Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0437 Your social circle is really chaotic

Trina was dumbfounded again. When was this? What kind of situation is this? What's going on? Why so many stories? Meng Liang started speaking before Trina could agree.

This story takes place before the end of the world and is about something Meng Liang experienced at home since he was a child.

"I am a very contradictory person, do you know why? Because of my dad.

My dad is an old man, not open-minded at all, and always supervises me.

Our family runs a martial arts school, which teaches people martial arts... I don’t know exactly what martial arts it is. It may be a combination of ancient Chinese martial arts and free fighting. Anyway, our family’s boxing style is practical, which means beating. People are more powerful.

I grew up in a martial arts gym and practiced with those kids every day. It was very hard and very tiring.

Later, I went to war, and my father beat me. He beat me back and forth, which formed a rather contradictory character in me.

That is to say, in my heart, I am actually a beast. I am very eager to fight with others, but my dad suppresses me and prevents me from making trouble or causing trouble. This makes me a bit inconsistent, a bit... …how to say? Dual personality, not very balanced..."

Meng Liang began to elaborate on some of his personality problems, and talked about how his life experience affects his personality.

Trina was completely confused. This was not the script she had imagined.

They both had little clothes on and were hugging each other like this.

Why would you tell her a story? why why? Why?

More than 10,000 question marks flashed back and forth in my mind.

As Meng Liang told it, Trina gradually listened.

Through these stories, she comes to know the man.

When I first met him, I couldn't tell his depth. I felt that he was very profound and very tall. Maybe he was from a different world than me.

However, after listening to Meng Liang's story, Trina understood that Meng Liang was actually very simple. He was similar to the big boy next door before the end of the world. He was a boy who was controlled by his parents, but was wild at heart and had many little ideas. A young man like a calf is not afraid of a tiger.

This invisibly shortened the distance between her and Meng Liang. The distance was shortened, the previous sense of strangeness was gone, and the fear was even gone.

So while listening to Meng Liang's story, Trina took the initiative to put her hand on Meng Liang's chest.

The feel is really perfect, and it's so sturdy.

She couldn't help but press her hands on Meng Liang's chest. It was still very strong, but seemed to have some elasticity, and pushed her fingers up again.

This is real living muscle. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

"Then I ran away. I really hated being at home. I felt that if I didn't leave home, I would always be controlled by my dad.

After arriving at this place, do you know what I went through? I hadn't been working for long when I met a man, an old man. He asked me to be his son-in-law. Do you think it's strange? "

"It's quite strange. Is his daughter good-looking?"

Trina gave Meng Liang a response. At this time, her heart was finally completely calm. She thought it would be good to talk like this. She hadn't felt like this in a long time. She lay in a warm, hard and secure embrace, and then listened. He whispered in his ear.

Suddenly I found that I had fallen in love with this feeling and couldn't let go.

All this happened too quickly for her, because the man hugging her was a completely strange man.

In fact, he is no stranger to me anymore. He told a lot about him.

"Oh, I thought this girl must be ugly, so I wanted to go see her with her. But guess what, she's super beautiful! I fell in love with her the first time I saw her."

"Ah, she turned out to be a beautiful woman, so you agreed."

"Then why don't you agree? Tell me, she is a very good-looking beauty. It can be regarded as love at first sight for me. I fell in love with her at first sight, and she didn't need any gift money or anything from me to prepare and we could get married directly. How could I not agree?"

Meng Liang sighed when he said this, recalled the first meeting, and then said:

"Well, if I were asked to choose again, I probably wouldn't choose it. But at that time, I really felt like I fell in love directly. She was too young. After marrying her, I thought that her academic qualifications were not good enough. The tall family is wealthy and has a wide social circle. They are not on the same level as us at all.

So I put away my playful nature and pretended to be a bear. I thought I was the son-in-law who came to my house, so shouldn’t I pretend to be a good person? I don’t quarrel with others, I don’t get angry easily, and I speak politely. Doesn’t this make me look elegant? I thought pretty girls like them would like this.

Oh, I didn’t expect that she ignored me and ignored me. She has been like this for two years. Huh, I want to divorce her. I can’t live like this. "

"So are you divorced?"

Trina is more concerned about this, because at this moment she really wants to take this man as her own. This is her ambition, which is very strong.

"No, it wasn't the apocalypse anymore. The apocalypse broke out, and then we separated by chance. It's been more than a year since we separated, and we haven't seen each other. I came back here from outside to find her. "

"Ah, she is on the mountain?"

"Well, it's around here anyway, but don't worry. Oh, when I said I came to see her, I didn't actually want to reconnect with her. Alas, the key point is that it's not easy. Anyway, I just came back to have a look."


Trina's voice was very low, and she was very disappointed now. It turned out that this man came back to find a woman, so he was destined not to be hers.

"Actually, I'm too embarrassed to look for her again. Do you know why? Because I was out of town for more than a year, wandering around, and met two of my wife's best friends. The three of them were eldest ladies back then. They are both the second generation of rich people, so we have a very good relationship, but as you know in the apocalypse, these two eldest ladies have no ability and must rely on me to protect them. As a result, we didn't pay attention and accidentally slept together. "


Trina was confused again, she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"What should we do? What about these two women? I mean your wife's best friends."

"Well, they came back with me, but now they are in the camp outside. I will go in first to explore the way, and then they will come back."

"It's like this. You actually have two women. Can they live in harmony? I mean, what kind of relationship is this?"

"Friends, of course, we are friends beyond ordinary friends. Well, I also have a younger sister, who is actually about the same age as me. The relationship between us is quite complicated, so overall, I should have three women now. "


Trina was completely speechless, even forgetting her sadness, because this was too complicated. Trina only wanted to say four words, your circle is so chaotic!

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