Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0585 Ye Wenrou's Request

This is really a big event in Wuyou City.

A new leader was born in a strange way.

In fact, among the one million people, 800,000 are not convinced.

"These leaders are too fierce. Why don't they dare to attack him alone?"

"The key is that Tao Hu and Cao Liang, they rebelled first."

"Okay, okay, don't say I am from Wuyou City in the future. It's really suffocating. We have one million people, how can we be ruled by an outsider?"

In short, it can be regarded as a boiling public outrage. I don't know if there is anyone behind this.

Meng Liang didn't care at all.

Not long after, the reputation of the butcher brother and sister spread.

Just because they refused to surrender, they turned the whole family of men, women, old and young, even babies, into human sticks?

This is too cruel, isn't it?

Everyone will feel cruel at home.

But no one went to public to say bad things about Meng Liang anymore.

When someone accidentally mentioned Meng Liang, the style of painting had already changed.

"Tsk, those leaders have surrendered, we are just civilians who live a life of mediocrity, we just need to eat and survive, who cares who is the boss?"

Three days later, the joint vanguard of the Giant Sword Clan and the Tianhai League arrived, 6,000 people, to transport food.

The people of Wuyou City felt really distressed when they saw carts of food being transported out.

But they had no choice but to not resist, so they could only report their thoughts to the boss, and then the boss reported it to the boss's boss.

Finally, the dissatisfaction reached Meng Liang's ears, and a meeting was held.

Cao Zhenzhen, who had become a beautiful woman, would blush when she talked to Meng Liang, and no one knew what she was thinking.

"It is estimated that our food is only enough for ten days now, and we can't last until the autumn harvest. What should we do?"

Meng Liang lay in Qu Jiaolan's arms like a master, closing his eyes and said:

"The scouts are back. Three hundred miles northwest of your place, we found a larger human settlement. What is it called?"

Qu Jiaolan gently connected.

"Tian Di Sha!"

"Haha, this name is really domineering. I plan to go over and take a look. I will tear down the east wall and repair the west wall. Where there are people, I will be there. When I organize all of you together and train you well, it will be time for me to fight back against the zombies and sweep across the Central Plains!"

Qu Jiaolan looked down at the child, as if she had not woken up, but the words she said were earth-shattering.

Alas, my man, once I have this consciousness, why do I like him more and more?

Meng Liang couldn't leave immediately, he had to wait for Zhong Zhenshan and Meng Feixue.

Now there are three forces, and each force has scattered small forces.

They just dare not resist because of their powerful killing.

It will be more difficult to merge. He is the boss of the three forces, and he must make overall arrangements.

It is not so easy to be a hands-off boss.

What's more, these three forces are actually not his. At most, he is just a leader.

And the so-called leader means that there are different alliances inside, so it is impossible to be too harmonious.

So Meng Liang had to bring the three waves of people together as soon as possible to establish a united regular army.

Only when the army is established can political unity be guaranteed, and finally power can be truly concentrated in one person.


This also takes time, and Meng Liang doesn't know how much time he has left.

After the meeting, Li Ying sent someone to pass the message, saying that Meng Liang should go over to eat dumplings in the evening, which she made by hand.

Meng Liang knew that Li Ying's cooking skills came from her aunt, and her aunt's cooking skills came from her grandmother.

Grandma is the common master of my mother and my aunt, which means that my cousin's dumplings must have some of my mother's taste.

This is naturally going to happen.

Meng Liang was busy doing business in the afternoon, dealing with some military personnel matters, and contacting the current managers in the city. To put it bluntly, it was welcoming and seeing off, which was very annoying, but these were inevitable.

It was more than five o'clock when he finished his work, and then he went home.

Now Meng Liang has moved into the Tianmu Temple, a very luxurious seven-story building, which is really like a palace.

They lived on the first floor. As soon as Meng Liang entered the door, he saw Qin Qiuyazhi kneeling there to wipe the floor.

This little girl is not very old, but she has experienced too much and has been matured. This back view is very murderous.

Meng Liang's problem is that he has principles but is also a bit vulgar. He just stood behind people and watched with a smirk on his face until he was discovered.

"Ah, Meng Liang. Brother?"

Meng Liang is much older than her, so naturally he has to call him brother.

Qin Qiuyazhi smiled more gently when she found out that Meng Liang's eyes were full of color, and said:

"Aren't you afraid that your sister-in-law will find out that you are doing something bad?"

"You girl, what bad things did I do? You are not naked, I just want to see your buttocks, is this illegal?"

"Haha, brother, you are right, it makes so much sense, I simply can't refute it."

After Qin Qiuyazhi finished speaking, she suddenly shouted.

"Sister-in-law! My brother is looking at my butt!"

Meng Liang was speechless when he heard this. Although he was not afraid of Qu Jiaolan, he still had to pretend to be a little afraid in this matter. This was considered a taste.

So Meng Liang planned to leave.

Who knew that Qu Jiaolan did not show up at this time, but Ye Wenrou came.

This was her parents' home. After Meng Liang seized power, she insisted on moving in.

Meng Liang felt that she was quite pitiful and agreed.

Since he was too busy these days, Meng Liang had not met her, but today he met her.

"Meng Liang, should we talk?"

"Chat? Oh, I helped you relieve your worries. You don't have to thank me. You are still young now. When you grow up, I will use you and let you get a job here."

"Humph, that's not what I mean. You killed my parents. Shouldn't we have a good chat?"

"Hey, what can I do? Their bodies have been occupied and their thinking parameters have been cleared. What else can I do if I don't kill them?"

"Yes, I don't blame you, but the fact is that you killed my parents. I don't care. We must talk."

Meng Liang frowned, not knowing how to deal with it.

Finally, Qu Jiaolan came.

She was originally preparing dumpling fillings with her cousin in the kitchen. At this time, she came out, followed by Xiao Sanyue.

Xiao Sanyue ran directly to Meng Liang and hugged him.

"Uncle, we made dumplings with shrimp and meat fillings, and my mother also made leeks. I like them very much."

"Haha, come! Uncle hug me!"

Meng Liang, who was a head shorter than the little girl, hugged his eldest niece.

Qu Jiaolan came over, covered her mouth and smiled, then looked at Ye Wenrou.

"What did you say you wanted to talk about? We are husband and wife, you can tell me anything."

Meng Liang felt that Qu Jiaolan was jealous at the right time.

He planned to leave and carried his eldest niece to the kitchen.

Before he took two steps, he heard Ye Wenrou speak from behind:

"Okay! I am still a minor. He killed my parents and made me an orphan. I know this is a solution, but the same thing is that he killed my parents after all, so he has to be responsible for me."

"Well, how do you want him to be responsible?"

"I want him to adopt me and be my father!"

Meng Liang slipped and almost fell. The incident happened so suddenly that Qu Jiaolan was stunned.

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