Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0381: What's missing is cigarettes

Over there, Dongfang Baby is not to be outdone. However, her choice is different from Zhen Jie's. When two tigers fight, there will be damage.

Now that Zhen Jie had already targeted that one, Dongfang Baobao targeted the other one, and he seemed to be leading the team.

"Brother, there is a bottle of good wine in my room. If you can provide some food, we will definitely have a fun night!"

Beside Meng Liang, Liu Gangran couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

He was so surprised, he didn't expect to meet Dongfang Baby.

Before the end, the live broadcast industry in the domestic society can be said to be booming.

Even if you haven't watched the live broadcast, you have usually watched the live broadcast.

Not only has Liu Gangran watched it, but he also used to be the big brother who buys gifts. The female anchor he spends the most on is Dongfang Baobao. In her live broadcast room, his name is Fengshen!

So facing Dongfang Baobao's invitation, Liu Gangran was a little ready to make a move, but with Liang Mengting by his side, Liu Gangran knew that he couldn't choose, which made a lot of grass grow in his heart.

The atmosphere was so awkward here. The team refused to leave and was completely surrounded by a group of women.

When Meng Liang saw this, he still spoke for himself.

Du Mei next to her was like a koala. It was estimated that if he said he wanted to sleep with Zhen Jie at this time, she would cry to death.

To be honest, Meng Liang was not interested. He had already seen it. No matter how high-profile he was in the past, the woman in front of him in the apocalypse was just a cousin. He didn't lack women, what he lacked was cigarettes.

"If you're not interested, get out of the way. Anyone who doesn't get out of the way will be executed on the spot!"

After Meng Liang said this, Liang Mengting's eyes lit up behind her.

She gave Meng Liang a thumbs up for what he said.

But then he frowned again, why did Meng Liang refuse first and not Liu Gangran?

Under Meng Liang's indifference, the women around him became afraid and all retreated to make way.

Zhen Jie stood there stunned, her eyes always falling on Meng Liang.

It's not like she has never been rejected before, but this time she was very unwilling.

She doesn't want anything to eat, just a cigarette!

Doesn't she even have the value of a cigarette?

She is Zhenjie!

The team passed like this, and Zhen Jie finally sat on the ground dejectedly.

Well, this is her fate.

At this time, a fat man ran over with a fish in his hand.

"Haha! Hahaha! I finally found fish in the river at the bottom of the mountain. Zhen Jie, can we eat fish tonight? Come on, let me stew the fish for you!"

After saying that, the fat man pulled Zhen Jie towards a room.

Meng Liang actually turned around and saw this scene.

And this scene seems familiar.

There was once a woman who wanted to let him sleep with her, but later he didn't sleep with her, so other men came and took the woman away.

Well, history is always surprisingly similar, but Meng Liang is more mature at this moment. There isn't that much beauty in the world, and he doesn't fall in love with anyone he sees. Although he has compassion, he can't throw it at so many people.

The team drove out for a thousand meters and finally left the gathering area. The environment here is good, there are not many trees and there are many open spaces. Let's set up camp here.

The ground was very wet, so Meng Liang asked everyone to go up to the tree, chop the forks, and spread the forks thickly on the ground. They would deal with it here all night, and then set off again at dawn.

The environment here is not that good, but as the leader, Meng Liang still got the most comfortable area, which is cushioned by small branches. Lying on it is like a Simmons bed.

When I didn't start the fire at night, I took out the things I brought with me and ate a little. After eating, Meng Liang hugged Du Mei and told her some interesting things about his childhood, which made Du Mei laugh from time to time.

After nightfall, Du Mei suddenly interrupted Meng Liang who was telling a story and whispered:

"I really can't see through you. Don't you want that Zhen Jie?"

"I want to get all the beauties in the world, so I'll do whatever it takes."

Hearing what Meng Liang said, Du Mei turned slightly red and lightly hit Meng Liang under the chest.

"What a gangster!"

"Haha, it's true."

"Then why me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not very good-looking either. You could obviously choose a better-looking beauty, so why did you choose to let me follow you?"

"Tch, who wants to choose you? It was you who threw himself into my arms that night, okay?"

"But Zhen Jie also threw herself into your arms just now. If you let her sleep with you tonight, there's nothing I can do about it. In today's world, you have absolute autonomy. I'm even your lover. If not, of course I can’t control you. Why can’t you choose her when you can easily choose me? “Do you think she is dirty?”

Meng Liang thought for a moment, shook his head and said:

"I don't have that kind of mysophobia. Between men and women, who hasn't had a past?"

"Then why?"

"You're such a bitch, didn't I make it clear to you just now?"


"I can't play with it! There are too many women throwing themselves into the arms of Doomsday. I sleep with every one of them. What do you want me to do?"

Du Mei was speechless and rolled her eyes. She still didn't believe it. Could it be that simple?

"Okay, okay, get off the bed and I'll go pee."

I brought some luggage with me, that is, I simply laid down the mattress, and then took the pillows and quilt.

Carrying some things takes up a lot of space, but if you want to be more comfortable in the wild, it is best to carry them.

When Du Mei left the house, she packed it and Meng Liang did not stop her. He even helped her take it on the way. Now it came in handy.

A person walked into the woods and found a place where no one was. Just after taking off his pants, he heard a strange sound in the weeds not far away.

Meng Liang quickly tied his belt and looked over there. It seemed that there was a person behind the weeds.


Meng Liang asked softly.

After a while, a person stood up quickly in the grass, holding up his pants with both hands.

Meng Liang had a good night vision ability and could tell at once that it was Liang Mengting, who looked pale and very nervous.

"Who are you!"

Meng Liang laughed. It seemed that this woman was also here to relieve herself. He did not expect that they had walked to the same place.

So Meng Liang no longer minded, walked to the other side with his back to her, and said:

"I don't know if there are wild animals or zombies marching in this forest. It's best to let Liu Gangran accompany you when you go out. Of course, if you are embarrassed, you can also find a female comrade in your team."

"Ah! You are Meng Liang?"

Liang Mengting finally heard it, her tone was awkward and nervous.

Meng Liang took off his pants and started to pee, and found that there was no movement behind him. He looked back and saw that she was still standing stupidly behind him.

"Hey, although it's dark and I can't see, but at least I have a sound. You are not shy to hear it, but I am a little shy. Don't you want to leave?"

Liang Mengting's brain was short-circuited, and she woke up after hearing Meng Liang's reminder, and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

Meng Liang smiled and continued to pee, and said to himself:

"It's still fun in the main world, peeing is so refreshing!"

Thinking about the past seven years, the body parameters were adjusted, and there was no urination and defecation. Life was simply too fake, more like a dream than dreaming.

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