[Level 90 Division Corpse King - Thunder

Corpse King characteristics, summon all kinds of zombie corpse kings with lower levels than itself at any time

Injury-free characteristics, no death and no injury, super violent attack power

Resurrection characteristics, can be resurrected after death

Transcendence characteristics, have stronger abilities after resurrection

Health volume 2 million

Four deadly skills-

Explosive poison

Thunder sky explosion

Indiscriminate instant kill

Roaring frenzy

Data is still being planned, it will become stronger when it encounters a strong opponent, and can evolve]

Meng Liang couldn't understand what this skill of its was, what did indiscriminate instant kill mean?

No matter what, he had to fight, Meng Liang didn't believe it. He was already level 1500, and his combat ability was estimated to be twice as high as before. Could he still not beat it?

So he gave up observing and flew over to slash it.

"Good human, I must turn you into a zombie, and then make you my corpse soldier, broken!"

With a roar from Lei Ting, a burst of green gas was released from his body. This release process was not like the smoke coming out of a stove pit little by little, but like a grenade explosion, the smoke rushed to the surroundings, directly occupying a large range of space, and the green poisonous gas was all over the area within a few hundred meters.

Originally, he was close to the corpse king, but after feeling these green poisonous gases, the system immediately sounded an alarm. Meng Liang knew that he could not completely tolerate these poisonous gases because it was a zombie virus.

When he was nervous and didn't know what to do, he casually swung a knife.

Possessing the super artifact Five Gods Demon Sword, it is beyond the Heavenly Demon System and the Heavenly Immortal System. It is completely Meng Liang's independent system, created in conjunction with other artifact parameters.

Super powerful can cut off everything, so after Meng Liang swung this knife, the blade directly split the fog into a straight line with a width of more than two meters, that is to say, there is no zombie virus within this more than two-meter range, just like a corridor.

Meng Liang was overjoyed and rushed forward, but the zombie virus gas would move, and the passage only existed for less than two seconds and then closed quickly.

Meng Liang could only swing his sword again, and swing it continuously, one sword after another, one sword after another, and swung out many roads, and ran out of this range at the fastest speed.

[Please note that your Thunder Zombie King suit has reached the highest wear and tear. If you come into contact with the zombie virus or are bitten by a zombie, you will be poisoned.]

The prompt sounded in Meng Liang's ears, and Meng Liang almost couldn't help but say a-fuck!

If you can't get close, then use the blade to attack.

You can also cut through the poisonous fog, but if you cut it on Lei Ting, only 3,000 blood will be released.

And this 3,000 blood will be restored to full in an instant.

It seems that a close combat attack is necessary, so you have to wait until the poison disperses.

This should be one of its skills to blast the poison, why is there no trend of dispersing? This is a bit difficult to deal with. Meng Liang is strong, but he has no skills now.

Even if you have the ability to blow the desert wind, you still need it. After entering the trance state, these abilities are gone.

"Great! You are actually quite powerful, but you are not as powerful as me. Go to hell!"

Lei Ting roared again.

Meng Liang was still speechless.


Since this BOSS has been created as an intelligent creature, can you be more serious?

What kind of lines are these!

You are actually quite powerful!

But you are not as powerful as me!

Oh, Tao Nima, are you sure you are not here to make fun of me?

Meng Liang complained in his heart. At this time, Lei Ting had released another skill of his, killing instantly without distinction!

This is an attack on all targets locked by the zombie king within a radius of one thousand meters.

Meng Liang only felt a flash of electricity wandering around his body.

He couldn't dodge at all because there was no sign of attack.

This time, his whole body seemed to be electrified, and Meng Liang's heart was pounding.

Lei Ting summoned a group of zombies to rush towards Meng Liang again.

Meng Liang was numb all over because of the electric shock. Fortunately, he was not unable to move, but his movements were much slower.

So it was not easy to kill the zombies this time. He was almost bitten by the zombies several times, but fortunately, he was safe.

Damn, this is too electric, damn it!


We will lose if we continue to fight like this.

Meng Liang decided to transform. This is a game that he must not be careless about.

At this moment, a light and shadow suddenly broke through the rain curtain and directly held Meng Liang in his arms.

In an instant, Meng Liang felt like he was bathed in the spring breeze, and the feeling of numbness on his body disappeared!

Accompanied by a fragrance floating into his mouth and nose, it was simply delicious.

You have to know that this was in the midst of wind and rain, and only Meng Liang's nose could smell this fragrance.

What's more amazing is that there is a fragrance on this person's body even in the wind and rain. It is definitely not the smell of smoky powder and flower fat, but the body fragrance as rumored.

Meng Liang hurriedly looked at the person holding him.

She is in her early twenties. She is not absolutely beautiful but fresh and cute. She still looks fresh and beautiful in the rain. She is obviously a natural beauty.

"Haha, kid, you are really good at fighting against a level 90 zombie king at such a young age. You are not afraid of being killed by it."

"Haha, sister, are you here to help me fight?"

"I am just passing by. Someone sent a message saying that there is a zombie well here, so I came to see it! Kid, sister will not help you fight, but sister will kill the zombies!"

"It is a level 90 zombie. Can you beat it?"

"Let's try it. I have never beaten this thing before!"

Meng Liang had already tried to see her parameters while talking.

[The other party has anti-spying properties and cannot detect specific parameters]

Meng Liang was surprised by this, and this attribute existed.

"Haha! Hahaha! Another one is here to die, okay! I, the Corpse King, will let you all go to hell together!"

The zombie equipped with the rubbish line attribute is still so arrogant. After shouting a sentence, its body emits purple light. This light blends with the nearby green poisonous gas, making it look more powerful and terrifying.

And the purple light quickly rushed up into the clouds, and then the dark clouds gathered and began to press down, as if the sky was falling.

Then, thunder and lightning rolled in the dark clouds, and thick lightning bolts were like dragons drilling back and forth in the clouds.

Meng Liang was shocked to see it!

Damn it!

Have you entered a fantasy world?

Could it be that someone here wants to ascend and escape the tribulation?

"It seems that he is about to release his ultimate move. Little one, check your luck and see if my little sister's moves can withstand this move!"

While talking, the woman began to mutter words, which were magic spells. It seemed that she was a magician.

After reciting silently for a while, the woman's voice became louder enough for Meng Liang to hear.

"I swear by the blood of the Ice God,

Protect my body,

I am also an ice demon,

The most powerful secret of ice magic, the North Pole shakes and freezes! "

As the words fell, the surrounding temperature suddenly became colder, and then at a speed visible to the naked eye, solid ice began to appear around Meng Liang and the woman, wrapping them tightly. At this moment, all the lightnings in the sky as thick as a dragon merged into one, It fell from the sky and hit the ice shield!

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