Walking up the river and through the woods, Meng Liang scouted the terrain.

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It's really good. You can pull 20,000 people over and use the terrain to defend.

So Meng Liang started the call mode with Qu Jiaolan and asked her to tell Zhong Zhenshan to drive the team over overnight and stationed here to cover the subsequent large forces.

Qu Jiaolan was very obedient and went to tell Zhong Zhenshan. Zhong Zhenshan immediately ordered the team to leave.

Since they are elites, most of these people know that they are bound to make a mess, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Meng Liang and the little girl walked through the woods and saw a small mountain col. A piece of the mountain was missing, forming a small natural canyon. The so-called village is here.

This place is indeed very secluded, with woods and rivers on one side and hills on the other side, so Doomsday has not been disturbed for two years.

There is no farming here, they make a living by fishing and digging mountain products.

But recently, zombies have come to the woods and there are zombie fish in the river, so they have no source of food.

Lin Fang told Meng Liang these things. Meng Liang had already begun to investigate the situation in the village. The little girl did not lie. From the information obtained, everything she said was true.

Lin Fang first took Meng Liang to his home, a double-story wooden house with the children living above, and Lin Fang and his mother Gao Pinru below.

At this time, two villagers were standing guard at the door. In fact, they were putting Gao Pinru and the children under house arrest.

Seeing Lin Fang come back without food, but with a man, his expression turned bad. One of them said:

"What did you do? Why did you bring a stranger here?"

Without waiting for Lin Fang to reply, Meng Liang waved his hand and said:

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to see the women and children inside, and if you are really hungry, I will provide you with some food.

Both of them were surprised. After whispering a few words, one of them ran away, while the other still looked at the door and asked Meng Liang to wait.

It took only a few minutes for the whole village, men, women and children, to arrive.

It was already daylight by this time, but everyone was still asleep. Not to mention their disheveled clothes, they all looked sleepy.

Meng Liang's twilight swept over their faces. They were just ordinary villagers. There was nothing special about them. If they were placed before the end of the world, people would definitely describe their faces as simple and unpretentious. It's a pity that now they are just a group of people who want to eat. Just hungry people.

A middle-aged man in his fifties came out, looked at Meng Liang, nodded, and then said:

"Brother, can you really give us food?"

"Haha, what else can I do if I don't give it? You are all going to eat the children."

The man who should be the village chief blushed, and then said bravely:

"But you don't look like you have food on you, and there's nothing we can do about it. Who would do such an unscrupulous thing if you had enough food to survive?

"Well, what you said makes sense, so I won't do the ink either."

As Meng Liang spoke, he took out a handful of pills, which were all used for low-level blood recovery and could only be used by people below level 10. These people were just right, none of them were above level 10.

Naturally, they didn't know these things, and they didn't dare to eat them even if Meng Liang introduced them to them.

Finally, Lin Fang said that this thing was real, she had eaten it, and her blood really increased.

The village chief hesitated and asked some people to try eating first.

Sure enough, it worked. Everyone was excited. They ate it quickly and found that some were full and some were average. They all burst into tears with excitement.

Finally, under the leadership of the village chief, these people knelt down to Meng Liang.

They said that if Meng Liang hadn't arrived in time, they would have almost committed a crime.

Meng Liang dismissed their confession. He didn't want to comment on this matter. He didn't know if he would eat human flesh if he fell into their situation. After all, he had never had such a food crisis, so he was not in the mood to comment. other people.

The matter has been settled, and the next step is to meet Gao Pinru.

This woman with the name of the female character in the TV series is very good-looking. She is thirty-eight years old this year. It can be said that Lin Fang only inherited one-tenth of her mother's beauty, which means that she is ten times more beautiful than her tender girl.

Meng Liang's eyes lit up when he saw it.

It's not that this woman is prettier than Qu Guerlain and Lu Anke. The key is that she is feminine, the type that men want to sleep with after just seeing her.

Meng Liang had experienced many women during this period, and he didn't have many thoughts. However, when he met Gao Pinru, he was excited. This shows that this woman is extraordinary.

However, Meng Liang just collected information and learned that this woman had slept with many men in the village in order to protect her children, so that she could exchange for food.

Alas, it can only be said to be a pity.

Meng Liang felt that it was acceptable for his girlfriend to have had one or two men before, such as Du Mei. She had been married before, but only once. She had never been with a second man, which was okay.

Forget it, don’t think about it that much.

I went upstairs again and looked at the children. They were all very cute. They were sleeping but were disturbed by Meng Liang's arrival. Some children woke up and immediately stood in the corner. The older child held the hand of the younger child in a protective posture. , their childhood is no longer so innocent in the apocalypse.

Not only did Meng Liang bother them more, he had already finished his work, so let's come out. At the same time, Meng Liang decided to build a command post in this village. The terrain here is very high, and you can see the situation on the other side of the river when you climb the hill. , it is really the most suitable to be a command post.

Meng Liang went to the village chief and told him his idea.

The village chief didn't believe it at all.

"You mean there will be a team of 20,000 people coming, and this side will soon usher in a wave of zombies?"

"Well, that's basically what it means, so you can actually evacuate. Of course, you don't have to leave, but your village will be requisitioned."

The village chief is very afraid of death, otherwise he wouldn't want to eat children.

He went back to discuss it with someone, and without even saying hello, he took the whole village and ran away.

To the northwest, they were destined to merge with their team, but for Meng Liang, these people were small figures, not worth mentioning at all, and they probably wouldn't meet again in the future.

Gao Pinru and the children didn't leave, so the village chief went to find her and told her what Meng Liang had said.

But she no longer believed in the village chief, so how could she leave?

After finding that the village was empty, she came to Zhao Mengliang, thanked Meng Liang in reality, and then told him the purpose of her visit.

"I can see that you are a capable and good person. I really can't take care of these children by myself. Can you give me some advice?"

Meng Liang frowned and looked at her. The more he looked at her, the more comfortable he felt. So he couldn't help asking:

"Has the village chief slept with you in his hometown?"


"What? I'm asking you a question."

"Oh, he's not a good person either. He helped me just to take my body and sleep with me."

Gao Pinru's voice was quite low when she spoke.

Meng Liang shook his head and sighed:

"What a waste!"

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