Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0596 Meng Liang's Game and the 72 Sages

"Wrong? Then let me ask you, uncle, where did you go wrong?"

Meng Liang stood opposite the boy, pointing at him and speaking.

The other party was completely frightened because he saw that his blood volume was almost gone.

In fact, he was not convinced at all, so Mr. Meng asked him, but he hesitated and couldn't explain.

Meng Liang walked over and kicked him in the stomach, which knocked him down. His blood flowed out, and there was only a drop of blood left. His whole body became weak immediately, and he could not stand up anymore. He entered a state of serious injury and frequent death. .

Most people must have one thing in common, that is, they are afraid of death.

This world is indeed full of suffering, but people still want to live, because existence is meaningful, and non-existence is meaningless.

Seeing that he only had 1 point of blood left, the boy could no longer be arrogant. He tried to turn over, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to Meng Liang with a pale face.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone against you. I was wrong."

Meng Liang was also afraid that he would die immediately, so he raised his hand and threw a pill to play with. After taking it, he would gain 10 points of blood. This kind of thing was relatively rubbish. Meng Lian was much older.

I happened to know this person, so I hurriedly picked it up and ate it. Then I took a long breath and died immediately. Who wouldn't be afraid?

"what is it call?"

Meng Liang continued to talk to him in a loud voice, so that others could hear him, which would be like killing the chicken and letting the monkey see it.

"My name is Zhang Yeji, they all call me Pheasant."

Meng Liang almost laughed out loud, this is really killing the chicken to show the monkey, good, good, good.

"I ask you, what bad things have you done?

Let me tell you, I will interrogate all of you in the future. Others will definitely know what you do, and you may also know what others do. When the time comes, you expose each other, and if I find out that you lied or concealed something, I will You will die miserably, so don't play tricks on me. Tell me what bad things you have done. Tell me now and I won't embarrass you. "

The pheasant was panting and kneeling there, lowering his head and not daring to speak.

This is like being involved in a crime. Anyone who dares to confess the bad things they have done is not seeking death.

Meng Liang was very angry when he found out that he was silent and planned to cut off his hand.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted from behind.

"Little boss! I'll take over his hair. I have 1 point of blood left. Give me some blood-replenishing medicine, otherwise I'll die!"

Meng Liang smiled when he saw the man, jumped over and gave him some blood-boosting pills, which also increased his blood by ten or ten points.

This kid didn't look like a good guy at first glance, but because he was afraid of death, he lost his evil temperament and looked like a cowardly and incompetent good-for-nothing.

Meng Liang didn't talk nonsense, he pointed at him and said:

"Okay, tell me, what bad things has he done?"

"My dear, he has done many bad things. He used to be my neighbor. Later, he seduced another girl and was discovered by his wife. After the apocalypse, he killed his wife and her whole family, and then followed That woman was living her life! But then she fell in love with another woman, so she killed the whole family of the previous woman. "

"It's so ruthless and ruthless. Okay, what other bad things can you continue to say about him?"

"We once stayed in a camp together. There were more than 400 people in that camp. We were all at level 4, 5, 5 and 6. The people in that camp were actually very good to us, but he told me that the people here were People gain experience after killing, so one night when I couldn't see my fingers, he took me with him, and the two of us killed all the people over there... Because they had drugged the water before, so they He was killed in his sleep."

"Isn't it too vicious? Is there more? Is there more?"

Meng Liang was really a little shocked. It was indeed very difficult to be cruel. He had never killed 400 people in one night. Of course, he had never killed anyone in another world.

"We were once trapped. Well, there were three people trapped in the well, and one was our brother. Because he had nothing to eat, he took me to kill and eat our brother!"

"I'm surprised. A person can be so bad?"

Meng Liang looked shocked. After saying this, he looked at the boy in front of him.

"Is there anything else evil?"

"A few more."

This boy is really betraying his brothers, confessing everything.

Meng Liang looked at him coldly when he heard that. After seeing it, he sneered:

"He is just bad, but you are even worse. You participated in all the bad things he did. You are even worse than him, and that is your betrayed brother, so you are even more annoying." ”

The man was stunned when he heard it. He didn't expect Meng Chang to say such a thing, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly kowtowed.

Meng Liang ignored him and went to interrogate others.

It was much easier now. They found that Meng Liang was really cruel and ruthless, so even if he didn't tell everything, he would tell a little bit.

Next to her, Wang Peiji also listened carefully. She was frightened. She was just an ordinary survivor of the apocalypse. She had been hiding and was not in danger. She didn't expect that the apocalypse would be so crazy and cruel, with such a group of people. Evil people, maybe these people are not human beings at all, but evil ghosts crawling out of hell, right?

Meng Liang was even more surprised at this time and couldn't help but return to Yu Qiuyu.

"Let me go, what you said is true. All the people here are evil people. How did you gather this group of people together, or how did you gather in the evil village?"

Yu Qiuyu had seen Meng Liang's performance, so she knew that Meng Liang was not a child, which made her very angry, but at this moment she had no way to resist, so she was at the mercy of others. Yu Qiuyu was also a smart woman, and did not want to cause trouble for herself, so she said coldly:

"We were originally divided into various places, about 500 kilometers in diameter, and then we received some tasks together. Because our evil value is far higher than that of ordinary people, as long as we do evil things, we can upgrade quickly. The more evil we are, the faster we upgrade. After completing several evil tasks, we will be teleported here and gather together. Everyone can get more bonuses by doing bad things together."

Meng Liao was speechless. There was actually such a task.

Very good, the end of the world has already magnified the evil things in human nature, and now the system encourages them to do bad things, so of course they are out of control. No wonder they have done so much.

"Ok, OK, then that's it. I've understood. I'll turn a blind eye to all the evil things you did in the past, but my ultimate goal in the future is to make you become saints, not the kind who sweep the floor without hurting the lives of ants, but to eliminate violence and protect the good, and be a knight in the end of the world. Do you have confidence?"

Meng Liang finished speaking in a loud voice, and then looked at everyone with a smile.

200 villains, you look at me, I look at you, with disdainful expressions on my face, this is a fool, doesn't he know that it's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change one's nature, does he still want cats to swim, chickens to fly, and eagles to protect blind sparrows?

It's really a daydream.

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