Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0608 Heaven and Earth Killing

Xianggu invited Meng Liang to be his guest very warmly.

Meng Liang was not polite, he needed someone familiar with the local situation.

He told Xianggu about the origins of Yu Qiuyu and others, and Meng Liang did not hide this. At the same time, he also asked Xianggu about the situation here.

Xianggu was obviously more honest than Meng Liang.

Meng Ran didn't ask a few questions, and Xianggu had already made everything clear.

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In the beginning, when Tiandisha was not called Tiandisha, there was a big city here, called Zhenlong City.

This Zhenlong City is quite powerful. It is a doomsday rescue base established by the Northeast Local Military Region in the north.

Back then, the regular army gathered more than 100,000 people, and many nearby state agencies came to support and surrender, so an organization represented by the regular army was formed.

It is said that at the most, it gathered almost 4 million people.

There are more zombies nearby when there are more people. The reason why Meng Liang and his team did not encounter many zombies when they entered the Northeast was, on the one hand, because some zombies gathered into the zombie tide, which was the zombie tide that Meng Liang and his team encountered in Tianhai Town.

On the other hand, the reason was that a zombie tide gathered before and surrounded Zhenlong City.

A battle between humans and tens of millions of zombies is about to begin.

If it starts, this battle may be a very large-scale battle in human history. If it goes wrong, the organizer's reputation will be even greater than Meng Liang, who organized a war with zombies in the south.

However, this battle did not start because the Tiandisha dungeon was opened, and all the zombies were teleported away. They did not leave the map of the Tianhaisha dungeon, but were bound by some space energy. After that, they were released and often harassed the people trapped in Tiandisha.

In the early stage, there was a very special task, that is, killing people can be upgraded. Killing 1 person, upgrade 1 level, killing 2 people, upgrade 2 levels, killing 100 people to upgrade to level 100, killing 1,000 people, that is directly 10 turns.

The millions of people in Zhenlong City could hold back at first, but gradually some killers appeared. They slaughtered their kind crazily, so their levels became higher, their combat effectiveness became stronger, and their abilities improved.

In this way, more killers appeared, and everyone began to kill each other.

There were more evil people, and fewer people who defended justice, and generally those who wanted to defend justice were killed by others.

It can be said that Xianggu’s group is a standout among them. They also killed people, but they killed those killers.

The killer’s ability level is high, so the experience after being killed is actually more. For example, killing an ordinary person is 1 level up, but killing a person who has been several turns, then it may be 2 or 3 levels up.

Therefore, Xianggu and Bodhi monk can have the current level and current combat effectiveness ranking, and demarcate a part of the area here, which has become their own family territory.

Xianggu is the patriarch, and this Bodhi monk is a kind-hearted person. He hit it off with Xianggu, so he has been working together.

There are about 200 people in Xianggu's tribe now, some of whom are her relatives, and some of whom come to seek refuge with her.

Anyway, the current Zhenlong City no longer exists. Because of the large-scale killing, people can no longer form an alliance and trust each other, so various small forces appear and are distributed in many corners of the Tiandisha map.

Then the area covered by Zhenlong City before was basically north-south and east-west, with a length and width of more than 20 kilometers.

This place was surrounded after the Tiandisha dungeon appeared, but after the siege, the actual sense of space in the Tiandisha dungeon was much greater than the length and width of 20 kilometers.

According to Xianggu's description, if you walk north from this entrance, you can't reach the northernmost point in half a month.

The concept of space in Tiandisha is different from that in the real world. It is a dungeon map. Even a point can be the whole world, and the people trapped here are only a part of the whole world.

Then just a few days ago, they found that the ghost knife appeared next to their territory.

This guy is an absolute murderer. He killed many people, so he was able to rise to this level. Therefore, Master Bodhi came out to see if he could find the ghost knife.

He has been out looking for several days. He did find it. He encountered it three times in total and fought three times. The monk beat the ghost knife so hard that he could only defend himself and had no chance to fight back.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. In fact, the ghost knife did fight back a few times. For example, it left some wounds on the monk, so the ghost was more seriously injured.

But the monk didn't catch him after all, and let the ghost knife escape again and again.

Xianggu was originally guarding the family camp. The monk went out for a few days and didn't return. Xianggu was a little worried, so she opened a protective energy shield for the family camp that could last for a few days, and then she came out to find the monk in person. Today, he was just found.

At this point, Xianggu said a little depressed:

"Ghost Blade is very cunning, so forget it, I can't leave the camp for a long time, if the camp is attacked, it will be over, so now I can only go back and change from large-scale active attack to small-scale defense."

Meng Liang listened and nodded, then raised his own question.

"Killing 1,000 people can become a 10th turn, then don't you have too many 10th turn people here now?"

"No, there is a bottleneck when upgrading from 7th to 8th. As far as I know, no one seems to have broken through this bottleneck yet. This bottleneck is too difficult. We have all teleported into this dungeon, but no one can get through it. Fortunately, the dungeon can still be escaped, otherwise we would have died in it."

So that's how it is.

Meng Liang didn't go through these bottlenecks. He directly upgraded from 7th to 1st level of the Beginning God, so he didn't know how difficult the bottleneck was when upgrading from 7th to 8th.

"Okay, you asked me so many questions. In fact, I am also very curious about you. What do you think? According to you, these people are all big villains who have done many evil things. Why do you still keep them? Can they really be educated?"

"Take your time. The key is that there are too many evil people in this world now. You can't kill all of them. If you kill them all, then this world will no longer exist, and this is the purpose of real humans."

"Real humans? What do you mean?"

Xianggu looked curious, like an ignorant little girl, but Miss Meng couldn't forget it. She was 104 years old.

"Ah, this question is another very long story. If you are interested, I can tell you slowly when I get to your house. But now I am more interested in this great copy of Tiandi Sha. How can I end it? I mean, end the energy barrier around it."

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