Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0462: Small Courtyard in Town

This is a very special evening for Qu Jiaolan and Meng Liang. After entering the 4th level, Meng Liang has the ability to actively team up with others.

In fact, as the level continues to increase, some of Meng Liang's parameter attributes have been adjusted, but there is still no clear parameter description for this adjustment.

Meng Liang is different from everyone else. His strength is that he can no longer consider the blood volume.

There is no difference between dealing with level 1 zombies and level 100 zombies. They are all killed by bites or one knife.

For example, when encountering a zombie with 3 million blood, Meng Liang also cut off its head with one knife, which made Qu Jiaolan and Gao Lingyun stunned. It's too easy to kill zombies.

The three of them teamed up to kill zombies all the way to a small town. They were less than 20 kilometers away from the zombie army camp reported by the scout.

"I plan to stay here tonight and take a good look. If the zombie army is really coming, we will have to enter the first level of combat readiness. Things like celebrating festivals will no longer be possible."

Meng Liang said this to Qu Jiaolan. Qu Jiaolan seemed to think for a while before nodding:

"Okay, then live here and see if the zombies will come. If they don't come during the day tomorrow, we will go there and find out the specific situation. I heard that the spies dare not approach."

"Don't worry too much. The arrival of zombies is a crisis and an opportunity. We can definitely upgrade quickly by using our positions. Only after experiencing the baptism of fighting zombies can we really be considered a doomsday person."

Meng Liang was actually a bit of a chatterbox. His mind was not on talking to Qu Jiaolan at all, but thinking about the three people's trip. What kind of happy things should they find to do?

There are few happy things in the doomsday, so people need to take the initiative. Only by actively looking for happiness can they be happy.

The three entered the town and unexpectedly found that there were people in this town.

You have to know that they have actually been to many small towns and villages along the way, and there are no people.

The towns and villages are full of zombies or zombie corpses. Some have supplies, and some supplies have been cleared out long ago.

So the road to the end of the world is actually very desolate. It is a happy thing to encounter a small town with people in it in the end of the world.

Since there are people, this town is in a closed state, in fact, it is semi-closed.

There are a few houses in the northwest of the town, connected by walls.

Obviously, these walls were built later, and the purpose is to connect these houses to form a small closed community.

There are also zombies in other parts of the town, but they are all low-level zombies. They don’t know that there are still some people in the town.

Meng Liangqu Jiaolan Gao Lingyun sneaked into this closed little place.

The lowest section of the wall is about 4 meters high, which is good for blocking zombies, but not for people.

After walking around, they found that although the sparrow is small, it has everything, firewood stacks, vegetable fields, and even a few chickens.

The houses were all empty, and only one person was found in the end.

This somewhat disappointed Qu Jiaolan, who whispered in the corner.

"I thought that since there was such a small fenced-off block, there should be many people, why is there only one person?"

"You are right, there are indeed many people, but they are not here, but underground."

Meng Liang's ears are very useful, and he can hear the movements of many people underground.

Qu Jiaolan was a little surprised, because she didn't know Meng Liang had such good hearing, so she didn't know why Meng Liang knew there were people underground.

The man on the ground looked about 30 years old, an ordinary person, not a handsome guy, not ugly, with the right facial features, the kind of ordinary person who looks like a good person at first glance.

"Underground? What should we do now? Should we go and say hello to him?"

Qu Jiaolan asked.

At this time, the three of them hid behind the house, and from the window they could see that the man inside was walking around, as if he was preparing dinner.

There is a stove in the room, and this stove is very strange. After burning, the chimney obviously passes through the underground pipe, and then about 50 meters away, that is, outside this closed community, smoke comes out of the chimney in another room.

In other words, in order to prevent the smoke from attracting the target, the owner of the house dug an underground smoke exhaust channel.

Doomsday survivors, each of them has some skills, otherwise it is difficult to survive two years in the doomsday.

Meng Liang thought for a while, looked up at Gao Lingyun, and then said in a gentle tone:

"Old Gao, Qu Jiaolan and I have helped you level up three levels along the way, but you haven't killed a single zombie."

Gao Lingyun didn't expect Meng Liang to suddenly talk to him at this time.

Hearing Meng Liang say this in front of Qu Jiaolan, Gao Lingyun was a little dissatisfied, as if he was saying that he was a waste.

"It's not that I don't want to kill, but you are high-level and kill too fast, I don't have time to do it."

This made Qu Jiaolan almost roll her eyes.

People really can't have deep friendships.

I used to keep my distance from Gao Lingyun, and it felt really good to write to him every day, so I thought Gao Lingyun was my spiritual comfort, my big brother, and my secret crush.

But after getting to know him for a long time, I found that it was not the case.

In the past few months, Qu Jiaolan had been leading Gao Lingyun to upgrade, after all, Gao Lingyun was her big brother.

So Qu Jiaolan knew Gao Lingyun very well. He was afraid of zombies. He didn't dare to fight zombies at all. He was afraid of the zombies' terrifying eyes and fierce fangs. Of course, the essence was that he was afraid of being bitten and turned into a zombie.

Before coming here, Gao Lingyun's level was raised by teaming up with others, that is, Guan Zhen's brother and sister.

He completely relied on others to reach this level. Qu Jiaolan actually chatted with Guan Yueyue, so she knew that Gao Lingyun was basically a zombie and had almost never killed one.

So when she heard Gao Ling say this, how could Qu Jiaolan not be speechless.

He was not angry with Gao Lingyun, but with himself. Alas, he was really blinded by his own greed before. He even felt like he was in love with a pen pal.

Well, maybe he was too young at that time, but now is not the past.

Meng Liang laughed after hearing Gao Lingyun's words.

"Okay, even if we are cheap and kill zombies quickly, leaving you no chance to attack, but Lao Gao, the fact is that I did help you level up several levels. You know, we don't have much friendship, so shouldn't you do something to repay me now?"

"You...what do you want me to do?"

After listening to Meng Liang's words, Gao Lingyun finally became a little nervous. He thought Meng Liang might want revenge. After all, Meng Liang and Qu Jiaolan had obtained a marriage certificate, and now she is Qu Jiaolan's little follower. It is obvious that Meng Liang will be unhappy with him.

"Ah, it's nothing. You just pretend to be a passerby, go in and chat with him, talk for a while, and find out about the situation here. How about it? It's simple, right?"

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