Meng Liang grabbed her hair and asked her to look in the direction where Fang Chaoyue ran away.

Tao Xiaowan finally shed tears.

People are like this.

What you can't get is the best.

Tao Xiaowan once thought Fang Chaoyue was good.

However, after the doomsday, she really snatched him away and really had him, only to find that things were completely different from what she thought.

The shortcomings of this person are obvious.

No opinion, timid, cowardly, hypocritical.

These four characteristics constitute the characteristics of men that women dislike the most, no sense of security.

So Tao Xiaowan became even more angry, but she was unwilling to admit that she had made a wrong choice, so she could only put the suppressed anger in her heart on Qin Qiu. This was an important reason for her viciousness towards Qin Qiu, and it was also a fig leaf for her to hide herself.

Now that this fig leaf was pulled open by Meng Liang, she was of course at a loss and felt very sad.

It hurt too much, she was seriously injured, and it seemed that she couldn't breathe, so that she couldn't think more.

After waiting for an unknown period of time, she finally heard the sound of horse hooves.

Tao Xiaowan knew that her father was coming.

Tao Hu has some skills and has passed the first level.

Unlike Xin Qiang, Tao Hu is a member of the God Guard. The God's guard has a territory in the small village outside the city, and his status is higher than Xin Qiang.

Hearing that his daughter was beaten, he immediately led a group of people to run over, thinking in his heart that he would cut the guy who bullied his daughter into pieces.

It can be seen that the person opposite is actually a child, and Tao Hu's heart trembles.

As a God's guard, although he did not go to work today, he also inquired with others in the morning. Tianmu God is dead, and the news has not yet been spread.

It is said that the person who killed Tianmu God looks like a five-year-old child.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Meng Liang simply sat on Tao Xiaowan at this time.

Tao Hu ran over and said angrily:

"What are you doing!? Get off my daughter quickly."

"Dad! Save me! Kill him and help me get revenge!"

When Tao Xiaoying saw her father coming, her shouting became much louder, but she was originally weak and powerless.

Tao Hu naturally wanted to rescue his daughter, but the scene in front of him was too weird, and it was almost the same as the legend. There really was a child master who appeared in Wuyou City. He could kill gods, and gods used to be the supreme existence in their eyes. It’s not that no one wanted to resist gods, but they really couldn’t resist.

So what level is the person who can easily kill gods?

Tao Hu is so successful, he is not a fool, and he is almost fifty years old, he is old and cunning, he did not take action directly, seeing Meng Liang did not speak, he tried to suppress his temper, and said with a smile:

"What should I call you? Little brother, I don't know how my daughter offended you, who are you to punish her like this?"

"Haha! Old thing, I beat your daughter to a pulp and she can't get up, you are still interested in chatting with me, you are really cunning, let me tell you, I just want to beat her up, who let her bully people before? But don't worry, she is not guilty of death, I will not kill her, just teach her a lesson, what is your name?"

Tao Hu was speechless, this tone is just like a master.

"Haha, my name is Tao Hu, little brother, I really want to know if the death of Tianmu God has anything to do with you?"

"You know it, but why are you asking? Tao Hu, I heard that you are a bully around here, let me ask you, how many people do you have under your command?"

"Me? The area within a few hundred meters is under my control. I have seventy brothers and hundreds of thugs. In addition, the poor people here must listen to me."

"Well, very good, now you have reached the crossroads of your life. I will only give you one chance to choose, and you only have two choices.

First, go back and organize your people, and submit to me from now on. Maybe if I am happy, I can guarantee you a better future.

Second, come and do it, and see if I can beat you to death!"

Too arrogant, the key is that he still looks like a child.

I can't stand it. Most people would probably be stimulated to start cursing and then do it, not to mention that his daughter has been trampled underfoot.

However, those who can survive for more than two years in the doomsday are destined to be not too simple.

Tao Hu thought carefully, looked at the people around him, looked at Meng Liang's momentum, and couldn't see through it.

What is certain is that this is definitely not an ordinary child.

Then you can't treat it with the thinking of a child.

The opposite is an adult, who may be the one who killed God. If so, if you choose to fight him, the ending can only be death.

"Dad! What are you doing! Come and save me!"

Tao Xiaowan couldn't think of so much, but was just curious why her father didn't do anything, and let her be ridden by the enemy. She had multiple fractures all over her body and was about to fall apart. Couldn't her father see it?

Hearing his daughter's cry, Tao Hu trembled physically and mentally.

He is not a 20-year-old boy, nor a 30-year-old man. He is just a middle-aged man who is over 40 and almost 50 years old, struggling to survive in the doomsday, and is close to old age.

The choice of the doomsday is not easy, because every choice faces life and death.

Unlike before the doomsday, if you don't get on this bus, there will be another bus coming.

There are not so many buses in the doomsday, and missing one may be a lifetime.

"Then you really won't hurt my daughter? She's injured now."

"Why waste your words? Why don't you get out of here? Gather your men!"

Meng Liang became more and more violent.

In fact, Tao Hu was already feeling a little upset.

So Meng Liang's violence and rudeness would no longer arouse his anger, but only made him more afraid of Meng Liang and dare not act rashly.

After taking a last look at his daughter, Tao Hu narrowed his eyes and waved to the people behind him, meaning to retreat.

The people around him were all dumbfounded, wondering why the boss was scared by a child.

They were just Tao Hu's subordinates, not the guardians of the gods, and they didn't know the news from the city that the gods had been killed by a child, so they couldn't understand why Tao Hu did this.

Then Tao Xiaowan was even more confused.

Fang Chaoyue's departure could actually be explained, and it could be regarded as calling for help.

Why would the dear father give up on her? Why? She couldn't figure it out at all.

Meng Liang was somewhat surprised.

I didn't expect that this seemingly powerful Tao Hu would be scolded away by me, and the key point was that he actually gave up his daughter.

Haha, it seems that the news that a little boy killed Tianmu God has been spread, and Tao Hu knew it, so he didn't dare to do it. It was also a bit straightforward and decisive, and was not affected by family affection.

Meng Liang sneered, and lay down to talk in Tao Xiaowan's ear.

"Little girl, do you understand now? Who is the father? Humph, I spared your life today, so you owe me a life. Don't show off around me in the future. Kneel down respectfully and call me daddy when we meet again, otherwise, that will be the day you die!"

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