The next thing is very simple. Qingkong kills Klein. The poor soul will return to the real world and enter deep sleep. It is not certain when he wakes up. It may be a hundred years later in the real world, and the time in the real world is different from the first one. In system 7, the time in the first world is basically the same. After the controller of this closed dungeon, Klein, died, the dungeon ended naturally, and a prompt sounded in everyone's ears.

To Meng Liang's surprise, after completing the dungeon mission, Jianfeng Qingkong and others were teleported away and returned to the world they came from.

A little depressed, Meng Liang originally thought that he could keep them as powerful helpers, but he thought it would be better to leave. After all, she killed Qingkong's son. She didn't know whether she held a grudge or not.

Jianfeng and Qingkong were not in a good mood after returning to this world. Qingkong died of his son, and Jianfeng lost the person he respected, Klein.

"Elder Xingkong, do you think we have a chance to meet Meng Liang?"

Jianfeng asked Qingkong.

Qing Qingkong sighed and shook her head:

"No matter what, this is the end of the world. Who can see whom? We should try our best to survive first."

"Kill your son, don't you want revenge?"

"That's also your fiancé..."

"But you know, I don't like Mu Xue."

"Well, I don't plan to take revenge. I think if I meet Meng Liang again next time, I will definitely not be his opponent. Why do you want to take revenge? It's not easy for me to live for 500 years. I don't want to be fragrant and jade. Death, isn’t it just a son? Rebirth!”

The two women led the team back to the Snow Palace. It can be said that they gained nothing from this trip and suffered heavy losses.

Meng Liang also suffered heavy losses, but he himself was the beneficiary. Now Meng Liang is a stronger fighter. He should have been excited, but there were people dying around him, so he couldn't laugh, but it was true. Not much sadness.

After burning all the bodies, Meng Liang announced that he was going to leave immediately and return to the safe house.

He has been away for too long, and now he just wants to go back to the safe house to rest and adjust for a while, and then go to the north to find his family.

In addition to these, there are upgrades to fight monsters. Meng Liang knows that he is still far away from the future. He has only reached level 3, and the clear sky is already level 5. He believes that there will be stronger existences after level 5, so he cannot actually relax. .

After experiencing such an incident, Liang Fei from Daliang City felt that he should go with Meng Liang, because Meng Liangliang performed so well. He is a person who knows the end of the world. He also understands what will happen after the end of the world. He can even go there. The real world can be said to be an invincible key. If it fails, we must use this key to end the apocalypse.

How could such a person give up?

So after Meng Liang made his decision, Liang Fei came to Meng Liang in person and wanted to go with him.

Meng Liang doesn't care anymore, so just follow him. What else can he do?

The large group of people set off two days later, destined for Meng Liang's safe house.

They are all in this mountain, so the team always seems too large. Occasionally, they will encounter some wandering individuals. When they see them, they will flee far away. Only those who cannot survive will come up to pray for mercy.

Zhu Hong once again assumed the role of military trainer. Although the killing was not as heavy as before, Zhu Hong was not so kind and would not accept these useless people unless they were beautiful women.

"Women can be used as assets, especially the good-looking ones. Take them away."

In a small camp in a mountain forest, there were dozens of people, and among the dozens of people there were about seven or eight beauties.

"No! Why are you all doing this? You can't take away our women!"

The men shouted excitedly, but just now they had a fight with Zhu Hong's people. They were all surrounded by unarmed people. Deadly weapons were pressed against them. They could only shout, but they didn't dare. action.

Zhu Hong smiled coldly, and then pointed to the deep ditch behind the small camp.

"What's going on with the human bones here?"

When the men heard this, their faces all changed and they stopped talking, while the women also looked pale.

"With so many human bones piled up here, it seems that you have done a lot of evil in the apocalypse, so don't pretend to be a good bird with me. We are all hawks who eat meat. It just depends on who is more powerful!"

After speaking, Zhu Hong ordered these people to be killed directly, and then robbed their things before continuing on the road.

Meng Liang was walking nearby at that time, yawning as he walked to the ditch.

That's why he likes his aunt. That's what's good about her. She never blinks when she kills people. Although he is the same now, he wouldn't have been so cold-blooded before he entered the war world 7 years ago.

While he was thinking about his dream, he frowned because he could clearly see the bones in the deep trench.

It's clean, with some signs of being chewed on.

It reminded Meng Liang of the time when he was eating ribs at home, eating all the meat on the bones, including the tendons and brains.

Meng Liang was already retching at the thought of this. He knew what kind of evil things had happened in this camp. They should really be cut into pieces.

So Meng Liang spat coldly at a nearby corpse, and then continued on his way with the people.

Chen Meier and Luo Yuhuan always seemed to want to talk to Meng Liang about something, because they knew that Meng Liang left Qingqianqian and felt that Meng Liang was very strange at this time. They wanted to use communication to improve their relationship. Get closer.

It was just that they kept rushing, and at night Meng Liang always wanted to do that with them. It was no nonsense at all. The two women were very resentful, feeling that they had no spiritual communication with Meng Liang.

Moreover, Meng Liang went too far. At first, he slept here today and there tomorrow, and later they even slept together.

At first they were not willing, but that's how women are. When you marry a chicken, you will follow the chicken, and when you marry a dog, you will follow the dog. If they can't check and balance Meng Liang, they can only listen to him.

As they approached their destination, with almost 100 kilometers to go, they arrived at a small gathering place of survivors, and by this time the food they carried was almost used.

The aunt came to Meng Liang and made a suggestion.

"There are probably more than 2,000 people in this town. Why don't we go in and rob them."

Meng Liang frowned, looked at his aunt and said:

"Don't you have the final say in this kind of thing? If you want to rob it, just go and rob it. You don't have to ask me."

The aunt rolled her eyes at Meng Liang and said coldly.

"But you are the leader after all, and you still have to make decisions on some big things."

"Is this a big deal?"

Meng Liang had no consciousness at all.

"Well, you are the leader. Of course you can eat whatever you have. But you have to know that many people in our team haven't had enough to eat for two or three days."

"Then why bother? Just go and rob them."

Meng Liang proudly gave grand orders to his aunt.

My aunt frowned slightly and sighed:

"Are you sure? I have sent spies to go around the city. After the spies came out, they gave me an answer, saying that all the people in this city are holy mothers and good people!"

Meng Liang's eyes widened when he heard this. Two years after the end of the world, he actually met more than 2,000 Holy Mothers. Is this a fucking joke?

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