The final outcome was that Meng Liang did lend him a tent, so Meng Liang planned to stay in another tent tonight, which seemed a bit crowded. Zhou Wenhui, Enchantress and Li Xiangyue came with them, and their tents were lent out.

There were too many women. As soon as they entered the tent, Chen Meier and Luo Yuhuan glared at themselves.

Meng Liang smiled stupidly and said:

"I don't think I have anywhere to sleep tonight. How about we just make do with it together."

Zhou Wenhui immediately clapped her welcome, and the enchantress also winked. Li Xiangyue looked nervous. Luo Yuhuan in front saw this situation and pushed Meng Liang out directly.

The two of them are not stupid. Meng Liang is obviously a piece of fat, and many women are waiting to take a bite. How can they expose Meng Liang to their mouths, so under the same roof, it is absolutely impossible.

Meng Liang was helpless. Since he couldn't live here, he would go find Du Mei.

But Du Mei had to live in a tent with his brother and sister-in-law tonight, and Meng Liang felt it was a bit inconvenient.

Forget it, just be a night watchman and go find a place nearby to sleep, which means sleeping while watching what's going on around you.

This is really one monk who has water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink. Now he has three women, and he has no place to sleep. Oh, it is unreasonable.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’πšπš πš”πšŠπš—.πšŒπš˜πš–]

Meng Liang left when he had a plan, and walked southwest for almost 1 kilometer, when he found a small forest.

This place is good, the trees are big enough, and there are enough weeds. You can completely hide yourself in the woods.

Meng Liang directly chopped down several big trees, first removed the branches, and then used Kui Niang to break the big trees into pieces of planks. Then he moved all the planks to the big trees and spread them between the two big tree branches. , which forms an oblique triangular plank bed.

This kind of work didn't take much time, because Kui Niang was too sharp for the wood, so she cut it directly into the board, just like cutting tofu with a knife.

He lay down and took a breath. When he went to bed at night, he didn't think much about things. This was a habit of living on the edge of the battlefield for seven years. Because he had no time to think about things, he was already exhausted after coming off the battlefield.

So Meng Liang fell asleep after a while.

The wilderness of Doomsday is actually very quiet, but tonight is a bit special.

Wang Anmin's group is facing hunger and they haven't eaten at night.

This is nothing before the end of the world. Isn’t it just missing a meal?

But for low-level people in the apocalypse, this is terrifying.

Many people's blood volume is already less than 10, and those at level 1 are already less than 5.

So they began to be more eager to get some food from Meng Liang's camp.

The night watchmen on Meng Liang's side naturally drove them away when they saw them approaching.

The night watchmen did not receive clear orders on how to treat these people.

Meng Liang's men were all ruthless, so some of them started killing people.

When the people on Wang Anmin's side saw that someone had been killed, they were very frightened and no longer dared to approach, or even stayed away.

While Meng Liang was sleeping, they finally moved to the grove here and found that it was a good place, so they came in one after another.

Of course this woke up Meng Liang. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was a little confused because he was already surrounded by this group of people.

Well, they don't know whether they should sleep or continue sleeping anyway.

But just after waking up, Meng Liang couldn't sleep. When he closed his eyes, he could hear everyone's voices in the entire camp.

Meng Liang's parameters have changed, but the ability to enhance the five senses has not disappeared, and it is stronger than before. However, this is not included in the system parameters, which means that it is a dark attribute.

Within a diameter of more than a thousand meters, he could accurately hear what people were saying.

Soon, a conversation between a couple attracted Meng Liang's attention.

"Actually, you should go with them. Only when you get there can you have a guarantee of survival. I chatted with the foreigner from before, and he told me that the current apocalypse is very cruel. The zombie levels are basically above After reaching level 50, people like us who have no level will have no way to survive when we encounter them. Apart from running away, we may not necessarily run faster than them. "

This is a man talking, and the woman opposite must be his wife.

"If you go with them, we'll be separated from you forever. Are you really willing to do that?"

"I don't want to give up, but what can I do? It's better for you to survive than for both of us to die, right?"

"We have all lived in the apocalypse for so long, we may not die. I don't like the leader opposite. Although he is handsome and seems like a good person, his heart is crooked."

Meng Liang laughed, was his heart crooked? Maybe he was just thinking about how to live a better life, which is absolutely correct.

"Okay, honey, let's not say so much. Since you didn't choose the past, you can't choose now. I just hope we can be lucky."

"Well, yes, hubby, we will definitely have good luck. I think we can find another gathering place and continue to hide for a few years. In that case, we can have a child and our marriage will be better." Perfect, I want a baby”

Meng Liang frowned slightly, then sighed.

The world has changed, and it is easier for bad people to survive. He also recognizes this, so he brought a group of timid women who gave up their principles to his side.

Compared with this woman, those women who came to him seemed not loyal enough, which made him sneer at them. But he still chose the bad women instead of the good women, because if the good women came, they would have to accept their husbands, their parents, and other burdens.

Continue to listen to others talking, in fact, they are all the same. These women are really good, and they are all evaluating their faults. Some even say that they are perverted.

"I am sure he is a perverted grandpa. Don't worry, I will definitely continue to live in this doomsday with you and grandma."

This voice is very nice, so Meng Liang paid attention to it.

And it sounds like she should be young, probably around 20 years old or 17 or 18 years old.

Meng Liang understood as soon as he heard it. She didn't come to his side because of her grandparents.

At this time, an old man sighed and said:

"Alas, why are you still saying this? I asked you to go there, but you refused to go. Your parents died when the doomsday broke out. We have no relatives left. Only the three of us depend on each other. Now you have a chance to survive, why don't you go? How many years can your grandma and I live?"

"Grandpa and grandma, you are only 60 years old. You still have a lot of years to live. It is not impossible to live to 100 years old like my great-grandfather."

After hearing this, the grandfather sighed again, this time his voice was a little low, as if talking to himself:

"Living to 100 years old in such a doomsday world, haha, granddaughter, you must have had a dream."

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