Meng Liang had seven years of fighting experience in another world, and that was definitely not given in vain. Once the cold weapon battlefield starts, the enemy and ourselves are intertwined. The sense of space must be three-dimensional. If you go deep into the ground formation, there are basically enemies on the front, rear, left and right.

If you don't have eyes in the back of your head, you have to rely on your sixth sense and determination. Once you feel there is an enemy behind you, you can turn around and kill him without looking back.

Therefore, in a battle like that, people will only rush towards the enemy's back. It would be unjust if someone who is close to one's own is accidentally injured in the back.

At this time, Meng Liang had already determined that this was the enemy.

The accuracy of this identification is not high, probably only 50%.

The other party may also be an old man who did not hear the assembly order, or it may be a child playing hide-and-seek with his family. In short, there are various possibilities.

But Meng Liang didn't hesitate. He wanted to solve the biggest problem at the smallest cost. Kui Niang's blade struck out from outside the room, stabbing directly towards the place where the sound came from.

The premise of parameter perception is to see the opponent first, so this is completely reckless. This is the decision of a veteran who has experienced many battles.

Only a muffled roar was heard, and then someone broke out of the window.

Meng Liang saw him and naturally read the parameters.

Celestial System BOSS, intelligent virtual human, professional assassin, 2nd level.

It's actually an assassin profession? This shouldn’t belong to the three major races, right?

An intelligent virtual human BOSS? The Immortal System can directly create such strange things.

Meng Liang hurriedly activated his five-step movement ability to catch up, and found that the opponent was much faster than him, so he immediately called Kui Niang without hesitation.

The ultimate move is for killing enemies, not for staying at the back and showing off.

Kui Niang appeared and her incarnation ability was activated. She hugged Meng Liang and quickly chased after him. She activated the demon's lantern behind the assassin and chopped off the opponent's head.

This ability can kill any BOSS instantly, the key is whether you can hit it.

After killing the BOSS instantly, the CD time will enter. This trick can be used until the BOSS is killed.

Meng Liang hesitated after taking action and was a little excited. This move should actually wait until a stronger enemy appeared. Just use it. If the opponent is at level 2, it probably won't be difficult to deal with it.

Without waiting for more thoughts, the round is over.

The assassin dodged strangely and avoided Meng Liang's attack. He was very fast, like a shadow, and came directly behind Meng Liang.

A black mist quickly appeared and rushed towards Meng Liang.

Kui Niang hugged Meng Liang and left quickly, avoiding the enemy's attack.

As the vibrations extended, Meng Liang read out more of his data.

The phantom killing move can be randomly teleported to other locations after killing one person. As long as one person is killed, the use time of this move will be refreshed.

No wonder 12 people died in different places. It turned out that there were not many killers, only this one.

Paralysis fog, after inhaling it, you will be paralyzed. The paralysis will not be lifted until the fog dissipates.

This should be the move he just used. Fortunately, Kui Niang is there, otherwise even if he is level 3, he may not miss the move.

Meng Liang quickly asked Kui Niang to lead him to chase him again. Desert Guyan's ability was activated. Although he was not blown up, he was not completely defensive, and his movement speed was slowed down.

This time, Meng Liang didn't use the Demon's Lan, but used the speed of light to slash.

The accurate description of Light Speed ​​Slash is that the movement and shooting speed are very fast. It is best to use this move to break the dodge.

With the incarnation of Kui Niangfeng, the speed of the body is no problem, and the speed of the light speed slash is highlighted.

The assassin wanted to dodge, but this time he had no chance and was killed directly by Meng Liang.

After killing him, Meng Liang gained some experience, upgraded, and received no other equipment.

Maybe it's because my level is too high, so there's no reward for killing it.

Meng Liang asked Kui Niang to return, and then returned to the crowd.

The defense deployment must be changed, and everyone cannot be dispersed. The crisis is expected to come soon, and separation will be more fatal. Meng Liang judged this.

Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing Meng Liang's description. A random boss was level 2, and it was also a smart type. Who could deal with it without Meng Liang?

It seemed that this night was destined to be a sleepless night. The number of people guarding the city increased to 2,000, and the remaining 4,000 people were all concentrated under the city wall. Those with tents set up tents, and those without tents rested in the open air, waiting for the coming arrival. unexpected events.

In another gathering place only forty kilometers away from here, Jianfeng was watching the little girl struggling, not knowing what to do.

After thinking for three full minutes, Jianfeng finally gritted his teeth.

In fact, there is such a course in school. The survivors of the doomsday in the main world must be rescued, but there is no need to show mercy to the virtual humans in the copy, because they are just data.

This is not a little girl at all, just a statistic.

Thinking of this, Jianfeng became cruel, raised his sword and slashed it at the little girl.

At this moment, the door to the side was suddenly opened, and two figures flew out and attacked Jianfeng.

Jianfeng was shocked. He didn't expect there was anyone else in the room. It seemed that the little girl was a trap.

Jianfeng was very angry at this thought, so he held his sword against the people who came up and saw them clearly.

There are two women, one of them is good-looking, the other is not bad, but not as young and beautiful as the first.

Jianfeng didn't say anything. There was no need to say anything at this time. Just kill them. With her strength of level 400, these two women were no match for her. After several rounds, they were beaten back by Jianfeng. The young girl almost died.

Just when the crisis was coming, several people rushed out from the room on the other side, holding various firearms and weapons in their hands and pulling the trigger to attack Jianfeng remotely.

Jianfeng's speed was too fast. He dodged the bullets and looked over there. It was an old man with a little boy and three women.

There were so many fish that slipped through the net. Jianfeng was somewhat surprised. His eyebrows were raised. In this case, he would not show mercy and kill these people.

The two sides cooperated. The number of people was obviously superior, but they still couldn't win against Jianfeng, and there were dangers everywhere. Jianfeng swayed left and right, attacking the two women who were the main attackers for a while, and then rushed to the side with more people.

The two women could only rush over to save them. It was obvious that they were the most powerful among these people, probably at the 1st level, but for Jian Feng, it was just that.

The battle seemed to be over soon, and an ending seemed to be coming soon, that is, Jian Feng killed everyone and won the final victory. At this time, a woman suddenly walked in from the door and spoke. Her voice sounded very steady and gentle.

"Jian Feng, stop it. How about not killing these people and leaving them to me?"

Jian Feng heard this voice and hurriedly stepped back to the door. Then he saw the woman next to him and was very surprised. Why was it her? What was she going to do? Did she do it herself?

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