Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0407 The source code of Meng Liang's main world

"Why did you keep them here? Haha, I don't know either, Satan, do you know?" "I heard that among those people, there is a woman who looks very much like you, and the more she looks, the more she looks like you. What kind of relationship do you have with her?"

"Well, there must be some kind of relationship, maybe a kind of fate. Have you studied history?"


Satan had no idea what this woman was talking about.

"If you have studied history, you should know that the Battle of Panlong that we are experiencing today actually happened before in our history. In that year, not long after the end of the world broke out, the Battle of Dingding Mountain also just ended. According to historical records , a man named Meng Liang wandered to this place, but later he died here. From then on, the great god Meng Liang became history, and the cause of his death was not recorded in detail. Anyway, he encountered powerful enemies. Those enemies Who it is, history does not say..."

Qingkong spoke very slowly. This paragraph took a long time, and Satan did not understand it at all.

"Can you please answer my question directly? Why on earth did you leave those survivors behind?"

"Don't you understand? You are such an idiot. So you can only be ranked second on the combat power list, and I am number one."


"Okay Satan, don't be angry. Let me tell you a little secret. Did you see the man fighting Ba Tian and Zhan Long on the city wall in front?"

"How to say?"

"His name is Meng Liang?"

"Oh, his name is Meng Liang, so what does he have to do with the great God Meng Liang in history? He was the human who led the human coalition to fight the zombie army for the first time. Are they related?"

"Of course it is related, so I said you are stupid, haven't you discovered yet? Our world is actually the same world as System 7 and World 1 in a sense.

Satan finally figured it out here.

"Are you saying that the first world of System 7 actually copied our world in System 1? In other words, the parameters of our world were used in this system to form a brand new world?"

"You finally figured it out. This should be the masterpiece of the Demon System. In other words, where we are now was actually just after the doomsday broke out 500 years ago. At this time, Meng Liang led his men to complete the battle on Dingfeng Mountain and wandered to this place. The Panlong Mountains are not dead yet... and we entered this world from our own world through a copy, which is equivalent to traveling back to 500 years ago. "

While talking, Qingkong walked to the wooden cage not far away, where her aunt Zhou Wenhui and others were imprisoned.

Satan turned his head and looked over. Of course he was looking at Qingkong and Zhou Wenhui. No wonder they were so similar. They were the same people. In fact, this situation was not unheard of, but it was indeed rare.

Qingkong was condescending, looking down at the people in the cage, and said calmly:

"I never thought that I would be able to see myself 500 years ago. Haha, 500 years ago, these people and I returned from the mission copy of Princess Pan. At that time, we encountered a very powerful boss. It was terrifying. Everyone around me was killed, and only Princess Panpanshi and I escaped.

Not long after that, I met Meng Liang again, and Meng Liang had already been killed. The thing that killed Meng Liang was probably a system monster, so I got the rock parts, which were all from Meng Liang's body.

So after that, I got the artifact Rock, and started wandering alone in the apocalypse, going through twists and turns for 500 years.

The reason why I changed my name to Qingkong is just because I long for a clear and comfortable sky, and I hope that the end of the world will disappear.

Because my life is too bitter and I have experienced too many things, I have lost hope in life and my heart has become completely cold and dark, so I have a name like this. This is what I want to keep. A conscience! "

After a pause, Qingkong turned his head and looked at Satan again.

"Don't you always want to know how old I am? I can tell you now. My age is 528. I have experienced all the apocalypses. I am different from each of you. You were all born after the apocalypse. , and I experienced the era before the end.”

After saying this, Qingkong turned her head again. Zhou Wenhui and everyone around her were stunned. Qingkong smiled and said to Zhou Wenhui:

"So I analyze you and me. We should be the same person and have the same parameters. The difference is that you are less than 30 years old this year, and I am almost 530 years old. I have 500 years more parameters than you. These 500 Years have made us different people. If you were me, how would you choose? Should I be friends with my peers, or kill you and make me unique?"

Zhou Wenhui looked at the woman who looked the same as herself in the cage, completely numb and didn't know how to answer.

"It really surprises me that such a thing would happen. So what do you think, Qingkong? You have to know that if we don't kill them, we won't be able to return to our main world."

Satan told the truth behind Qingkong.

"Well, speaking of which, I really miss many things from 500 years ago. Meng Liang, and Chen Meier, the woman who killed my brother. I later became friends with her... It's really interesting to think about it. Son.

Okay Satan, maybe you shouldn't waste your time. I've already told you that the man fighting Xiongba and Zhanlong on the wall is Meng Liang. He is the strongest at the beginning of the Doomsday. You see, Xiongba and Zhanlong are not his opponents. At this time, Klein, Lan Keduo, Jianfeng and others should be fighting in the city. So silly Satan, you really shouldn't care about me. "

Sa snorted coldly, turned around and said to the back:

"Rui Er, you go to replace Zhongba and Zhanlong. I want you to kill this man named Meng Liang quickly. ”

Rui Er is a woman who looks very quiet and mature. She should be about 30 years old, but her real age is unknown.

In the post-apocalyptic era, people always have some means to keep themselves young and not get old, or means to rejuvenate, so the appearance does not represent age.

As the sixth most powerful master on the battle power list, Rui Er really does not have the temperament of a master. She looks like a housewife. She smiles when she speaks and has a very natural blush.

Satan called her, Rui Er nodded slightly, and then stepped on the void and walked towards the city wall.

Satan smiled and returned to Qingkong.

"Okay, this matter is indeed very complicated, so I respect the Palace Master's wife, let's wait until we kill Meng Liang, and then consider how to deal with your fan, how about it? Hahaha. "

Looking at Rui Er leaving, Qing Kong shook his head slightly.

"Don't underestimate Meng Liang. After all, he was once a great man in my mind. At that time, I even forgot my hatred and let go of the fact that my brother was killed. I began to love Meng Liang. That kind of love is light, but it is actually very deep. Zhou Wenhui, am I right? Is everything I said reflect your mood at this moment?"

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