Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0451 The master has a kind heart

This night was destined to be a whirlwind for Meng Liang and Qu Qiulan, but not for others. In the bases on both sides, almost everyone was talking about Meng Liang.

People's hearts are not so kind, not to mention that Meng Liang is not a kind person, they are not willing to change the status quo at all.

"Who is this person? This person is so simple-minded that he even wants to come back to be the leader."

"Even if he is at the 3rd level, what's wrong? Can so many people still be afraid of him?"

"I don't know what Bai Na, the leader of the White Army, was thinking. She didn't kill him at the time."

"Alas, this is a villain."

"So women are useless. We are led by 5 women. Now there is a man. They dare not rebel."

"Who said they dare not rebel? I tell you. The other women are not so simple. Is Hong Ling and Lan Miao easy to deal with? Hei Li's IQ is not sound at all. Now she has just accepted our worldview. She is happy to be the boss. Is she willing to give power to others?"

"So Bai Na is actually very smart. She knew that no one would agree, so she didn't take action at the time. After all, she is at the 3rd level."

"I don't want to change leaders anyway."

No one can count. If there is, Meng Liang will get a very depressed value, that is, 90% of people don't want him to be the boss.

Even including Qu Jiaolan.

The two chatted until late, it was already past 9 o'clock, and more than two hours had passed.

Qu Jiaolan was also a little tired, leaning on the sofa, sitting not very straight.

Her face was flushed, because Meng Liang told too many stories, these stories were happy and sad, making her laugh and cry, so she became like this, her whole body was weak and powerless, if Meng Liang did anything to her at this time, she probably wouldn't have the strength to resist.

They kept talking about topics that were not very serious, Qu Jiaolan began to reflect on herself, what was going on, why was she so happy to talk to Meng Liang about these things? It shouldn't be like this.

In fact, it's really not Miss Qu's fault, because Meng Liang's knowledge is too broad, and all the things he experienced in 8 years are the end of the world that Qu Jiaolan has not experienced.

In fact, this is meeting the right person at the right time.

The so-called time is of course this end of the world. If it weren't for the end of the world, Qu Jiaolan wouldn't feel so lonely.

And Meng Liang is really too special to her. When she was a girl, the only man with a special relationship was Meng Liang.

So this is the right time to meet the right person, so they can chat so happily.

But Qu Jiaolan just thinks it shouldn't be like this.

So, she began to guide the topic.

"Do you really want to be the boss? I haven't told you about this in detail. Now I tell you, in fact, I think most people in the camp may not like change, after all, it's quite stable now.

"Haha, it's quite stable now, but what about later, do you understand this world? The master has the virtue of benevolence, so I take care of your business, otherwise you think I am willing to be the boss, I am not the kind of tyrant who will start to be greedy for money and collect beauties after becoming the boss. I am not such a person. I am really selfless. Qu Jiaolan, do you believe me?"

"I don't believe you, anyway, this matter is not so easy to solve. If you want to be the boss, you have to be able to come up with a reason that convinces everyone, otherwise, let alone others, even I will not agree. You have been gone for more than a year, and it is not that you can kill two people cruelly. ”

Once she talked about business, Qu Jiaolan became serious.

Meng Liang certainly had something to show off.

After walking in the apocalypse for so long, he had seen and heard a lot, and he was not a fool.

It seemed that if he didn't show off something, Qu Jiaolan would really look down on him.

"Don't think I don't know your current base. As I said before, we must first clear all the zombies in this city, and then build a huge battlefield between the safe house and Suogong Mountain. We must trap the zombies and fight them..."

Dongliang told Qu Jiaolan about his layout and ideas in detail.

Xu Jiaolan didn't take it seriously at first, but she was surprised as she listened. Meng Liang's ideas were not very brilliant, but very specific and detailed.

It took Qu Jiaolan almost 20 minutes to listen, and then she couldn't help but sighed:

"Okay, I understand it in general. You must have been thinking about these plans early, right?"

"What do you think I was thinking about when I was trapped in another world for 7 years? At that time, I had just failed in the battle of Peak Mountain, and I was thinking about how to avoid such a thing from happening again. So I thought that we must fight guerrilla warfare in the face of the zombie tide. My plan may not be very good, but at least I think it is the most feasible way at present. "

Qu Jiaolan nodded after thinking seriously.

"Okay, I admit that what you said is indeed very right, so I can support you. Our problems do exist. Five women are in charge, and no one listens to anyone else. We really need a real leader to come out. I have to say that you are quite suitable. "

"Haha, so you recognize me?"

"Mr. Meng Liang, you are so old, do you still need recognition? How about letting me out, it's already late. "

"I have just made a decision. The door of this room will not be opened tonight. Qu Jiaolan, you can live here today. My bed is big enough to give you half. Anyway, the sofa is too small and you don't have enough sleep. "

"What are you talking about?"

Qu Jiaolan opened her eyes wide at once. It was obvious that she didn't expect Meng Liang to really not let him go.

Having said too many words, Meng Liang felt a little tired, so he closed his eyes again and smiled and said nothing.

The important reason for staying with Qu Jiaolan was that Chen Mei'er and Luo Yuhuan would probably come tomorrow morning. Meng Liang hoped to have some happy memories with Qu Jiaolan at this last moment, at least for himself.

Qu Jiaolan hesitated for a while and found that Meng Liang really ignored her. She wanted to rush over and beat him up. However, such a plot appeared in her eyes, the heroine chased the hero, and the hero took the heroine into his arms and nibbled her. This was too terrible.

Qu Jiaolan still didn't have the courage to beat Meng Liang.

She could only keep talking, and finally she was tired of talking, so she leaned on the sofa.

Only then did she realize that Meng Liang's sofa was really small, and this room was actually quite small.

Ah, yes, he lived in this place before the end of the world.

Speaking of which, the Qu family did wrong Meng Liang. She was married to him in a formal ceremony. But in the end, the villa was so big and there were so many rooms, but they only gave him the smallest one. It was really difficult for him.

Qu Jiaolan felt guilty when she thought of this, so she stopped talking and sat on the sofa with a pout. She didn't know whether she was angry or wronged, or she felt that Meng Liang was also very miserable.

The night road in the end of the world is never easy to walk, but in the night of the end of the world, there will always be people who rush on the road regardless of danger.

They may be starving and looking for food;

They may have lost their relatives and are looking for them;

They may also have a destination and can't wait to get back.

At this time, there are two teams of people rushing to the safe house territory.

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