The houses here were all built after Doomsday, which shows how rich the patron king Chen Zhong is, which also means that he should be very good at plundering people's wealth.

Meng Liang is essentially a good person, but in the end of the world it is really difficult for a good person like him to reach a high position, and ordinary leaders will not be kind.

Soon, Meng Liang was brought into a big room. There were actually more than a dozen young men, all of them handsome. Among these men, Meng Liang's appearance was probably ranked within the top ten, in other words, at the bottom.

After careful counting, there were fourteen, so his appearance was the fourth or fifth from the bottom.

Of course, Meng Liang himself would not admit it. He was no worse than these people. The loser might be that they were younger and more tender. In other words, Meng Liang should be the oldest among all the men.

After being imprisoned, Meng Liang found a corner and sat down.

Get everyone's attention immediately.

Then there is the disdainful look, which means clearly that you are not as good-looking as us and we look down on you.

Meng Liang also noticed that they were not afraid and seemed a little excited.

Everyone is arranging themselves, some combing their hair, some using cosmetics.

There are many things here, including toiletries, cosmetics, washbasins, dressing tables, etc.

It’s like these guys are going to the draft.

Meng Liang also thought of such a scene. Backstage in a nightclub, a group of young men were putting on makeup. They must not go to accompany the rich woman.

These men have no idea that they are going to be ducks, they are all busy.

Meng Liang felt ashamed to be among these people.

So he just sat in the corner, not minding that his hair was a little fluffy and that his clothes were not very clean.

When walking in the apocalypse, it's impossible to keep your clothes spotless. Even if Meng Liang was in good condition, compared with these carefully dressed men, he was indeed sloppy.

In fact, there is also a dressing room here with a lot of very good men's clothing.

If he didn't feel ashamed, Meng Liang would really want to get some clothes to change into.

After a while, 6 more men came one after another. This time, we made up 20.

Just as Meng Liang was looking at the six new people, someone else came, and this time they were going to take them away. The draft officially began.

Soon, they were taken to a large villa. Standing in the corridor, they could hear the singing and dancing inside.

Meng Liang could also distinguish each person's voice, and after listening for a while, he knew the main characters inside.

The backer king Chen Zhong, his brother Tu Lu, the second-in-command military advisor, and the so-called general Chen Liuzi, who called Chen Zhong uncle, Lu Qianqian was also present, and Chen Liuzi called her cousin.

"Cousin, today I have prepared all the handsome men for you. You must choose one from them. Now you are twenty-five years old and you have never dated anyone. My old uncle is waiting to have a grandson. Woolen cloth!"

"Uncle, look at him! He says I'm old!"

The sugar content of Lu Qianqian's words is at least 100 plus points, and the full score is 100.

It's really numb. I wonder if she was a female announcer before the end.

Chen Zhong laughed loudly and said:

"What your brother said is right. I am anxious to have my grandson. There are dangers everywhere in this apocalypse. Although we have such a safe place now, we still have to be prepared for danger in times of peace. You don't even have a serious boyfriend now. If I look back, I will never If you die, how will you explain it to your mother?"

"Okay, okay, I'm so annoyed. Let's pull those men out and take a look."

"Well, come on, bring them all here!"

Chen Zhong's voice was loud, and the people outside immediately ushered in all 20 men like herding animals.

After everyone entered, their eyes were busy and they looked around hurriedly.

Meng Liang was watching too.

Chen Zhong is estimated to be in his fifties, but he is very strong and tall even when sitting. He is definitely over 1.8 meters tall when standing.

The military advisor is a fair-faced middle-aged scholar who doesn't speak much.

The bald donkey is indeed a bald man, and his face looks very scary.

Chen Liuzi was about thirty years old, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and his appearance did not look like a good guy.

Finally his eyes fell on Lu Qianqian.

Meng Liang was somewhat surprised.

I thought this girl should be an ugly girl, so I had to choose a bride.

Unexpectedly, she is really beautiful. I cannot say she is stunning, at least not worse than Qu Gueran.

Moreover, she is two or three years older than Qu Jielan, so she looks more mature. Her eyes seem to speak when she looks at people, and she has an aura of romance. She is a beauty.

A group of new handsome guys were dumbfounded.

Lu Qianqian also looked at everyone, and then laughed out loud:

"Uncle, I am really impressed by you. Where did you find these people? They are all really handsome."

"Really? Then choose one from among them and let him be your man. Personality is not important. As long as your uncle is here, no one will dare to bully you. The key is that you like him."

"This is a bit difficult to handle. I'm dazzled by the 20 handsome guys. Let's let them introduce themselves first."

Chen Zhong immediately ordered that everyone start introducing from left to right.

One minute for each person, ten minutes passed, and ten people finished speaking.

Suddenly, Lu Qianqian waved her hand.

The eleventh person was Meng Liang. Lu Qianqian stopped Meng Liang’s introduction and asked:

"Tell me, what did the fourth person say just now?"

Holy shit?

Meng Liang was surprised. He didn't expect that this girl would play tricks with him?

If it were someone else, of course he wouldn't know.

But after Meng Liang entered the 5th turn, he was enhanced in all aspects, including memory.

This is a change in overall parameters.

Or to be more precise, it is the awakening and activation of Meng Liang's original parameter ability.

He really remembers what that person said.

"My name is Li Xiang, 23 years old, dear beautiful lady, I fell in love with you at first sight. If you choose me, I will love you very much and will never make you unhappy."

After Meng Liang finished speaking, everyone was surprised. The military advisor narrowed his eyes and frowned, breaking the silence after a few seconds.

"Although I didn't remember what he said, after listening to this kid's description, I can be sure that he didn't make a single mistake, and he said exactly what No. 4 Li Xiang said."

Chen Zhong stared and said:

"So powerful? Ordinary people can't do it, right?"

"Absolutely not."

Listening to the conversation between the military advisor and Chen Zhong, Lu Qianqian smiled.

Skip the person who asked Meng Liang.

"You also tell me what Li Xiang said, and you must not make a single mistake."

This is bad, No. 12 is sweating all over his face, and he got most of it wrong after talking for a long time.

After that, no one else said anything right, all of them were wrong.

So Lu Qianqian asked the first ten people to say this again.

Not to mention the others, even No. 4 Li Xiang said it wrong. Although he knew what he had just said, he couldn't repeat it word for word.

After listening to everyone's repetition, Lu Qianqian snorted and said:

"No. 11 wins this round, 1 point, and the others have 0 points! No. 11, you can introduce yourself."

"My name is Meng Liang."

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