Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0434: Trine's Bedroom

It turns out that this little girl is Cui Na's cousin. It seems that Cui Na is the type of honest official, while her cousin Zhao Fangyan and another girl Luo Haiqiong are the ones who receive guests.

If this is the case, perhaps Cui Na's fate is not so tragic. At least there are two young and beautiful girls to help her. Under normal circumstances, she should be able to resist. After all, these two little girls are really good-looking and young and energetic.

It's a pity that Meng Liang didn't think about such complicated things. At this time, he just wanted to have more contact with Cui Na.

"No, I want her."

Cui Na's face became paler, gritted her teeth, stood up and cheered up.

"Okay, then the king, please go to that room first, I'll pack up and come."

Meng Liang nodded and walked into a bedroom pointed by Cui Na.

"Cousin, what should I do?"

"Yes, sister, you have never done this with a man."

"What's wrong with this person? Why doesn't he choose us two?"

When the old man and the old lady saw this situation, they directly brought the little Dan slave into the house, not wanting him to hear it.

Seeing her son gone, Cui Na sighed.

"Sisters, after I came, my husband became a Chen Shimei. Only you two were willing to help me. You have taken care of us mother and son too much. I am older than you, how can I be irresponsible? This is the end of the world. Don't worry, I am ready, and I think I am very lucky. At least he is handsome, isn't he?"

The two young girls sighed after hearing Cui Na say this, and finally said:

"Yes, he is very handsome, and the key is that he has temperament. I have contacted him for a while, and I feel that I have never seen such a type in the end of the world.

"Yes, I feel that he is very stable and very secure."

"Well, yes, alas, there are really not many men who feel very secure now. Let's do this, sister, since you have decided to go into the sea, let's try to win the prize at once. I will bring you my sexiest clothes, you go and put them on, and try to seduce him to become your brother-in-law, wouldn't that be great? "

The two girls became excited when they talked about this, and even took Cui Na to the room to dress her up.

Meng Liang listened and laughed, thinking that these women might also be trying to have fun in misery, or that they have adapted to this lifestyle.

If they can be self-satisfied, then they can laugh. It has been so long since the doomsday, and they are still alive. This must be very difficult.

This room is not too big.

Because they are all post-apocalyptic buildings, it is enough to be able to live in, and there is no requirement for a lot of space.

There is a bed in the room, a shabby desk cabinet, a wardrobe, a washbasin, and some toiletries. There is nothing else.

The bed is quite big, probably Jin Na and her son sleep here.

Meng Liang opened the wardrobe to see that the clothes are OK. Quite a lot .

After all, clothes are no longer a necessity in the apocalypse. Just a little is enough, so these clothes look very cheap. I have seen people willing to exchange a sack of clothes for a bite of bread in the market before.

Women all love beauty. When I came in, I didn’t see anyone wearing better clothes. There should be a lot of clothes in the city. This shows that the zombies in the big city have not been conquered yet. Yes, now the zombies have been upgraded and are not so easy to deal with.

Meng Liang has already started to think about repaying his gratitude. If he has a chance, he will go into the city to see if there are any beautiful clothes and gold jewelry in the jewelry stores in the city where he used to live. He will bring back more, not only to give to Cui Na, but also to his own woman.

They followed him on the road and slept in the open air. , not particular about food, not particular about clothes, especially Chen Mei'er and Luo Yuhuan, they used to be the eldest daughters, and they have suffered a lot during this period. Let them stay there and enjoy themselves when they return to the base.

Then he killed monsters and upgraded himself, and left for the north after a rest.

Meng Liang was not anxious at all. The doomsday had been going on for so long. If his parents had been in trouble, it would have happened a long time ago.

However, he had good wishes in his heart. After all, his family ran a martial arts school, so they must have an advantage when the doomsday broke out. As long as they did not become zombies at the beginning, they would have the ability to survive.

So Meng Liang thought his parents must still be alive.

He walked to the window and sat down directly, then lay on the bed. Oh, this bed is not bad, very comfortable, and the bedding is very clean and dry.

This one Even if we came across some small villages on the way, the beddings and other things were either too dirty to use or too damp. The luggage we carried with us was also very damp.

Wow, it was rare to sleep so comfortably.

Meng Liang was very satisfied. He lay there for a while and fell asleep.

This was related to the long-term journey. There was no distinction between day and night. Sometimes he couldn't sleep well at night. As the leader of the team, Meng Liang played a very important role, so he was in a state of fatigue for a long time. Now he found a comfortable bed and fell asleep naturally.

Cui Na was dressed up by her two sisters like a little fairy. When she came in, she found that this man was sleeping comfortably.

He was completely stunned. What was wrong with this king? Shouldn't they sleep together? Why did he lie on her bed and sleep so sweetly?

Cui Na didn't understand the situation at all. At first, she thought Meng Liang was pretending to sleep. As a result, she waited until the evening and Meng Liang didn't get up.

During the nearly three-hour process, Trina was at a loss in the familiar room.

But because the time was long enough, she also saw Meng Lian's face clearly.

He is so handsome. Why does he look so pleasing to the eye? It seems familiar, but no matter how much I think about it, I can't remember where I have seen him before. Maybe I have never seen him before, but I just have a chance to meet him.

Trina couldn't help but sigh. Even before the apocalypse, and after the apocalypse, she had never seen a man who pleased her like this in such a long time.

So Trina sighed more and more, it's the end of the world, why do you still care about the woman's reserve?

Maybe it's time to let go. The man in front of you is an opportunity.

When she thought of this, Trina felt much calmer.

After all, in this doomsday world, women simply cannot match the value of a mouthful of food. Faced with this situation, they always need to find a man to change their values. This one is just right.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and Trina immediately became nervous. She had not felt this nervous for a long time. She was already 30 years old, and she had not felt this way for a long time.

"You...you woke up?"

Her voice was small and sounded a little weak.

"Uh, wake up, I'll go, it's a really comfortable sleep."

Seeing Meng Liang stretching like a big child, happy because of a satisfying nap, this made Trina feel a little dazed, and then she couldn't help but smile.

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