Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0527: The Killing Forest

Qu Jiaolan turned over and got up from the bed.

Meng Liang looked at her back and laughed. He felt that Qu Jiaolan was much more lively. There was a change after sleeping in the same bed. The relationship between him and him became closer.

At this time, Qu Jiaolan still had her back to Meng Liang. Suddenly, she stretched out her hands and took off her T-shirt.

Meng Liang was dumbfounded. What did this mean? She became open all of a sudden?

He could feel that Qu Jiaolan's body was actually trembling.

She bent down, picked up the underwear on the ground, put it on quickly, fastened the hook at the back, and turned around after tidying it up. She looked at Meng Liang proudly, her face was red, and her voice was crisp:

"Then get up, you go kill zombies, my mother and I plan to go to the city for a walk, after all, we are already level 300, and it's useless to ask for experience."

Looking at Qu Jiaolan's increasingly calm face, Meng Liang laughed. He understood a little. It seemed that the little wild cat was going to fight back. She saw his attitude towards her, so she was so bold to change clothes in front of him.

This is a case of giving him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe she is expecting that she can pounce on him when she changes clothes?

The game seems to become more interesting.

Meng Liang smiled and got up, put on his clothes, and then said to her:

"Okay, that's it, you go shopping, I'll go out to find my big brother and prove myself that I'm the best."

After that, Meng Liang left. When he was at the door, he heard Qu Jiaolan shouting inside:

"You are the fattest!"

Meng Liang laughed and felt particularly refreshed.

At this stage of life, although the world is full of dangers, he felt for the first time that the years were peaceful and good. He might be experiencing the highlight of his life. Everything is good.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Meng Liang and Zhong Zhenshan took the subway to the north fifteen kilometers away.

"Brother, there is a small gathering place here, calling itself Lin Village. It is one of our external stations. In fact, they are independent, but they have joined us."

"Oh, why are you here?"

"The village chief of Lin Village told me that they found that the northern woods have been restless recently. No one who went in has come out. It seems that something is hidden in the woods. I sent a small team before, led by a 1st level realm, with 10 masters above level 90. They are all experienced in combat. However, they have not returned for three days, so I plan to take a look in person today. I invite brothers to join me. Do you think it's okay?"

"Oh, it's a piece of cake."

The two of them arrived at the village while talking.

The village chief of Lin Village is surnamed Lin, and he is in his fifties, so people call him Lao Lin.

Seeing that Zhong Zhenshan came in person, Lao Lin was excited and treated Zhong Zhenshan with unusual respect and courtesy.

After Zhong Zhenshan greeted him, he introduced Meng Liang to him.

"Lao Lin, this is my sworn brother, Meng Liang. From now on, he is the second in command of Tianhai Town."

Lao Lin was shocked. Second in command of Tianhai Town? This position is rare, and I have never heard of it.

Shanhai Town is a government system. Zhong Zhenshan is the mayor, and there are some officials such as the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Military Affairs, the Minister of Industry, the Minister of Electricity, etc.

Now that there is a second in command, are the 800,000 people in Tianhai Town going to become bandits?

Lao Lin was full of doubts, but after all, he was the village chief and had some knowledge. He felt that Meng Liang might not be simple, so he greeted Meng Liang politely, nodded and complimented Meng Liang, and then introduced the situation to Zhong Zhenshan.

The situation was the same as what Zhong Zhenshan had said to Meng Liang before. The forest was 500 meters north of the village. There were birch trees and pine trees, and the cross-growth was very dense. So when people walked in for more than ten meters, people outside could not see inside, and they were all blocked by dense pine leaves.

The area of ​​the forest is said to be very large.

Moreover, this is a mountainous area, which is the junction of two mountains, so the forest is also uneven. The accurate description is that it is high outside and low in the middle, like a basin.

Zhong Zhenshan nodded slightly after listening, and looked at the watch after thinking for a while.

"Ah, brother, it's almost 11 o'clock, how about we eat and then go in?"

"Goodbye, let's make a quick decision, isn't it just to go in and kill some monsters, brother, you come with me, I will get it for you in minutes."

Since he is the leader, Meng Liang must make himself unusually awesome, so as to prove his value and tie Zhong Zhenshan and himself tightly together.

"Well, since my brother said so, let's go out and clean up the things inside and come out to eat. Lao Lin, prepare the wine and food, my brother and I will be back soon."

Lao Lin heard the conversation between Meng Liang and Zhong Zhenshan, and was a little overwhelmed.

He secretly thought that this kid was too crazy, right?

The monsters inside must be very powerful, otherwise the previous 1st-level team leader would not have been in there for three days and still not come out. How dare he say that he can handle it in minutes?

The key is that the leader Zhong Zhenshan seems to believe him and speaks very flatteringly.

Lao Lin is even more puzzled about Meng Liang's identity, but he still nods and says that he will prepare the meal immediately.

Meng Liang and Zhong Zhenshan left and walked towards the woods. Meng Liang has opened his super five senses, locked the woods, and started to scout and search.

It was about 300 meters into the tree. Meng Liang found something unusual. Just meters away from here, there was a strong smell of blood and rot, and he could also hear a low roar that seemed to be like a beast.

"Brother, there is something going on over there!"

Meng Liang ran over there immediately after he said that, and Zhong Zhenshan hurriedly followed.

After the two arrived there, they saw a bloody scene.

A large tree was about eight meters in diameter and more than a hundred meters in height. Yanran was the tree king here. There were many vine tentacles hanging from the trunk. The tentacles were all carrying corpses or bones, and sticky liquid was flowing from the vines, corroding the bones and flesh. It was obvious that this was a monster.

"What is it? Have you seen it, brother?"

Zhong Zhenshan asked in surprise. He really had never seen it.

Meng Liang had never seen it either, so he shook his head.

At this time, a prompt sounded in the ears of the two.

[You have entered the land of death

The BOSS of this dungeon is the Undead. Troll Tree King, a 4th-turn creature with four attributes: jungle domain, poisonous tentacles, fantasy clusters, and super skin.

Strong defense, 20 million HP

Please defend carefully. If you can escape without dying, you can get a lot of rewards.]

Zhong Zhenshan was stunned when he heard the prompt sound.

4th turn!

20 million HP?

My goodness, what the hell is this thing?

Meng Liang heard it and smiled coldly, saying:

"It seems that the enemy behind us is getting stronger and stronger. They can even set up this kind of killing copy in our main world. 4th turn 20 million blood, most of them will probably die after entering?"

"Yeah, brother, it's a bit fierce, what do you think we should do?"

"Don't worry, I'll go chop it down!"

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