Lu An was laughing so hard that his son and daughter finally consummated their marriage.

Hey, it was so exciting. It was achieved in front of me, very suddenly.

But this is a good thing anyway.

As someone who has experienced this, although Lu Anke is a bit stupid, he is also very understanding of the relationship between men and women. What is the matter? After getting into bed, it is not the same thing.

As time goes by, there is no love and passion, and we just keep each other company, and we stay together because of loneliness. In the end, one person's loneliness becomes the loneliness of two people. I am afraid that everyone will experience the seven-year itch, but only these young people can experience it. Love comes and goes and is on the lips.

Night comes quickly.

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Lu Anke left the carriage shed and sat next to the coachman.

The coachman was in his forties and a strong man. Lu Anke's arrival made him overwhelmed because in her eyes, Lu Anke was so beautiful.

However, he also knew that this woman was actually much older than her appearance.

So after hesitating in his heart many times, the driver said honestly:

"Sister, it's windy here, you'd better go and sit in the car."

"No, I want to check the wind. Driver, are your ears okay?"

"Huh? Ears? It's okay."

The coachman thought Lu Anke's question was strange.

"That's why it's easy to use. Don't be surprised when you hear a special sound, and don't look around, just drive the car seriously, you know?"

"I know, sister!"

The coachman became even more curious. What sound would he hear next?

Lu Anke raised his head and stared blankly at the stars in the sky. His mood was quite complicated. His daughter was finally going to start another life with her adopted son-in-law. They might not be lovers yet, but they would definitely get better as long as they slept. of.

Although Meng Liang already has another woman, there is nothing he cannot accept. After all, it is the end of the world.

Lu Anke was sure that in this doomsday, no man could be found who could be more suitable for his daughter than Meng Liang.

Yo yo yo, it’s in the carriage!

It's crazy, but worth remembering forever.

Even after many years, Qu Gueran will never forget that my first time was very bumpy.

Lu Anke's mind has been freed.

Meng Liang is such a damn boy, but the horse hasn’t eaten grass for so long?

She has been single for many years and she starved to death without even saying anything. Who is she looking down on?

Just when Lu Anke was thinking wildly, suddenly, two screams came from behind him.

The coachman had an idea.

He kept listening, hoping to hear what strange noises there were.

These two screams were loud enough to make his ears ring.

Lu Anke jumped up from the carriage and looked back at the shed behind.

What's going on?

Meng Liang is no longer a boy, it can be said that his experience is similar.

Could it be that my daughter was scared?


Yes, I rarely talk about this topic with my daughter.

Is she afraid of pain?

Lu Anke was confused. What should he do? Should he open the curtain and go in?

"Daughter, what's wrong? Don't scare mom. What's your name?"

"Mom! Come in quickly, Meng Liang has changed!"

When Qu Gueran called him, Lu Anke went in. There was a candle beside him, so he could see clearly.

And it seemed that Lu Anke was also stupid.

"Where's Meng Liang, who is this?"

A boy who was estimated to be only five or six years old was sitting next to Qu Jiaolan. If you look closely, he was super cute and looked a bit like Meng Liang.

"Mom, he is Meng Liang! Why did he become a child!"

Qu Jiaolan always spoke with a cry.

The child's face was livid, his eyes widened, and he said in a childlike voice:

"There was a sound in my ear just now. This is Prodigy Powder, a super prop item. After eating it, it will directly return to the physical state of a five-year-old. The combat parameters remain unchanged and cannot be reversed. It can only grow up naturally. That means I’m going to start growing again!”

Meng Liang lowered his head to look at his baggy pants, pulled them open, and looked inside. He almost cried when he saw it!

"Mad! Who gave me this food? There's something wrong with the mutton soup!"

Qu Gueran's head was buzzing!

Five years old?

Then Nima will only be fifteen after ten years?

It's over, it's over, what can we do?

Wouldn't she be a widow from now on?

Look what this little kid can do!

Thinking of this, Qu Jiaolan couldn't help but cry, feeling very sad.

Meng Liang slowly stabilized his mood.

In fact, there is still a notification sound.

Prodigy Powder gives the body some super fighting ability properties.

Super bouncing, it can jump directly over a distance of 500 meters, ignoring gravity, which means that whether it is jumping up or down, it can jump directly up to 500 meters.

Power resonance, the force of the fist is converted into powerful energy. This energy can spread through the air and have a range of 500 meters.

That is to say, Meng Liang's fist can be transformed into a spell-like attack. When he punches out, an explosion wave will appear within a range of 500 meters.

In addition to these two abilities, the most powerful one is the activation of Meng Liang's parameters.

The notification sound said that Meng Liang's sleeping parameters had been activated because his body's ability limit had been increased.

With the ability to automatically level up, you can directly break through the 10th level, enter the path to becoming a god, and become a first-level primary god.

At this point, abilities are fully adjusted.

[Get the parameter panel, this panel is invalid for you

You can change some parameters of humans in this world, including appearance, skin color, body shape, and gender. Please note that once modified, it cannot be changed back.

Because the main position is too powerful, it suppresses the parameters of the artifact and beast. The artifact spirit will lose the ability to fight alone and will help the main position in a combined posture. The beast is similar. It will increase the main position's spell ability by combining souls.

Currently owned

Artifacts: Kui Niang, Hanhai, Qixue, Panshi, Guiying

Beasts: Fengshen, Langshen.

Realm: First-order God

Level: 1000

HP: 10 million

Battle parameters - First-order God battle state

Beast God Reincarnation Slash is integrated into the first-order God battle state,

Items: Five Gods Demon Knife

Artifact Drinking Heaven: Lacks Soul of Drinking Heaven

Artifact Desert: Lacks Soul of Desert

Several other props and equipment

10 Rejuvenation Fruits, one can restore 10 years of youth

The Corpse King Set is taken back, the First-order God realm has its own firewall, which can resist zombie bites 100 times, and the recovery time is 100 hours.

That is to say, after the combat state is released, you cannot be bitten by zombies again within 100 hours]

Meng Liang was speechless, blessing and disaster are interdependent.

The Prodigy Powder is definitely a good thing, and it actually activated the parameters of his being sealed by the Heavenly Demon.

It turns out that outside the reincarnation realm is the First-order God realm, the first-order First-order God, which means there are higher-order First-order Gods, so are there realms above the First-order God?

Meng Liang couldn't understand it at all, and he didn't know there were these things before.

This might be a new product of the game between the two systems of demons and immortals.

That control panel is really amazing, no no no, it's simply abnormal!

From now on, he can turn men into women, and women into men? He can also make them look good, with different skin colors and body shapes. This is crazy! People who write novels and make TV shows don't do this, right?

At this point, Meng Liang didn't know whether he should be happy or angry.

The key is that this panel is useless to him!

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