Meng Liang laughed out loud, very heroic. Listening to Meng Liang's laughter, Qu Jiaolan felt that it was so harsh.

Meng Liang had already turned his head and said to her:

"You see, what an excellent man your husband is."

Of course Qu Gueran sneered.

"Humph, didn't she also say that because you have everything, he thinks it is an honor to follow you? You are just the dead husband-in-law before the end of the world. Do you think women are attracted to you?"

Meng Liang's eyes lit up.

Haha, getting along with Qu Jiaolan is getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect that she could be so hostile to me.

Meng Liang didn't like being criticized, she just thought Qu Jiaolan's reaction was funny and she had never seen it before.

Ignoring Qu Jielan for the time being, she continued to look at Zhao Yulan and said:

"They said you were hiding in a ruined temple and were caught by them alone. What were you doing in the ruined temple at that time?"

"Oh, what else can I do? You don't know how difficult it is for a lonely woman like me to live in the apocalypse. Of course I am avoiding zombies, but also other human beings. Hmm, many men want me, so in fact, for me For me, humans are more terrifying than zombies.”

Beautiful women look good no matter what they do.

When Zhao Yulan spoke, she looked so soft and weak. An ordinary man would immediately feel protective and want to protect him under his body, ah no, by his side.

Meng Liang didn't have much thought, but still had a kind attitude and said:

"Yes, as a woman, especially someone like you, you really have to hide away, otherwise you will be spoiled by the wolves in the apocalypse."

"I hate it, why are you so rude?"

Zhao Yulan's face was reddish, her brows were springy, her words were gentler, and her sugar content was particularly high. Although she seemed to be criticizing Meng Liang, it was definitely a seduction.

She is not too old, in her 20s, but she has experienced a lot and has been filming since she was a child.

Therefore, any behavior she performs may be an act, and Meng Liang recognizes this very clearly.

Qu Gueran thought wrong.

Although Zhao Yulan is indeed very good and a hot woman, Meng Liang does not have any possessive intentions towards her because Meng Liang can see things that others cannot.

This woman, Zhao Yulan, has a secret!

And what is this secret?

Meng Liang planned to explore it. Everyone is curious.

Meng Liang called the fat man over and praised him.

"You're very good. I'll stay with this woman. So, um, you don't have to go to the Survivor Plains first. This is already the sphere of influence of the Survivor Plains. Come with me. Let's take a look around. Do you know what's going on here? Where can I spend the night?”

The fat man was very excited that Meng Liang accepted the gift, which meant that they could be taken care of when they got to Meng Liang's trump card in the future. This was why the fat man gave the beauty to Meng Liang.

It's a good thing to be able to follow Meng Liang. After all, it is said that Meng Liang is already a master at the level 3.

Of course, they didn't know that Meng Liang had actually reached level 4.

The fat man provided Meng Liang and the others with a place to go. There was a small village about 3 kilometers away from here. It was not a serious village. It probably only had five or six apartments. They were all empty and there was nothing in them. , its only use is to protect it from wind and rain.

Meng Liang thought this place was good, so he asked the fat man to lead the way, and then everyone headed there.

Meng Liang also noticed that Gao Lingyun's eyes had been falling on Zhao Yulan, so he said to him:

"Gao Lingyun, go and introduce the situation of our base to Zhao Yulan."

Of course Gao Lingyun was unwilling to follow Meng Liang's arrangement, but now he was very satisfied with the arrangement. He immediately nodded, walked to Zhao Yulan, and helped Zhao Yulan untie the rope from his hands.

Zhao Yulan nodded and smiled at Gao Lingyun and thanked her, then turned to look at Meng Liang not far away.

Obviously, she was not interested in Gao Lingyun. She knew that Meng Ran had such a noble status before coming here, so of course Meng Liang was his and her target.

But after all, Gao Lingyun was around. After chatting with him for a few words, Zhao Yulan began to inquire in a low voice.

"I have heard of Meng Liang's name a long time ago. He is really powerful. It is simply unimaginable that he can establish a base with hundreds of thousands of people. Brother Gao, is the woman next to Meng Liang Qu Guerlain? I also Heard about her."

Meng Liang could hear what Zhao Yulan said at this time, although her voice was very low.

Gao Lingyun nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, she is my school girl. We have a very good relationship, just like real sisters."

Gao Lingyun's voice was also very low, and Qu Jiaolan couldn't hear it.

Meng Liang sneered, this boy showed love for Qu Jiaolan before, but now he has abandoned his ambiguous relationship with Qu Jiaolan when he saw Zhao Yulan. Just like this, he still wants to have two different things?

Alas, Qu Qiulan is really blind. How could she have a crush on such a villain?

In Meng Liang's mind, Gao Lingyun was already a complete villain at this time.

Qu Jiaolan didn't speak the whole time, and it was obvious that she was upset.

Meng Liang didn't know the reason and didn't ask, because he was still observing Zhao Yulan and listening to her words.

"Ah, so that's it. Meng Liang turned out to be Qu Jiaolan's son-in-law, but they can still live together peacefully. Qu Jiaolan was not troubled by Meng Liang after the end of the world. Even if Meng Liang is so powerful now, I guess Meng Liang You must love Qu Guerlain, right?”

This Zhao Yulan is indeed a smart person. Through a simple conversation with Gao Lingyun, she actually guessed the relationship between Meng Liang and Qu Jiaolan.

Meng Liang has not found more abnormalities so far. He just thinks that Zhao Yulan is very interested in him. This is a good thing. Being favored by a beautiful woman is the dream of every man.

But Meng Liang does not take this for fun. Any abnormal behavior in the doomsday can become a crisis. Zhao Yulan is not simple.

She was caught by the fat man and brought all the way here. Her hands were still tied and she was wearing a hood on her head. She looked like a weak person, but the fact was not. This is the abnormality. We must find out why Zhao Yulan did this. She was just showing weakness?

Soon they arrived at the small village that the fat man mentioned. There were indeed a few houses, and there was nothing inside.

It should have been more than 8 o'clock in the evening.

There were some zombies nearby. Meng Liang and his team did not alarm these zombies. They bypassed the zombies and entered the village. They found a place to sleep in the house.

A night watchman should be arranged at night.

Fatty and his team were of course willing to provide this service, and arranged four night watchmen.

The others could sleep peacefully.

Meng Liang found his most comfortable position, lying there with his eyes squinting, but he did not fall asleep, and waited until 12 o'clock at night.

Everyone in the room seemed to be asleep...

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