Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0373 Continue on the road

Meng Liang is not a formalist. This is the end of the world, not a plot in a novel.

It doesn't mean that you have to go out and pretend to be cool, and then be despised by the other party, and then you take action, leaving the person who despises you, snorting and asking him if he is convinced, and then you kneel down and call him uncle, and then kill him.

It's very simple. The level 2 Beast God Reincarnation Slash can attack 600 targets, and the attack power to each target is 600,000.

This is a super power for group BOSS, which is too easy to use to kill people.

And now Meng Liang is really a killing god.

After seven years on the battlefield, there is no mercy for good and evil, and the enemy is killed.

Meng Liang took action and took out a knife in the crowd.

The Beast God Reincarnation Slash was activated, and 600 light blades flew out, automatically locking the enemy.

This is a bit scary. Everyone nearby was split into two halves, without any defense ability, and died directly.

A few seconds later, there was complete silence. All the dead were dead, and the living were frightened by the scene in front of them, and had no idea what had happened.

Only Du Mei saw the knife that Meng Liang pulled out, but she didn't know what had happened.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Meng Liang reached out and picked up Du Mei, walked out of the crowd, stepped over the corpses, returned to Du Mei's room, and closed the door.

At this time, the outside became chaotic, and Du Zhong shouted.

"What's going on? Did you see what happened? What happened just now?"

The voices of people outside became noisy.

In Du Mei's room, Meng Liang went back to bed, and Du Mei followed him.

"What happened?"

"Didn't you see? I killed them."

As Meng Liang spoke, he pulled Du Mei to lie down and helped her take off her clothes.

"But how did you kill him? What is that thing? Why is it so powerful?"

"That's called professional skills. I'm a master. Du Mei, you're probably going to have to get to know me again. You don't know what kind of master you slept with. You're so lucky."

As Meng Liang spoke, he raised his legs and wrapped them around Du Mei, using her as a pillow.

Du Mei still had many questions, but Meng Liang was still sleepy. His biological clock was to sleep for twelve hours. It was still early and the night was long, so he just wanted to have a good sleep.

Du Mei couldn't sleep that night.

Meng Liang's words kept echoing in her ears. What on earth did she sleep with? Was she really a peerless master in the doomsday?

It seemed so, otherwise who could kill so many people in seconds with a knife? This was beyond her doomsday worldview.

The night passed slowly. When Meng Liang woke up in the morning, it was already past nine o'clock. Du Mei was still asleep. Did she have insomnia? She had only slept for a short time.

So Meng Liang didn't wake her up. He closed his eyes and slept again. They woke up at around twelve o'clock noon.

This feeling is quite good.

Meng Liang found the feeling that he had not had for seven years in Du Mei.

She was not the right person, but she definitely appeared at the right time.

Zhou Wenhui would be very angry if she knew. She tried hard to climb into Meng Liang's bed but failed, but Du Mei got a big bargain.

Finally got up, Du Mei became more lively than yesterday and began to act like a spoiled child with Meng Liang.

"Meng Liang, please tell me clearly, who are you?"

"Just an ordinary person passing by, a doomsday survivor."

"Impossible, then how can you be so powerful?"

"I find that your IQ is also worrying. Why can't I be a master if I am an ordinary doomsday survivor? Do I have to have some identity? Superman reincarnation? Sun Wukong descended? Do you think you will believe this?"

Du Mei was speechless.

What Meng Liang said was indeed right, but Meng Liang gave her too strong a shock, making her think that Meng Liang must be extraordinary.

However, think about it, this is a simple world, everyone should be an ordinary person.

Besides, Meng Liang had told her that before the doomsday, he was just a son-in-law, and this might be true.

Meng Liang ended the topic and told Du Mei that he was leaving and let her choose.

Du Mei's thoughts immediately moved to this matter.

She couldn't make up her mind, so she went to find Du Zhong.

Du Zhong was very disappointed with this base. He didn't expect it to be so vulnerable. Now the remaining people are the old, weak, sick and disabled, and there is also Du Zhong's newborn son, who is only four months old.

This base has become a burden. There are no people left. If some people come to rob it, it will definitely not be able to defend it.

So Du Zhong was disappointed and entangled. Du Mei told him what Meng Liang said, and Du Zhong certainly didn't believe it.

"I think he's just bragging. Who saw him do it? You're such a fool. Now we're sisters and we're all dependent on each other. I haven't even seen what that man looks like yet, but you've done that with him. Alas, I can't control you anyway."

Du Mei finally felt a little embarrassed, but she didn't show it like a little girl. She just quickly said what she thought:

"Anyway, he's my man. I've decided to go with him. Brother, what do you think? If you don't follow him, I'm afraid we'll have to say goodbye forever."

"Sister! What kind of world is this? Even if you've done that with him, you're still strangers! Don't you know?"

Du Zhong was heartbroken.

Du Mei's face turned bad.

Of course she knew, even more than Du Zhong thought.

But at this moment, she couldn't control much. She couldn't give up this man, so she had to make a choice. After discussing with Du Zhong for a while without any results, she went back and saw Meng Liang preparing to eat. He had cooked all her food.

Sighing, Du Mei sat next to Meng Liang.

"Okay, it's all cooked, let's eat."

"We got some supplies some time ago and distributed them evenly. This is all I have left."

"Then where do you usually get food?"

"Let's go and watch one. I can eat these potatoes and sweet potatoes for a week, but you cooked them all."

"Then take it away and eat on the way. I think I can always find food. If I'm really hungry, I'll have to grab it."

While talking, Meng Liang gave Du Mei a roasted sweet potato.

Du Mei took it and had no choice but to eat it.

While eating, he whispered:

"I want my brother to come with me, but he is a little hesitant. Meng Liang, can you give me some advice?"

"This doomsday is too dangerous, even for me. This is the relationship. I won't lie to you. For humans in this doomsday, my strength should be good, but even I can't say it's okay. Who to protect, this is something I have experienced, so I am not responsible for anyone’s life or death, everything must be chosen by myself.”

Meng Liang said this a bit coldly, but it was reality.

Meng Liang didn't want to tell Du Mei to just follow him, nothing would happen.

This is too false.

After hearing Meng Liang's words, Du Mei became even more confused and had a bad expression.

At dusk, Eucommia ulmoides finally made a decision, let's go to Xiangshan.

Xiangshan is almost four hundred kilometers away from here. It is said to be a relatively large human gathering place with tens of thousands of people there.

Some people say that one of Eucommia's comrades is there, but of course they are not sure. Eucommia intends to try his luck.

Meng Liang came over to discuss with Meng Liang.

Meng Liang nodded immediately upon hearing this. The direction was right, and he was going that way too. It seemed that the rest of the journey would involve his family.

A forced smile.

Do women sleep in vain? I slept with one and brought a whole family with me.

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