Meng Liang had been hiding in the corner watching all this.

It was so fun.

Haha, this group of evil people kept women in the pen and played with them like animals.

But now they have all become women, and they met the more beastly Lord Long who wanted to fuck them.

This is the legendary retribution in this life.

Of course Meng Liang wanted to see the excitement.

Lord Long was very anxious and fucked two women directly. This tossing only made the two women cry bitterly. I guess they were both ashamed and terrified, turning from men to women and being fucked like this.

Meng Liang was originally very happy to watch, but he didn't expect Lord Long to take out a knife after he was done and cut the two people into pieces.


It's really cold-blooded and cruel.

After getting comfortable, the boy searched among the many cocoons. After searching for a long time, he finally found Gao Yang.

He only removed the head part, which means that Gao Yang only showed his head, and his body was still unable to move.

Gao Yang was panting, looking at Long Ye with horror.

"Long Ye, let me go! We are brothers, don't you say we are brothers?"

"Hehe, Gao Yang, you used to be just a dog of mine! The reason why I let you be the boss here is because I like to raise dogs, but now it's different, you have become a beauty, don't worry, I won't kill you quickly, I will slowly torture you and enjoy you! This is so cool! But are you really Gao Yang? Haha, you will be my Princess Gao Yang in the future, okay? Haha!"

Meng Liang got goose bumps when he saw it, damn, it's really a dog biting a dog.

Oh, forget it, although Gao Yang is not a good thing, this Long Ye obviously makes him even more unhappy.

Meng Liang finally decided that he should come to solve this trouble, some beasts, still can't be kept.

So Meng Liang left the observation place, walked outside the house where they were, picked up a stone from the ground at random, and threw it at the house.

The stone was like a bullet fired by a high-speed cannon, directly penetrating the glass.

It penetrated, not shattered. It just left a small hole on the glass that was slightly larger than the stone.

This was because the force was too great, and the force point was completely concentrated on the point where the stone and the glass touched, so it was able to break through directly and hit the back of Long Ye's head.


Long Ye cried out in pain, then looked back, his sight came out of the window and fell on Meng Liang.

"Who dares to attack me!"

After a roar, Long Ye rushed over and kicked the window open, leaped out, and arrived opposite Meng Liang.

He covered his head and looked around, trying to find the person who attacked.

It was too painful, and he was confused by the beating. He could be sure that the other party was a master, and his strength must be extremely strong.

So even though Meng Liang was standing in front of him, he didn't doubt Meng Liang at all.

"Hurry up, Long Ye! Who attacked me?"

Meng Liang was speechless.

What the hell, isn't he considered a human?

"Hey, I attacked you by surprise, are you blind? You didn't even see me standing here?"

"You? You said you attacked me by surprise?"

"Hehe, it seems that you are not only blind, but also deaf.

"Wow, you little bastard, where the hell did you run from? I think you really want to die! "

The furious Dragon Lord was furious and jumped over to slap Meng Liang.

Meng Liang was not afraid and was ready to fight back.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a strange noise behind him.

Huh? Someone is approaching!

Meng Liang was really startled and looked back.

He was stunned when he saw a fairy in white floating towards him.

It was indeed a fairy.

She looked like Li Rutong, no, no, she looked like Xiao Longnu, and had a bit of Wang Yuyan's temperament.

She was the type of pure and fairy-like.

Of course, she was also very good-looking.

When Meng Liang was stunned, she had already floated to Meng Liang's side and hugged Meng Liang into her arms.


What a soft body, what a fragrant smell , Meng Liang couldn't help but think of a word, warm and soft.

And at the moment when she hugged Meng Liang, the woman stretched out her hand to withdraw and fight with Long Ye.

As a result, Long Ye was shocked and stepped back more than ten steps, and sat on the ground with his buttocks. The woman was unharmed and stood on the ground without moving.


Meng Liang was really surprised and hurried to check the level of this woman.

Wow, it's actually 4th turn.

I didn't expect there are so many masters in the north.

In Meng Liang's view, for others, those who are more than 3rd turn can definitely be considered masters.

Now I actually met two 3rd turn and one reached 4th turn in one day. How can Meng Liang not be surprised.

It's just that this woman's dress is really weird. Why is she wearing ancient costumes?

"Hahaha! Hahaha! What's wrong? What's wrong? Another beautiful beauty like this? Little baby, who are you? So awesome! "

Long Ye sat there laughing, but his eyes were full of viciousness when he looked at the beauty.

Meng Liang raised his head and looked at the woman.

The woman was very quiet, probably about 20 years old, but she had a special mature temperament that was hard to describe.

She lowered her head and glanced at Meng Liang, smiling and said very gently:

"Don't be afraid."

As soon as the two words came out, the voice was so gentle and beautiful that Meng Liang's heart melted.

My goodness, what a beauty.

The woman raised her head, looked forward, and said to Long Ye:

"This is just a child. I don't know why you attacked him. I advise you to be kind and retreat. "

"Haha, are you pretending to be a fairy with me? Hey, little girl, let me ask you again, what is your name?"

"When fate comes together and fate breaks up, why do we need to get acquainted when we meet? My friend, just retreat, otherwise it will do you no good."

"Haha, that's interesting. Girl, I think you are really kind. It would be a pity if I didn't get to know you who are so kind."

Master Long obviously won't leave easily.

Meng Liang noticed that some very small spiders appeared. They surrounded the surroundings and secretly began to weave webs. It seemed that they were going to attack by surprise.

Of course Meng Liang would not remind the woman in white. As long as he was here, she would not suffer any loss.

Hehe, now I find that being a child is quite good, and I can have sex with you in a legitimate way.

It should be said that Meng Liang is really serious in the relationship between men and women.

I can't stand it now that Xiangxiang is on my lips, so I must take advantage of it, otherwise I'm still a man?

Mr. Long kept talking, and the woman in white basically ignored him, but she did not leave.

Meng Liang suspected that she might have noticed that Master Long was setting a trap for her, so the reason for not leaving was very simple. She must not like Master Long, so she stayed and tried to see who was more powerful. .

Just as Meng Liang was guessing, the woman suddenly lowered her head again and looked at Meng Liang speaking softly and quietly.

"Tell Auntie, what is your name?"

"Meng Liang."

Meng Liang didn't think he could disguise himself at all, but his voice sounded very cute at this moment.

This is a very uncomfortable point. From now on, he will be the spokesperson of Naiji.

Sure enough, the beauty pinched his little face and said with a smile:

"Hello little Meng Liang, my aunt's name is Meng Feixue. What a coincidence, we are from the same family."

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