She looked about 23 or 24 years old, with long flowing hair, but she was wearing a raincoat to cover her figure. From her facial features, she was definitely a beauty. Meng Liang was not very moved by this, as he had seen many beauties.

This was the main world, and Du Mei was enough. Meng Liang was a responsible person, but he didn't like to take on too many responsibilities and make himself tired, so he just looked at her.

The battle was no longer fierce, and they withdrew from the attack circle. The demon-subduing pestle and chains were still trapping the BOSS.

Someone came to knock on the door on Meng Liang's side.

"Come out quickly, our leader said that you should retreat quickly."

A young man was breathing while talking.

Meng Liang opened the door and saw his condition.

This Li Gangran was really nice. He knew to come and tell the people here to run away when he saw that the situation was not good.

Meng Liang had experienced too many "real dogs" in the doomsday, and it was rare to see a "human-like" one.

Okay, then let's do it, so that these kids won't be killed again by accident.

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Meng Liang walked out and reached the door.

The young man saw Meng Liang and immediately repeated what he had just said.

Meng Liang smiled and said:

"You can't even sleep well at night. Go and tell your boss that it's time to sleep. I'll go kill that thing."

The young man was very surprised. He looked at Meng Liang and found that he walked leisurely towards the BOSS. He immediately returned to Li Gangran.

Li Gangran also saw the person who came out, so he asked the young man:

"What's the situation?"

Next to Li Gangran, the beautiful woman still had rain on her eyelashes and looked at Meng Liang.

The young man sent out to deliver the letter said:

"The man's tone was very crazy. He said he would kill the BOSS."

"A battalion-level corpse king with 6 million blood! Is he crazy?"

"I don't know, but he looks very confident.

"Well, let's see! "

At this time, Meng Liang walked to the vicinity of the BOSS.

It was a fight between trapped beasts. That was his best chance.

When Meng Liang got near the BOSS, it pounced on him.

The Kui Niang sword was in his hand. He stabbed it out, and 200,000 HP.

Fortunately, the defense ability of this hardened muscle was very average. It might also be the level suppression. After all, he was level 300 and it was only level 60.

Five consecutive stabs, 1 million HP was gone, and there were 4.8 million left.

Being trapped inside and unable to get out, it was too easy for Meng Liang to attack.

Because of the The boss used the power of the Earthquake Iron Fist to deal damage and was unable to counterattack.

The earth shook, and Meng Liang lost 10,000 HP in an instant.

His attack power was OK, but Meng Liang had 300,000 HP.

After losing 10,000 HP, Meng Liang stabbed 10 more times, losing 2 million HP, leaving 2.8 million HP.

The HP bar did not display the exact value, but there was a total length.

Originally 6 million HP, now the HP bar length is less than half of what it was just now.

The 24 people on Liu Gangran's side were finally dumbfounded.

"Did you see that! That HP bar has been reduced a lot in an instant!"

"It has lost more than half of its HP!"

"What the hell! He only stabbed a few times?"

"More than ten times."

"An average attack of 200,000?"

"How is it possible! Such a high attack?"

"How is it impossible? Didn't you see that the HP is dropping like crazy! "

While they were busy discussing, Meng Liang stabbed several more times, but his HP was less than 1 million.

Suddenly, the muscles on the BOSS's body began to make explosive sounds, and then blood flowers shot out, which looked like the shape of a lotus, flying towards Meng Liang.

Meng Liang touched the ground and flew up to avoid it, but the blood lotus actually changed direction and chased after him.

Meng Liang hurriedly activated the goose egg shield and raised his hand to summon the fire phoenix.

After the fire phoenix appeared, it pounced on the BOSS and launched a long-range attack outside the cage. Its attack power was definitely not as good as Meng Liang's, but it could also reach 50% of its output, 100,000 HP at once, and it could also ignite.

Meng Liang activated the goose egg shield himself, and a few blood lotuses hit the goose egg shield, and the goose egg shield broke.

Meng Liang quickly activated the five-step ascension ability, instantly leaped dozens of meters, and landed next to Liu Gangran.

