Five senses,

vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch.

Then the enhancement of the five senses means that all these abilities are enhanced.

Meng Liang usually uses vision and hearing the most, and his sense of smell is generally not very obvious, but his sense of smell is indeed many times stronger than that of ordinary humans.

So it is not difficult for Meng Liang to distinguish between the two kinds of buns with different bun fillings. They taste different, and he has found three of them with pork fillings.

He didn't plan to continue and wanted to end it all, so he came out and asked if he could eat three buns. If he ate all the pork buns, the people behind him would naturally be eliminated.

Lu Qianqian was really surprised by Meng Liang.

"From what you said, can you find three pork buns? These buns all look the same, how can you find them out?"

"This is a secret, just tell me if I can find three buns."


[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

Meng Liang walked over and took three buns.

These buns were held by beauties.

20 beauties, each holding a small plate, Meng Liang found the target accurately.

But whether he found the right one or not, only the three beauties holding the pork buns knew, the others didn't know the answer.

Oh, of course, the chef who made the buns knew, it was he who gave the buns to the three beauties.

Lu Qianqian looked directly at the three of them and said:

"Did he take the right one? I mean, are the buns in your hands pork-filled?"

The three beauties were very nervous, lowered their heads, and shook their heads slowly.

Meng Liang laughed when he saw this situation. It was obvious that the three beauties had lied, which meant that they had been bribed in advance and did not want Meng Liang to win.

Lu Qianqian looked at Meng Liang with pride.

"You are wrong."

"It is not certain whether it is right or wrong. It seems that you prepared this bun game in advance?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"That is to say, you knew in advance that there would be such a talent show today, so you prepared such a question. You must have told someone, and after knowing it, someone arranged his own person among our 20 men, hoping that he could become your husband, and operated in the background, waiting to help this person cheat, so, even if I chose it right, it would be wrong."

Meng Liang's logical thinking is clear, and he said it very clearly.

Lu Qianqian frowned and looked sideways at Chen Liuzi.

She only told Chen Liuzi about this matter, and asked Chen Liuzi to arrange it.

Meng Liang's words made Lu Qianqian believe it. For some reason, she felt that what Meng Liang said was true.

Chen Liuzi was embarrassed. After being seen by Lu Qianqian, he quickly stiffened his neck and said:

"Sister, I'm not cheating, he's talking nonsense! He just found the wrong one, what does it have to do with us."

Chen Liuzi was going to deny it.

Lu Qianqian looked at Meng Liang again, and then smiled:

"Actually, I believe what you said, but there is no evidence. I don't believe you can find three pork-filled buns. How about this, let's prove that you are right first. Since the buns have different fillings, open them and see, there must be a difference.

While speaking, Lu Qianqian waved her hand and asked the women holding the buns to break open the buns on their plates, and then asked them to break open the three buns selected by Meng Liang.

This time there is no problem. Meng Liang is right, the fillings of these three buns look very different from the others.

Chen Liuzi blushed. His lies have basically been exposed. Even if he still refuses to admit it, , but if we think according to Meng Liang's logic, the facts are basically in front of people.

Someone didn't want Meng Liang to win, so they arranged it in advance, and the reason for this arrangement is basically to help others, otherwise why do this?

Meng Liang then said:

"I think the person who was arranged should be him, No. 7 Li Chenglong. He just said that he was a refugee who had just come to the mountain not long ago, and said that his combat level was very low and hoped to be protected. I think he lied, and I noticed that he had been flirting with General Chen Liuzi. I don't believe that the two didn't know each other before.

Then why did Chen Liuzi arrange someone and want him to be your husband?

Is it really for your own good?

It doesn't seem like it. Chen Zhong has no children, and the only younger relatives around him are Chen Liuzi and Lu Qianqian.

Once power is involved, it is endless.

Chen Zhong is more inclined to Lu Qianqian, which makes Chen Liuzi feel a sense of crisis.

He really hopes to arrange someone next to Lu Qianqian, so that he can attack or defend. "

Meng Liang has been collecting information, and through what is happening in front of him and the clues he has observed, he has come to such a conclusion.

From his point of view, there is nothing wrong with this guess.

But in the eyes of others, Meng Liang is a little too amazing.

It's just that the focus is on Chen Liuzi at this time.

Chen Zhong looked at him coldly.

Meng Liang's words are a wake-up call for Chen Zhong.

He really likes his niece more, and doesn't like this nephew very much, because before the end of the world, he and Chen Liuzi's biological father, his younger brother, did not have a good relationship.

Now the external affairs are handed over to Chen Zhong, the internal affairs are handled by the military advisor and his own brothers, and the niece is the general dispatcher, who is trained as a successor.

Therefore, Chen Zhong may be jealous.

But no matter what, he can't do this. Arrange a man next to his niece? This is related to her lifelong happiness.

Just when Chen Zhong was thinking, Chen Liuzi suddenly jumped up and pointed at Meng Liang and yelled.

"Nonsense! Nonsense! Humph, you dare to sow discord, I will kill you!"

Chen Zhong flew over while speaking.

A 2nd level strongman, he killed Meng Liang, and everyone present wanted to rescue him too late.

However, his movements were too slow in Meng Liang's eyes.

Whether it was skills or physical attacks, they all had speed.

For Meng Liang, as long as he saw through this speed, the attack could not cause any harm to him.

Raising his hand to grab Chen Liuzi's clothes, Meng Liang jumped to the position where he had just sat and pressed him on the stool.

This process was completed in a flash, and everyone saw only an illusion.

This is actually not surprising at all, because when humans capture fast-moving objects, their eyes cannot achieve perfect results.

It's like on a speeding train, the trees on both sides are blurry, and the visual imaging is naturally illusory without waiting for the light to return well.

Meng Liang's speed was so fast that others couldn't see clearly.

The room was completely quiet all of a sudden.

Chen Liuzi was a real general who had been leading the team to fight zombies after the apocalypse.

His level was completely due to his own efforts to fight monsters and upgrade.

It can be said that under Chen Zhong's power, Chen Liuzi's combat ability was already the strongest.

However, such a strong man was instantly subdued by Meng Liang and pressed on the stool.

Who would believe it if they didn't see it with their own eyes? Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't see it clearly.

Chen Zhong finally focused his attention on Meng Liang, looked at him again and again, and then said in a somewhat cold voice:

"Friend, where are you from?"

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