These words made Li Ying feel embarrassed and lowered her head in shame.

Qu Jiaolan laughed dryly, noticed Li Ying's mood, and said hurriedly:

"Haha, sister, don't worry about it. Meng Liang is smart, but sometimes he doesn't stick to trivial matters. He's not talking about you. We can't betray ourselves just for the sake of our children without being embarrassed."

Meng Liang patted his forehead when he heard this.

This Guerlain song made me so angry that I was confused.

So Meng Liang also came to comfort Li Ying.

Li Ying smiled and shook her head:

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"It's okay, how can I blame my cousin. Hey, everything is my own choice and forced. My siblings are right. As long as the result is good, won't March and I live to see her uncle? Wow? Woohoo!”

Li Ying started crying again, and Yue Yue also cried too.

Meng Liang glared at Qu Gueran angrily, and Qu Gueran stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

After comforting her for a while, Meng Liang said that he would take Li Ying out to find Qin Qiu.

Qu Jielan decided to make up for her mistake and took the initiative to take care of the children at home, saying that she really liked March.

At this time, there was chaos in the city, but it had not spread outside the city.

After all, it is a city of one million people, and the news cannot be released so quickly, not to mention that some thoughtful people have begun to cover up the truth.

As his name suggests, Shi Tianmeng is tall and strong, but he also has delicate facial features. He looks like a man of taste. Thirty years old is the best time to be strong and energetic.

He is the captain of the city's supply search team.

In a post-apocalyptic city, material search teams are important teams. They are often the highest-level and most powerful group of people, so as the leader of such a team, they certainly have a high status.

God is dead.

Shi Tianmeng immediately sensed a glimmer of opportunity, so he began to gather troops and prepare to do something.

Meng Liang was ready to ignore what was going on in the city today and let them fight over it. He would take action when things started to show signs.

Meng Liang also arranged tasks for Qu Jiaolan.

Three thousand of his men had already arrived, and Meng Liang asked Qu Gueran to find some smart people to go to the city to find out the situation and report back in the evening, so that he would be well aware of the situation.

Then at this time, just go and comfort your cousin.

Under the leadership of my cousin, we came to a shantytown with very narrow roads and very dilapidated shantytowns. Such houses must not be able to survive the winter.

Of course, this is just looking at it from a pre-apocalyptic perspective.

Because it turns out that many people survived last winter, living in such shacks, and only a few people froze to death.

We came to one of them, which looked like a small tent. It had a wooden frame structure inside and a plastic sheet on the outside. Then some thatch soil was spread on it. When it dried up, it became a thatched house.

But I'm afraid it will collapse. The mud is not thick, so it won't be very warm.

It seems that he doesn’t know how to build a thatched house. This is also an ability. Not everyone has the ability to build a house for himself, or the nearby soil has become a precious resource. If you don’t have the ability, you can’t get soil suitable for building a house.

As soon as they reached the door, the door opened, and a greasy man walked out from inside.

He glanced at Meng Liang and Li Ying, chuckled, and said:

"Are you here to beg for food again? Li Ying, you are lucky. I got a rabbit today and gave Qin Qiu Yazhi a rabbit leg. You can get a sip of soup."

"Ah? Thank you, Brother Liu."

Li Ying was as humble as ever. She was used to this way of talking to people.

Of course Meng Liang was angry, but he also knew that there was no need to get angry with such a passerby. After all, he was still kind-hearted.

Just thinking about how he used to be my cousin's benefactor made me feel very sick.

The fat man also glanced at Meng Liang and was stunned.

"Ah? Where is your daughter? How did she become a little brat?"

Li Ying didn't know how to explain.

At this time, another person walked out of the room. After coming out, he sat directly on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth and said in a hoarse and magnetic voice:

"Fat man, you're talking so much nonsense, what's the ink on my door?"

"Haha, honey, I just like your promiscuous attitude. Just wait and come back to you in two days."

After the fat man finished speaking, he left.

Meng Liang finally saw this little girl with a four-character name.

Qin Qiu is elegant.


Li Ying was right.

Even though Meng Liang was well-informed, he had to admit that this little girl was indeed beautiful, attractive, and very temperamental, and this temperament was indeed very romantic.

Her most distinctive feature is her lips, which are very sexy. Although they are a bit dry, they are still attractive and attract more glances because of their perfect curvature.

Compared with today's Qu Gueran, it is still a bit worse.

After all, Qu Jiaolan has been adjusted by Meng Liang to look like the most beautiful goddess in his mind.

So the girl in front of me is too young after all, so she can't compare with Qu Gueran.

It's just that Guerlain definitely doesn't have that romantic charm. You must know that she is still a young girl, and the young girl in front of her is already a veteran.

She slowly raised her head, glanced at Li Ying, and then frowned at Meng Liang.

"Where's March?"

She spoke without enthusiasm and showed no respect for older women.

This is normal, after all, Li Ying was helped.

"Ah, she is at my sister-in-law's place. Yazhi, let me introduce you. This is my younger brother. His name is Meng Liang. I met my cousin, woo woo woo."

Li Ying was so emotional that she couldn't help crying softly.

Qin Qiuyazhi didn't understand.

She met the wife of a younger brother, and the child in front of her was her other cousin? This younger brother and cousin couldn't be the same person, because such a young cousin couldn't have a wife.

Just as Qin Qiuyazhi was thinking about these things, Li Ying finally controlled her emotions and said the purpose.

"Yazhi, you have always taken care of us mother and daughter before. Now you come with me, my cousin will take care of us."

"Cousin? You mean this child?"

"Yes, no, he is not a child. He is already in his twenties, older than you. He just became smaller after eating props. My brother is very powerful."

In fact, Li Ying didn't know how powerful Meng Liang was.

It was just that Meng Liang told her when he comforted her that he was very powerful.

Sister-in-law Qu Jiaolan also said that she didn't have to worry anymore, and she would definitely be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks with Meng Liang.

She felt that her cousin would not lie to her, so she said this to Qin Qiu.

Meng Liang didn't care. After a period of dealing with things, he had understood one thing.

If he was just a child, he would not have the right to speak, so it was not always appropriate to play the pig and eat the tiger. He also had to tell some people that he was not a child, but a capable adult.

Qin Qiuya was stunned after hearing what Li Ying said. She was surprised that this child was actually an adult.

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