Meng Liang knew what Song Meiting meant by saying this. There were more men than women in this team, and the ratio was exaggerated. There were about 700 women, and the rest were all men.

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This was obviously not conducive to the stability of the team, so Song Meiting saw that there were so many women around Meng Liang, so she wanted to absorb them into the team and let them make their own choices.

For most women, this choice was not easy, after all, Meng Liang had already shown his strong strength.

Song Meiting saw the hesitation of the women, so she further introduced her team.

It was nothing more than how many weapons they had, how powerful they were, how many zombies they had killed, and what their level was.

When the women heard that there were more than 60 people on Song Meiting's side who had passed the second level, they were immediately moved.

If this was the case, they could actually choose to follow Song Meiting, after all, the competition pressure with Meng Liang was too great.

So after Song Meiting made the request, everyone made their choice within a few minutes.

In the end, the people left around Meng Liang were Qu Jiaolan, Lu Anke, Wang Jingzhou, Liu Qingqing, Li Hong and Su Mujin.

Gu Yujie also wanted to stay with Meng Liang, but Wang Jingzhou didn't want to, because he felt that Meng Liang and Deng Chao were going to take advantage of Gu Yujie, so he chose not to follow Meng Liang.

Their choice made Deng Chao entangled, should he follow Meng Liang or the big team? Meng Liang is very powerful, but this big team seems to be very powerful too.

"I will go with you and am willing to join your team."

At this time, Meng Liang made his choice.

This surprised Deng Chao very much, because he thought that Meng Liang, who was so powerful, would not join someone else's team and be controlled by others.

Song Meiting looked at Meng Liang and said.

"Okay, but since you're here, we have to disrupt the division. Your men can't follow you unless you are relatives."

"Okay, I have nothing to do with anyone else. This woman named Qu Jiaolan is my wife, and this woman named Lu Anke is my mother-in-law. They just need to follow me. It doesn't matter if they follow me."

Song Meiting was shocked. She didn't expect that among all the women around Meng Liang, there were his wife and mother-in-law. And why is his mother-in-law so young? She is his wife's stepmother.

Qu Jiaolan listened to their conversation without refutation. After all, in front of outsiders, she felt that there was no need to refute.

In this way, Meng Liang gave up the position of a leader and became an ordinary soldier in this team. He was assigned to the logistics department and was responsible for carrying luggage.

This is actually a kind of rotation. Newcomers who have just arrived have to carry luggage. After carrying luggage for a while, they can go to fight. If they perform well in the battle, they can become real combatants and gradually gain everyone's trust, so as to receive real training and slowly transform into a real warrior.

Qu Jiaolan and Lu An didn't have to carry the luggage. As women, they had better treatment because there were few women in the team.

However, since Qu Jiaolan and Meng Liang were married, she could follow Meng Liang and help him carry the luggage. Lu An could do the same.

The team set off again, but the matter was far from over. Meng Liang was still eye-catching in the team and was still a handsome guy that women found very attractive.

Even Song Meiting was very curious about Meng Liang, so she asked the women who were originally Meng Liang's teammates, but they didn't know Meng Liang at all. They didn't know that Meng Liang was the leader of the leveling field. They only knew that it was easy for him to kill zombies.

The women's description was not very accurate, and Song Meiting didn't listen very seriously. Isn't it just that he can kill zombies? From the doomsday to now, even she has killed tens of thousands of zombies.

Therefore, Song Meiting did not regard killing zombies as a professional skill at all. She did not know that Meng Liang and three women killed thousands of high-level zombies in just over ten minutes, and she did not know that Meng Liang killed a level 80 army zombie alone.

At this time, Meng Liang had officially started working. The so-called work was to pull a cart. A cart of goods weighed 1,000 kilograms and had wheels, but just like this, if it was before the end of the world, it would be difficult for several people to pull it.

For Meng Liang, all this was not a problem. Not only could he pull it, but he also let Qu Jiaolan and Lu Anke sit on it.

Qu Jiaolan was in a good mood at this time, because there were no women around Meng Liang, only herself and Lao Lu.

Although Lu Anke was also sticky with this son-in-law, at least they both understood and observed etiquette, so Lu Anke was not an enemy. In Qu Jiaolan's eyes, he was just a little annoying.

However, before Qu Jiaolan could continue this mood for long, a strong and good-looking middle-aged woman appeared in the cargo team.

She introduced herself as Wang Beihua, 28 years old, with a generous and cheerful personality. She was the leader of the team. She quickly chatted with Meng Liang and showed obvious aggressiveness.

"Wow, your mother-in-law is really young, well, your wife is also very beautiful, but I heard that when you first came to our team, you were accompanied by many women. Are those your harem?"


"Hahaha, it's okay for a man to have several women in the doomsday. Some powerful women have several men. But of course, this situation is still relatively rare. After all, it's more common for men to have many women."


Meng Liang was not very enthusiastic about her performance. After all, in Meng Liang's eyes, this level is just a little better looking than Du Mei. If it weren't for the special period, she would not be in Meng Liang's eyes at all.

"So, handsome boy, are you interested in dating me?"

"I'm so direct, haha, I'm not interested."

"Haha, you are also very direct. You replied to me directly. It's rare to see a man like you who doesn't mess around. It can't be because your wife is around. Why don't we go out for a date tonight when we are at Ancheng Camp."

"Sister, what do you like about me?"

"Powerful! To be honest with you, your car is the heaviest, but you look the easiest, so I know you have endless energy!"

Meng Liang grinned and laughed.

Adult conversations are so simple, and perhaps people in the doomsday should chat so directly.

Meng Liang looked back at Qu Jiaolan.

Qu Jiaolan quickly moved her eyes to the side, she was clearly looking here just now.

Meng Liang stopped smiling and said to Wang Beihua:

"Forget it, sister, we are still a little unsuitable, you can find someone else."

As soon as Meng Liang finished speaking, there was a shout in front.

Soon the news came back that there was an enemy, and a large number of zombies suddenly appeared. They seemed to be ambushed.

Meng Liang raised his eyebrows. Did he encounter intelligent zombies again? How could these zombies ambush humans?

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