The light of righteousness? Qu Jiaolan had no idea whether Meng Liang represented justice or not.

What surprised her was Meng Liang's sensitivity.

He was indeed bored with Gao Sen, but he didn't show it, but Meng Liang still caught it, so he said what he just said.

He is caring and emotionally intelligent.

Well, Meng Liang is a person who can talk to each other, which she just discovered.

At this time, Gao Sen had already brought Gao Lingyun to the torture device and tied him to a shelf.

Qu Jielan was a little nervous and whispered:

"When are we going out? Just go out and kill this person, right?"

"Don't worry, just wait and see."

"You don't want to wait until he tortures Gao Lingyun before taking action?"

"Hey, I can't wait that long. I bet that Gao Lingyun will betray us quickly and tell Gao Sen that he has an accomplice."

Qu Jiaolan stopped talking after hearing this. She believed Meng Liang and felt that there was nothing wrong with what Gao Lingyun did. However, psychologically she had to admit that if Gao Lingyun really did it, it would be a bit tasteless and considered a kind of behavior. Betrayal.

Gao Sen took a bowl of water and poured it on Gao Lingyun's face.

Gao Lingyun was suddenly awakened.

"What's going on? What's going on? You drugged me, and I'm telling you, do you know who I am? Let me go!"

Gao Lingyun's behavior was normal. People get nervous when experiencing a crisis.

It's just that his voice was too sharp, like a bitch, which made Qu Jiaolan frown.

You must know that Gao Lingyun has always been the big brother and senior student in her heart.

The task of this character is to be mature and steady, and not to panic no matter what happens. It is precisely because Qu Jiaolan feels that Gao Lingyun is such a man, so she has some vague feelings for him in her heart.

Only now did I realize that he behaved so badly in such a crisis.

Originally, Qu Jiaolan took the initiative to take Gao Lingyun to find Meng Liang this time, just to make a comparison.

Meng Liang has always been calm after the outbreak. He has experienced countless crises and is experienced and calm. In addition, he is seven years older than himself, and he has matured both physically and mentally.

Comparing the two men, Qu Jiaolan suddenly discovered that Gao Lingyun was not popular at all, while Meng Liang was the real man.

This discovery made Qu Jiaolan couldn't help but pout.

How could this happen?

"Hey, your screams are so nice, Gao Lingyun, my surname is from the same family, you really shouldn't scream like that, it exposes your cowardice and cowardice. Although you look handsome in the sun, more than ten times more handsome than me, But your soul is really nothing!”

Gao Sen spoke slowly and in a calm tone.

Without waiting for Gao Lingyun to say anything, he continued:

"So I hate the social system! Before the end of the world, I am nothing, just a low-class member of society! Because I have no background, no education, not very smart, not handsome enough. My only advantage is that I am strong, so I can only Go out and do a job that everyone looks down upon. Life is so sad. This is my life before the end."

At this point, his tone finally sounded a little enthusiastic.

"It will be different after the end of the world, hahaha. No one cares about my background, education, whether I am smart or handsome, because this is the real natural world, where the weak eat the strong. I am strong, so I can do whatever I want! You don't want me to be handsome. So what if you are smarter than me? I can turn you into a meat bun and wait until it’s over. No one can stop me. I’m free, understand?”

Gao Lingyun was so frightened that he almost fainted when he heard this. He also noticed the blood and bones on the side, which looked really scary.

He wanted to ask for help, but his mouth trembled, his teeth chattered, and he was speechless for a while.

Gao Sen looked at Gao Lingyun with a smile on his face.

"I like your fear, it will add a lot of fun to me. In fact, you don't have to be afraid of me at all, I am intelligent, I am not a pervert. The word pervert is only a human creation, those who want to control others , calling some heretical behaviors perverts. Huh, I hate these very much. I am just such a person. I just do things according to my ideas and preferences. Why should I be called a pervert? I am not at all. I just like to enslave you and torture you.”

Gao Lingyun adapted to the fear in his heart and finally found his tongue.

"I'm telling you! You'd better let me go. Do you know the Survivor Plains Base? Qu Guerlain, one of the leaders over there, is my girlfriend! If you harm me, she will definitely kill you! "

In the small room, listening to Gao Lingyun's roar, Qu Jiaolan frowned.

Obviously, what Gao Lingyun said made Qu Jiaolan a little dissatisfied. Why did she become his girlfriend?

She pushed Meng Liang gently, then pulled him inward a little, and then whispered:

"Stop looking, just go out and follow him. Human nature cannot stand the test."

"Haha, you quite understand Gao Lingyun."

"I can't speak of understanding. What I said is the truth. We all came out together. There is no need to put him in danger."

Meng Liang nodded when he heard this, while the conversation outside continued.

"Why are you so naive? Even if you are a royal relative of the King of Heaven, if they don't know you are here, what's the use?"

"No, no, no! We are three people here. They are just outside your house. They asked me to explore the way, right! They may come in at any time. Both of them are high-level combatants. Please let me out. I told them, I won’t hurt you!”

Meng Liang and Qu Jiaolan both heard what Gao Lingyun said.

Meng Liang chuckled, while Qu Jiaolan curled her lips.

Very good, Meng Liang was right, and Gao Lingyun betrayed them.

After gently poking Meng Liang, Qu Jiaolan whispered:

"Okay, okay, stop laughing and go save people."

After saying this, Qu Jiaolan still felt that she was quite useless.

She was actually quite capable of fighting, but when Meng Liang was around, she really didn't want to stand out, even if that person was her former good senior and eldest brother.

Just when Meng Liang was about to go out, he suddenly heard Gao Sen say:

"So there are two powerful guys outside. This problem is a bit troublesome. Gao Lingyun, do you think I can threaten them by using you?"

"Yes, yes! I told you, Guerlain is my girlfriend!"

"Haha, very good, are they good people?"

"They are good people! They are all great good people! They established a base to take in many survivors. Now there are almost half a million people recuperating in the Survivor Plains. You can go too!"

"Haha, there are so many people. I really don't know if I am hiding here. Since I am a good person, I can use you to threaten them. Then I have to imagine how to use you to catch them too. Then I will definitely It’s fun, don’t you think?”

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