The news spread the next day. Gu Yunlong was turned into a young man by Meng Liang. He was handsome. I heard that his little wives were all extremely happy now. They burned incense and kowtowed to Meng Liang at home, saying that Meng Liang was the one. True God.

Meng Liang didn't do anything, he just became a god following the rumors.

Many people want to be blessed by God.

For example, old people want to become younger.

Ugly people all want to look good.

People with average looks want to be beautiful.

Beautiful people all want to be stunning.

But these people couldn't see Meng Liang easily, so they could only respect Meng Liang like a god, hoping that he would come to them with a kind heart, and then stretch out his hand and immediately become a living person.

About the fifth day after Meng Liang took control of this place, large troops finally arrived one after another and could only be stationed outside the city.

Originally they had run out of food, but the food transport team brought back three days' worth of food, allowing them to tide over the crisis.

Meng Feixue and Zhong Zhenshan all arrived, and Meng Liang directly took the lead in convening a tripartite joint military meeting.

Only then did Meng Feixue realize that the little boy in her camp was the boss, and it turned out that this boy could turn into a woman, and it was Meng Liang who killed the powerful enemy that day.

This is really shocking.

But Meng Liang had no intention of talking to her about such things. For Meng Liang, the most important thing was to build an army.

The conference lasted for six hours before finally reaching a conclusion.

Meng Liang served as commander-in-chief.

Zhong Zhenshan, Meng Feixue and Cao Zhenzhen serve as deputy commanders.

The deputy commander does not directly manage the troops, but is responsible for managing the relationship between ordinary civilians and the military.

The people who really manage the troops are the twelve regiment commanders.

Including Meng Liang, each of the four commanders selected three regiment leaders.

Meng Liang hesitated that he had no one available, so the first leader he chose was Tao Hu, and the other two were Zhong Zhenshan's two central subordinates.

The soldiers led by these regiment leaders do not belong to any single force. They are divided into chaos and divisions. They want to make sure that no matter what their background is before, they will only belong to the joint army and be led by Meng Liang in the future.

Meng Liang is still quite busy now. He also has to explore the outside world to find food, so for the time being, Qu Jielan is acting as the commander-in-chief.

Qu Gueran is also qualified. After all, she has the ability and work experience.

And currently, only Qu Gueran can do the job.

Meng Liang considers the overall situation.

Qu Guerlain can just do the meticulous work and make the team more integrated and cohesive.

It takes time for anyone to do it, and Qu Guerlain happened to have this time.

Meng Liang finally finalized the development plan and was in a happy mood.

When I got home, I found that my mother-in-law, Lu Anke, had already met her cousin. She kissed her as if she were a biological sister.

But Lu An calls Li Ying his in-laws.

"My in-laws! You don't know how good my son-in-law is! My son is back? Mom misses you so much!"

Lu Anke gave up his in-laws and threw himself into Meng Liang's arms.

Li Ying was stunned. She didn't see the mother-in-law and her son-in-law being so close. The key is that the mother-in-law is so young.

Meng Liang smiled awkwardly and said to Li Ying:

"Lu Anke is just like that, and she's a bit talkative. You don't have to be polite to her. If you don't like hearing what she says, just stay away from her."

Li Ying smiled awkwardly, shook her head and said:

"Cousin, I'm fine every day. Now that I have my aunt with me, I'm so happy. I'm willing to listen to her."

"Okay, then you have a companion, Lao Lu, you have to take good care of my cousin and niece, you know?"

"Don't worry, son, it's no problem!"

Lu Anke was very happy.

Qu Gueran and Meng Liang were not around during this period, and she was actually quite lonely.

Now that Meng Liang has his cousin and niece, he has companionship, which is great.

After Meng Liang finished arranging for his mother-in-law, an uninvited guest came.

Meng Feixue.

Meng Liang felt bad when he saw her.

Now Qu Jiaolan is busy and there is no one else around her, so she needs to be alone.

The reason for panic is because Meng Liang's secret has been exposed.

Meng Feixue sat on the sofa opposite Meng Liang and said with a smile:

"It turns out that you are not a child, but a real man. You are already thirty years old. We are here to complete the task of killing you. Since you are a real man, what do you think we should do?"

Meng Liang knew that this was not what Meng Feixue really wanted to say, so he laughed and said:

"Okay Feixue, we have slept together in arms, are you willing to kill me? If you have anything to say, just say it, and if nothing happens, go and get busy. Building an army is very important to us, and everyone must be committed to it. Use one piece.”

"Don't worry about this. My biggest task now is to first establish the law and then act in accordance with the law. I want to discuss this with you more."

"No, no, no, I don't care about this kind of thing. Just go find Qu Jiaolan, Cao Zhenzhen and my eldest brother Zhong Zhenshan."

"Okay, then I have something else to ask you. Your description of the virtual world in the real world is really exciting. Have you really been to the real world?"

"Yeah, of course."

"I believe you! It seems that no matter which world we come from, the real world and the zombie virus are our enemies. We must unite."

"Yes, as long as you understand this. Is there anything else? If not, why don't you just go and get busy? Or you can go back and take a rest. After all, we have a long day of meetings today and everyone is very tired."

"Haha, one more thing is that I have contacted the women we met at that time and learned about their situations. They were all men originally? After I came here, I heard that you can actually turn people into You must be young and beautiful, which makes me wonder, are you the one who turned those men into women?"

Meng Liang sighed, everything is no longer a secret.

Then tell the truth.

So Meng Liang told Meng Feixue what was going on.

"Anyway, those men are not good people. I turned them into women just to punish them."

Meng Feixue understood, nodded, thought for a moment, and then said:

"According to this, they indeed deserve their punishment. Okay, I will quickly establish a legal system, and these people will also be punished by law. You don't have to worry."

Meng Liang nodded, and was very happy that Meng Feixue had a strong sense of the rule of law. It seemed that the giant sword race could be used as the law enforcement team of the entire army in the future.

After all doubts were cleared, Meng Feixue spoke with a gentler voice, smiled more enthusiastically, and said:

"Meng Liang, I am really curious about you now. What kind of existence are you? You are so powerful, and the system wants to kill you, are you the hidden super BOSS?"

"Okay, honey, I am a virtual person, exactly like you, except that we are not in the same world.

Now that things on my side have come to an end, food will be in short supply soon, so I have to leave as soon as possible. When I find the next place with food, let's see you again. I hope that by then our army building will be completed and everything will be ready. Can get on the right track! "

Meng Liang extended his hand to Meng Feixue as he spoke.

Meng Feixue already knew that this was the etiquette of this world, so she reached out and shook Meng Liang's hand.

Meng Liang exhaled a breath, his heart has already flown out, the next stop is to kill the world!

This name sounds so domineering. I wonder if it will go smoothly there?

But this time, Qu Jiaolan no longer has the energy to follow Meng Liang. She is busy, and the Butcher siblings will be her best helpers.

Meng Liang doesn't plan to bring anyone with him. He just needs a food transport team to follow him from a distance. He wants to find the freedom of flying solo. That is probably an interesting doomsday journey, right?

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