Over there, the fire phoenix had killed the BOSS, and the blood lotus disappeared.

The BOSS even had the last Without using any skills, Meng Liang's attack was too fast. The battle was so simple.

In the heavy rain, all 24 people's eyes fell on Meng Liang.

Meng Liang's hair was a little long. The heavy rain made his hair fall down, covering half of his face.

From the angle of the beauty, it was just a quarter of his side face, with clear facial features and handsome.

Liu Gangran came over and stretched out his hand and said:

"Brother, you are so awesome! How many levels are you? I admire you so much."

"You're welcome. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be punished with evil. These zombies will die sooner or later."

Meng Liang walked towards his house after he finished speaking. It was still night, and it was time to sleep soundly.

"Hey, brother, my name is Liu Gangran, what's your last name?"

"Meng Liang."

Meng Liang walked very fast.

He actually wanted to slow down and leave a back view to show off, after all, there was a beauty watching him.

But the rain was too heavy, Meng Liang could only change three steps into two and returned to the house.

"How is it, husband! Are you not injured? "

Du Mei was standing at the door.

Meng Liang's head was buzzing when he heard her address. They were not very familiar with each other, so why did she call him husband?

Then Du Zhong would come up to flatter her.

Meng Liang waved his hand.

"Go to sleep, my clothes are all wet."

Without giving Du Zhong a chance, he and Du Mei walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

Meng Liang quickly took off his clothes, and Du Mei found a towel to wipe Meng Liang's body.

After wiping for a long time, Meng Liang stood for a while and went to bed after drying.

"Are you not hurt?"

Du Mei asked nervously.

"It's okay, Du Mei, isn't it inappropriate for you to call me husband?"

Meng Liang felt that he still had to make it clear.

Du Mei reached out and hugged Meng Liang, and said coquettishly:

"I know, I know, there should be a new form of relationship between men and women in the doomsday. You are a man with a wife and a lover. You can't invest your feelings completely on me, but I can be loyal to you. You are such an excellent man, I don't stick to you, do you think I'm stupid!"

Meng Liang was speechless.

Yes, Du Mei made the smartest choice.

If I were Du Mei, I would probably do the same.

"It's up to you. Can you go to sleep? It's been a restless night."

"Yeah, go to sleep."

Meng Liang fell asleep as soon as Du Mei finished speaking. Before he fell asleep, he thought it was a pity that he killed a level 60 camp army zombie king, but no equipment dropped.

These equipment are still useful. They can defend against zombie viruses. Although they are not durable and will break after a few touches, less is better than nothing.

After Meng Liang fell asleep, he had a dream. He was wearing a super armor and killing zombies crazily. It was dark and dark.

This dream lasted a long time. It felt like a long time before he finally woke up.

The heavy rain retreated, and the warm sunlight shone in from the window and fell on him.

"Husband, are you awake?"

Du Mei's voice sounded in his ears.

"Oh, what time is it?"

"A little after ten."

"I was dreaming, I'm very tired."

"Then continue to sleep for a while?"

"No, get up and hurry on. The road in this doomsday is hard to walk."

"Okay, I've found new clothes for you. The previous clothes are all wet. I washed them in the river for you. They are still hanging outside. Let them carry them with a pole when we leave."

Du Mei got up while talking and helped Meng Liang put on new clothes. She was very virtuous.

Although Meng Liang had not done anything with women in these years, he had always had Dong Ena by his side. He was used to being served as a big man, so Du Mei's existence was not at all inconsistent with him.

After putting on his clothes and walking out, he saw that everyone was fishing in the fish pond outside. It was not easy to come across some food resources, so he really couldn't let go of even a small fish.

Among the people fishing, there were also Liu Gangran's people, and they didn't leave either.

Meng Liang easily looked at the stunning beauty, and when he looked over, she was also looking at this side.

The staring lasted for three seconds, and the beauty immediately shifted her gaze to the front, with no expression on her face. However, Meng Liang could still see some complex emotions in her eyes. He couldn't tell what they were, but they were very beautiful anyway.

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