Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0038 People’s hearts are complicated

"Hmph! Then we don't need him!" Chen Mei'er said what she thought.

No one else reacted.

The women knew it very well.

There were several times today when many zombies rushed up together. It was Meng Liang who protected them. If he hadn't been brave enough and killed all the zombies quickly, the position would have been lost long ago.

So it was impossible for them to fight for too long without Meng Liang.

But they didn't know how to communicate with Meng Liang. His status had changed. He was still a son-in-law, but he was also the director here.

Especially Qu Jiaolan and Chen Mei'er, the two had the most awkward relationship with Meng Liang.

Meng Liang went back to eat something, and went out to kill zombies before the sun went down.

He had to keep upgrading, and only upgrading could allow him to gain a foothold in this world.

Taiwan Novel Network → smoke𝚠𝚔g𝚗.𝚌Wu𝚖

This time they killed until night, more than fifty meters away from the villa wall.

There was no way, the zombies nearby were gone, he had to leave the fortress where the corpses piled up, and be outdoors to kill the zombies.

This is a street with many cars parked.

Meng Liang raised his hand and killed two level 2 zombies with a steel knife. Suddenly, there was a sound of knocking on the glass in the car next to him.

Meng Liang was startled and looked carefully from a distance. There was someone in the car.

"Save me! Save me."

She rolled down the window. It was a woman. It was dark and I couldn't see clearly, but I was sure she was not a beauty. She had ordinary features and a bloated body. Her health value was only 2.

This was the person trapped in the car after the doomsday outbreak. It was really lucky that she didn't starve to death.

"Save me, please."

She begged weakly.

"I can't help you. You can walk out by yourself and look for food everywhere. For example, in the community over there, I can escort you into the community. The rest is up to you."

The community Meng Liang mentioned was just across the street, more than ten meters away, and there were no zombies on the path.

"No, I don't dare, I'm afraid, I won't go out, you save me, save me!"

Is this person crazy?

That's normal. In this scary world, anyone can go crazy because of stimulation.

But Meng Liang is not interested in helping a madman. He is a beauty lover. Maybe he will consider it.

Moreover, Meng Liang has given her help suggestions to the best of his ability. It's her own insanity that she refuses to leave. Then it's not others' fault.

Thinking of this, Meng Liang turned and left.

"No! Save me! You have to save me! How can you be so cruel! Save me!"

This man was still weak and powerless just now, but now he shouted at a high decibel, which Meng Liang found a bit harsh.

This alarmed the zombies around, and all the zombies ran over here.

Meng Liang hurriedly ran back.

Fortunately, he soon reached the wall, and saw all the zombies surrounded him. Some of them went directly through the car window and drowned the woman.

Needless to say, another survivor fell.

Meng Liang leaned against the wall and panted. Looking at the zombies gathered in front of him, he really didn't know when all this would be over.

He turned back to the wall, but did not return to the villa immediately. He walked around the wall. He wanted to see other directions and where else he could build a fortress to prepare for tomorrow.

When he walked to the west, he suddenly found someone lying on the wall with a ladder.

Meng Liang walked over slowly, hiding his figure in the night. He didn't know who was doing what there.

When he got closer, he heard a voice and realized that it was Aunt Tang Yanping, the hourly worker, who was talking to someone outside the wall.

"Is it difficult to hook up with him? You are not ugly. Hurry up. Only by becoming his bedmate can he open the permission to let me in."

"Hey, although this son-in-law seems dishonest, he has high standards. I told you that there are all beauties trapped here. I have to have a chance to hook up with him."

Meng Liang's eyes suddenly became cold.

It turned out that Tang Yanping had this plan. Who was the man talking outside? Her husband?

At this time, the man outside said again:

"My wife has been killed by me. According to your request, she was pushed out and fed to the zombies. Yanping, I only have you now. You must get me into the safe zone! As long as you let me in, we will kill the son-in-law together and become the master of the safe zone. Then it will be our good days. This doomsday has nothing to do with us. How free and easy it is."

"I know, but... wait a minute, I'll try it tonight. If I succeed in getting into his bed, I'll say you are my brother."

"Okay, that's it. I'll go back first. It's too dangerous here. It's not easy for me to come here. You'd better hurry up. I'm really worried every day. My food is almost gone."

After he finished speaking, there was no movement, and Tang Yanping began to climb down.

Meng Liang immediately got out of the wall and looked outside.

There were not many zombies outside. The road was very narrow and only a few meters away. He quickly ran to the opposite side and got into the small restaurant.

Meng Liang thought about it.

Could it be the boss of the restaurant? The surname is Li. Everyone calls him Boss Li on weekdays. Occasionally, he will personally deliver takeout.

It seems that he has an affair with Tang Yanping. And from the meaning of their words, Tang Yanping agreed to let Boss Li kill his wife on the condition that he was allowed to come in, and Boss Li really did it to survive.

Meng Liang stood outside the wall for a while before returning to the villa and found an empty room on the second floor to live in.

Now Pan Li and Zhao Meng'er live together, Xu Feng and Fang Tangjing live together, and Meng Liang happens to live in the remaining empty room.

Meng Liang lay on the bed and began to reflect.

He was too naive.

I thought everyone in this villa could be quiet, but I didn't expect the truth to be like this.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to hear their conversation just now, would he have been fooled? And then died?

Meng Liang lay quietly, thinking about these things. About half an hour later, someone knocked gently outside the door.

"Meng Liang? Meng Liang?"

Tang Yanping is here!

Meng Liang narrowed his eyes, and there was a cold light and coldness in his eyes in the darkness.

He got up and walked over to open the door.

A black shadow flashed in and hugged his waist.

"Meng Liang, I'm so scared! I just had a nightmare. I dreamed that I was eaten by zombies. What should I do? Woo woo woo!"

As she spoke, she had pushed Meng Liang to sit on the bed, then hugged him and kissed his cheek.

Meng Liang had no reaction and thought of the past.

When he first met Aunt Tang, he thought she was a beautiful and mature woman, and thought it would be nice if he had the opportunity to get close to her.

But now she threw herself into his arms, as passionate as a ball of fire, but Meng Liang couldn't muster any interest.

Because Meng Liang already knew that under her beautiful appearance, she was actually full of treacherousness. She was a woman with a heart as vicious as a scorpion.

Feeling sick, Meng Liang raised his hand and pushed her away.

The attribute of the orcs' doubled strength was presented, which pushed Tang Yanping directly out of the open door, backwards to the stairs, and then rolled down.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Tang Yanping rolled all the way to the first floor, and the screams she made were very sharp, alarming everyone in the villa.

Only Luo Dacheng, who was trapped, could not get out. Everyone on the second floor ran to the living room with weapons, and most people on the third floor also came down.

"What happened, Meng Liang?"

Qu Jiaolan asked in a hurried tone.

Meng Liang said indifferently:

"Tang Yanping fell down the stairs."

"Why did she fall down?"

Qu Jiaolan was a little curious. Tang Yanping lived on the third floor. It was already dark. Why did she come downstairs?

"She flirted with me, so I pushed her down."

Meng Liang did not hide it and told the truth.

Just then Lu Anke came down, shouting in panic.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

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