Everyone didn't understand where Meng Liang's confidence came from this time. With so many people here, couldn't he be afraid? They don't know enough about the end of the world, and they don't understand what the combatants in the end of the world can achieve.

It was Xu Jialu. This girl was so decisive. She actually raised her hand to Meng Liang and pulled the trigger.

Since Meng Liang dared to come out, of course he had paid extra attention.

He reached out and grabbed the bullet and held it in his fist. It was like the Fire Cloud Evil God catching the bullet in the old kung fu movies. It was even more evil than that.

Everyone on the other side looked stupid.

Meng Liang will never be polite once he takes action.

He directly carried the little boy to Xu Jialu's side, knocked out one of his teeth, and lay on the ground and fainted.

Now that we are outnumbered and outnumbered, we must strike first to gain the upper hand.

Meng Liang had already seen a few people he didn't like and targeted them, and they also had guns on them.

"Everyone, please listen to me. Throw all your guns to me now. I will kill anyone who has a gun."

While he was talking, Meng Liang had already held Kui Niang's Blade in his hand, and rushed into the crowd like a wolf into a flock of sheep, killing all the people who looked displeased and who were carrying guns.

It's too easy for him, it's just a matter of one knife.

However, the people nearby turned their backs and wanted to resist.

Meng Liang directly activated the ability of Desert Guyan, and a tornado was sent out from his body. This move may not be very useful against big bosses now, but for these ordinary humans, it is simply a magical weapon.

Everyone was immediately swept up by the tornado. They were thrown off their helmets and armor. After landing, they were all stunned and had no idea where they were.

Meng Liang walked over, grabbed the mayor, threw the child to Dong Cunhua next to him, and after eating, said to the mayor:

"I've told you, I'm very friendly and very polite. Just bring me the food. Why do you need to die, why do you need to see blood?"

The mayor of the town, Wang Anmin, was trembling. In his eyes, Meng Liang was simply a murderer, which broke his will.

"Please don't kill me, don't kill me."

Finally, Wang Anmin revealed his true nature, which surprised Meng Liang.

He originally thought that Wang Anmin was just a virgin, but now it seemed that he was simply a coward.

At the same time, Meng Cunhua cried again, holding her child and looking at her husband.

Until the moment of life and death, don't talk about humanity at all.

Dong Cunhua never dreamed that this man who had been married to her for seven or eight years would be so cowardly in the face of death, crying like a child.

In fact, the people around him are all similar to the mayor. They have never experienced the life and death of the apocalypse, but they have admitted some outsiders, so they have heard a little about the terrible cruelty of the apocalypse.

Now that Meng Liang has shown such strength, they think that they may soon become human beings in the so-called doomsday. It is simply too scary. Some women have cried in fear, and some people have been so scared that their legs are weak and they have fallen to their knees.

These may be good people, but they are also a group of sheep. They have become extremely selfish due to the external environment. Under this selfishness, they are more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Things suddenly became simple. Meng Liang quickly got what he wanted. Now they just wanted to send Meng Liang away and didn't want him to stay any longer.

There was a lot of food for 5 days, and a cart was full. Meng Liang pulled a cart towards his camp. When he turned back, the city gate was closed again. No one knew how long they could hold on in the doomsday. I should be of good use to them after all. I believe they will not let outsiders in in the future, nor will they open their ceiling.

Thinking of this, Meng Liang said to himself:

"I really didn't take your food in vain."

Just like that, we returned to the camp. After everyone had a full meal, Meng Liang told everyone that the people who lived in the city were not the Virgin at all, but actually cowards.

Everyone laughed while listening, and it was getting later, so they simply set up a tent here to sleep.

Around midnight, Meng Liang was awakened by the howling of zombies in the distance, and he immediately turned over and sat up.

Luo Yuhuan and Chen Meier beside them have also sat up and are looking for clothes.

There isn't much space in the tent, but clothes are messy if you throw them away before going to bed, so you have to look for them in the dark.

Meng Liang asked:

"What's going on?"

Chen Meier said:

"The Coward City you mentioned has a large number of zombies nearby. The spies came back and said that the leader should be a regimental zombie king, right? The number is estimated to be tens of thousands, and the city is about to be surrounded."

"Oh, isn't this city afraid of the Corpse King?"

"I don't know if the defense here is good. Anyway, my aunt said that the regimental corpse king is smashing the wall. He is a giant, more than 20 meters tall, and his whole body is full of muscles. The wall is shaking. Well, if he keeps smashing If you don’t go down, the wall’s defensive capabilities will be damaged.”

“So that’s how it is”

"Yes, my aunt said we won't set up camp here. Everyone has already gotten up and started cleaning up. We will soon bypass this city and the zombies and continue to the northwest."

Meng Liang took a breath. Really, he couldn't sleep well.

No one wants to provoke the zombie army. If they have no choice, they will not lead a team to eliminate them without meeting anyone. Even if Meng Liang's team may have such strength, they will not try.

After all, fighting means death. If the two sides come into contact, even if they can kill all the zombies, it is estimated that 700 to 800 people will die on their side. It is meaningless.

About 20 minutes later, the team packed up everything and set off. They walked 10 kilometers northwest and unexpectedly met the cowards in the city.

It turned out that the huge regiment zombie king actually knocked a hole in the city wall, and many small zombies could crawl in.

This scared the people inside to death. They didn't dare to contact the zombies at all. They didn't even take anything and ran out of the city gate directly and fled all the way here.

Meng Liang and his team walked, while these people fled, so they ran faster. When Meng Liang met them, they were sitting on the ground to rest. A large group of black people looked a little weird under the moonlight.

Of course, these people were also looking at Meng Liang's team. They didn't know that this team belonged to Meng Liang.

Seeing so many people, the other party was a little scared, but in the end they pushed the timid mayor to the front and asked him to come over to communicate.

Wang Anmin didn't look like a coward at all. He had always appeared as a sunny man for so many years, and it was not until today that he was set up.

So he looked a little haggard at this time.

When he came in front of everyone, he smiled and said:

"Everyone, are you also a team of doomsday survivors? We are too, hehehe!"

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