Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0423 A multiple choice question

Meng Liang paused here, and then continued the topic, but the direction changed. What you see, the people behind me are the team in the base, and the name of this team is Tyrant.

The leader of the Tyrant team is me, my name is Meng Liang, now let me introduce myself to you, then I am a master of the 3rd level, the 3rd level of the fighter, some of you may not understand, then it is more than 300 levels, my blood volume is hundreds of thousands, the attack power is very strong, a level 50 small camp corpse king, or a camp army corpse king, I can basically kill it with one sword, I heard that the regiment army corpse king broke through your city wall before, so I probably won’t need 10 swords to get rid of the regiment army corpse king, so you can imagine how powerful I am. "

The people in the team behind Meng Liang puffed out their chests, because their boss was bragging, and it wasn't bragging, he really had the strength.

The people on the opposite side were all stunned. It only took 10 swords to kill the Corps King. It was the terrifying guy who broke through their wall before. If Meng Liang was there, that thing couldn't break the wall at all. It was killed with 10 swords. Is the person in front of him so powerful?

It is indeed possible, after all, he said he was over level 300.

People also reacted at this time, how could there be such a high-level person here? They are at most level 15, and they are still a minority, most of them are level 1 or 2, level 2 or 3, level 3 or 4.

Meng Liang was very satisfied with the silly looks and stunned eyes of the people on the opposite side.

Don't brag only about yourself.

During this period of time, Meng Liang and his team actually killed a lot of zombies, and they were all high-level, so some low-level people can get a lot of rich experience rewards by killing high-level monsters.

My aunt implements a system of all people as soldiers, uh, some people have the function of teaming, so Zhu Hong asked these people to start teaming and form upgrade groups.

Now This team of 2,000 people, even the seven or eight-year-old children are all at level 30 or 40, and they all have combat capabilities. Of course, such young children have few opportunities to participate in actual combat, and lack actual combat experience, but they are also better than the people on the opposite side.

So the average level is basically over level 50, and about 1,000 of them are over level 80.

The first-level fighters are not only my grandmother, Luo Yuhuan, Chen Mei'er, and Li Xiangyue.

There are also Li Xiangyue's grandfather's group.

In other words, there are now about 10 first-level fighters.

Meng Liang called them out and asked them to show their abilities and detailed parameters.

The people on the opposite side were dazzled again, it was simply too powerful. If they also had such a powerful ability, then it would be impossible to give up the city wall before, and they could completely defend it.

At this point, Meng Liang's early preparations were over.

Then he said the theory of my grandmother, and then said what he wanted to express in the end.

"So we only want women and children. The women here can bring children under 15 years old to join our team, and we will take you back to the base together.

Oh, by the way, the women I'm talking about are those under 45 years old. Those over 45 are considered old people, so we don't want them. Well, that is to say, we want women between 0 and 45 years old and children between 0 and 15 years old.

Many of you women may have already started a family, with a husband and family.

So we don't force you to be with your husband and family. Those who are willing to give up and change their lives can join us.

Okay, now I give you half an hour to think about it, and after half an hour, you can choose your side.

Mayor Wang, didn't you let someone choose your side for your son before? Then I'll give you a choice this time.

Do you think this game is fun? "

Wang Anmin was stunned.

He felt that this game was not fun at all, because it meant that many women might abandon their families. Meng Liang described the doomsday so horrible and described them so powerful. The answer was obvious.

Just as Meng Liang finished speaking, Dong Cunhua ran from the other team with her child in her arms and came to Meng Liang.

"I am willing to go with you"

Meng Liang laughed. It was obvious that Dong Cunhua was completely disappointed with her husband, or she was simply a selfish person.

Meng Liang was not afraid of accepting bad guys into his team.

Although he liked good people, he knew very well that in this doomsday, bad guys were more likely to survive.

He stretched out his hand to shake hands with Dong Cunhua, and then smiled:

"Very good, you made the most correct choice. In this doomsday, you have the greatest guarantee. Welcome to join us. ”

Because of Dong Cunhua’s leadership, some women who were afraid of death began to waver quickly, and then either took their children away or left on their own.

In a short while, more than 200 women had joined Meng Liang’s team.

The men on Wang Anmin’s side were very conflicted. They went from being cowardly to angry because they might lose their wives and women.

So the team began to be chaotic, and the men held the women around them to prevent them from leaving.

The women themselves were still hesitant, but facing the obstruction of their men, some began to resist and cry.

Of course, there were more women who had left the team and were running towards Meng Liang. Meng Liang saw a person among them. Wasn't this Xu Jialu? This was Dong Cunhua's cousin, a woman who had shot at him twice and was finally knocked unconscious by him with one punch, knocking out a tooth.

Meng Liang reached over and pulled her over.

When the woman saw Meng Liang, her face turned pale, she gasped slightly and opened her mouth. Meng Liang could see her missing front teeth, and of course her lips were swollen like sausages.

"Hehe, Xu Jialu, oh, isn't this the person who killed me before? How dare you come to me?"

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have shot you, I was wrong, I was wrong, please take me in, I beg you."

She was really a character, able to bend and stretch, and actually knelt down to hug Meng Liang's thighs, looked up, and faced Meng Liang with a face full of pleading.

Meng Liang pouted and didn't want to pay attention to her.

Looking back at the aunt, she said:

"This is the woman I mentioned who shot me. Aunt, you watch her carefully and train her well to make her obedient."

Zhu Hong smiled and nodded, saying:

"Don't worry, I will make her lose a layer of skin in less than two months. I like people with extreme personalities because they can be trained to become the strongest warriors."

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