"Success!" Meng Liang was surprised.

Those bursting flames could not bypass the shield to burn Meng Liang.

Meng Liang pushed the shield close to the neck of the giant fire corpse, then raised his knife and chopped it at the ear of the giant fire corpse.



The defense of the giant fire corpse was reduced.

I don't know why, maybe the skin has an attack attribute, so the defense attribute is naturally reduced.

Meng Liang was even more excited when he thought of this, and he acted quickly, not caring about anything else.

An ashtray thrown by someone fell on Meng Liang's forehead.

Fortunately, it just grazed.

But this also made Meng Liang's forehead swell up and hurt a little. Help

Okay, he is an abandoned leader, he doesn't need anyone, he can kill zombies alone!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Meng Liang shouted while slashing, encouraging his momentum and making himself focused.

[Please note that the level 10 Undead Flame Giant Corpse is in danger, with less than 7000 HP, triggering the reincarnation energy]

[Please note that the level 10 Undead Flame Giant Corpse has completed the second transformation, gained flexible physical strength, and became a combat-type Flame Giant Corpse]

Meng Liang's lips were a little dry, and he felt smoke coming out of his throat instantly. He felt a little uncomfortable with the internal fire.

This thing will reincarnate as its HP decreases. It was already at the peak bronze level just now, and now it is naturally beyond the peak.

No matter what, it's up to you.

Meng Liang still outputs crazily, and this time he hits the full attack damage.

It can be seen that its attribute adjustment has caused its defense to become lower.

When Meng Liang realized this, the combat-type Flame Giant Corpse had already deftly supported its upper body with his hands and was about to stand up.

Meng Liang couldn't attack its head here, so he could only cut its arm. The HP was -55. Although it was bleeding, he couldn't cut its arm.

Fortunately, the people upstairs hated Meng Liang at this time, and they were still throwing things down. I don't know how many people lifted a large cabinet full of books.

The cabinet fell and hit the back of the combat-type flame giant corpse.

This hit pressed the giant corpse, which had just started running, down again.

Meng Liang hurriedly found a good position, raised his shield and approached, and continued to attack the head.

This time, 2000 blood was knocked off, less than 5000!

The giant corpse finally got up again, and punched Meng Liang with a huge hand.

Meng Liang dodged and ran under its chest, stretched out his hand and cut its chest with a knife. There was no position to choose, as long as he could output damage.




A row of numbers popped up, Meng Liang's eyes were red, watching its blood volume decrease to 4000.

Hold on for a while, there is a chance!

Meng Liang thought so, but the giant corpse had already stood up, raised his foot and stepped down, stepping on Meng Liang.

Meng Liang still dodged quickly.

This kick was so powerful that it directly penetrated many piled items. One of the giant corpse's feet was stuck in the items and couldn't be pulled out for a while.

Meng Liang went up to chop again.

[Please note that the level 10 Undead Fighting Flame Giant Corpse is about to launch the "Splitting Earth and Trampling" skill]

Meng Liang had seen this move before, so he quickly dodged and ran far away.

The giant corpse raised its other foot and dropped it.


After a loud noise, everything under his feet was trampled and shattered. For a moment, smoke and dust rose up, and the whole ground trembled. Cracks appeared in the ground, and the zombies below fell down. The objects piled on top also fell down after breaking.

Even though Meng Liang had run ten meters away, he still felt that this place seemed to have turned into a basin, and the entire terrain was concave.

The sense of déjà vu was very strong, and the people upstairs were shocked and had forgotten to throw things down.

Meng Liang gritted his teeth and rushed to the front again.

There were already many ordinary zombies on both sides of the building called by the zombie king. There was not much time left. If the zombie king could not be killed, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

Get close and chop on the legs.




The Corpse King's defense was still decreasing, which Meng Liang thought was normal.

After being injured, it couldn't be as powerful as at the beginning.

The Corpse King did not give up, and began to use the ability to split the earth and trample.

This made the basin deeper and deeper, and Meng Liang became more and more unstable. He fell twice and was almost stepped on by the Corpse King. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough.

Suddenly he found that his blood volume was only 30.

It seems that the Corpse King also had an attack effect on him.

The hot temperature on its body surface and the vibration of the trampling.

Meng Liang could only give up the gains and losses after fighting to this extent.

Success is my luck, and failure is my fate.

In fact, I had considered it wrong before.

Although the Corpse King was huge, its attack ability was really average. It was still relatively clumsy. Meng Liang circled around under its feet and avoided danger all the time.

Its strength was to summon zombies.

When the blood volume dropped to 2000, the surrounding zombies were less than 50 meters away from here.

Meng Liang's heart was completely cold.

He was done, dead, no chance of survival.

He couldn't consume 2,000 drops of blood bit by bit, and he didn't have enough time. Now he couldn't enter the building. Even if he killed the zombie king, he couldn't escape the zombies around him.

When he turned his head, he saw a large freezer, which was thrown down from the building by people.

Maybe he could hide there, but the zombie king could crush it with one foot, so he still had no chance.

Meng Liang's body was numb, but that was why he was still attacking.





[Activate Dark Attribute Extreme Critical Hit]

[Congratulations to the Orc. Meng Liang for killing the level 10 Bronze Corpse King, gaining a lot of experience, and upgrading to level 14]

[As the first survivor to kill the Bronze Corpse King, Meng Liang's item rewards are doubled]

[Obtained the broken artifact - Blood Blade, which is the main component of "Crying Blood", one of the 49 artifacts, and can devour items to increase attack power]

[Obtained Power Ring*2, Attack Blade*2, Gas Shield*2, Steel Cutting Knife*2, which can be devoured by Blood Blade]

[Integrated the four attributes of "Extreme Critical Hit", "Upgrade Acceleration", "Night Vision Ability", and "Blade Continuous Slash", and obtained the only passive ability "Raging Bloodline", with night vision reaching 50%, and the upgrade speed increased. There is a chance to hit any monster with a critical hit, and the attack power can be fully output wherever the blade passes]

[Orc. Meng Liang jumped levels, excellent strength, rewarded racial ability improvement, and strength increased by 5 times]

A series of prompt sounds rang out, making Meng Liang feel like he was in a dream.

Seeing the giant zombie fall down and stop moving with a bang, he realized that this was not a dream.

When killing the black demon, he obtained the dark attribute of the extreme crit, and he didn't expect it to work.

So the zombie king still had about 20% of his blood, and it was gone in an instant!

Meng Liang was of course surprised and almost cried with excitement, but he didn't have the opportunity to express his emotions. The zombies coming from both sides were already in front of him, so he could only quickly get into the freezer not far away and cover it.

Then he heard a "pa pa" knocking sound from above.

That was the zombies rushing over.

They didn't open the door, they just pressed on it and beat it.

In the dark space, Meng Liang gasped desperately.


It was really fortunate, he thought he would die this time.

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