will have lived in vain.

How many decades are there in life?

How many tomorrows are there in the end of the world?

If it was the previous Meng Liang, maybe it would not matter. He felt that the appearance of this woman did not meet his standards, and he did not want to become a size medium.

But seven years of killing made him a little numb. Maybe he needed some stimulation to activate himself.

And in front of him, this woman is actually quite suitable.

"Haha, then all right, these are not enough to eat, go, add two more dishes for me!"

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