Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0619: Auntie's Thoughts

In the end, Peggy Wang came back crying, lay down next to Meng Liang and started whimpering.

Meng Liang didn't even open his eyes and didn't intend to comfort her.

After much deliberation, I think it was all a third party involved in this matter, but in fact, what Wang Peiji said was right. The relationship between them was really pure. After all, it was Li Yang who was stingy.

Don’t say it’s in the end, just say it’s before the end.

There are plenty of married women.

There are also many loving husbands.

Except for stay-at-home wives.

Those who are good-looking and work in public, even if they are in legitimate professions, what woman has not been taken advantage of in the workplace?

This is society.

If a man doesn't have the ability to raise his wife and put it away, he should be more generous.

Meng Liang went around and around and finally used social necessity to explain the rationality of his actions, so he felt at ease.

He stretched out his hand and touched the smooth skin on Wang Peggy's face.

"It's so slippery. It feels good."

"Uuuuuuuah, Meng Liang, what are you doing? Can't you see that I'm very sad now? My husband and I quarreled because of you!"

"Oh, why are you so fair? It's quite comfortable to pinch."


"Oh, you'd better take off your clothes when you sleep. It'll be more comfortable when you sleep.

"Meng Liang! Woohoo!"

Peggy Wang lost.

She was destined to be unable to do anything to Meng Liang.

Wang Peiji was also afraid.

Because in the most secret corner of my heart, a kind of thinking is taking shape.

She was having a conversation with her husband tonight, and he deeply hurt her heart.

When talking to Meng Liang tonight, Meng Liang talked nonsense, but it made her very comfortable.

Wang Peggy quickly used her theoretical knowledge to protect her love.

She hates because of love, her husband hates her because of love, and she is hurt by her husband because of love!


She and her husband are in love, and she must protect this no matter what the circumstances. She does not want to be a betrayer!

"Hey, stop crying. You're not sleeping yet. You can't even use me as a pillow when you cry. Your body will tremble, you know?"

"Oh Meng Liang, tell me, our relationship is very simple, right? From now on, you can't fumble around with me. My husband is right, you are a man after all."

"Okay, I got it, go to sleep, I'm sleepy."

"Meng Liang, please let my husband go and upgrade him a little bit, okay? He's not satisfied with his desires right now. If you let him go, wouldn't there be an extra worker around?"

"Actually, I didn't mean to lock up your husband. I just wanted to make myself more comfortable. It's very comfortable to have a big meat pad like you next to me, so I can let your husband go, but you can guarantee that you will continue to give me sex under your husband's watchful eyes." Do I serve as a meat pad and a warm bed? If you can, it doesn't matter if you let him out.

Wang Peiji thought for a long time, and finally started sobbing again, and said in a low voice:

"Then forget it, wuwuwu."

Meng Liang stopped comforting him and continued to take advantage, saying:

"Okay, go to sleep. As long as you believe that we are pure, we must be."

"I believe it! We are very pure. Can you please stop touching my thigh?"

"I didn't touch it, I just scratched it innocently."

Maybe it was nothing more than self-deception. In the end, the two people found their own comfortable positions and fell asleep quietly hugging each other.

Life is so fucked up, even for Li Yang.

For Meng Liang, Wang Peggy, Shiitake, Bodhi, every person in the apocalypse, every period of life is actually the same.

There are still two days left before the game.

Meng Liang lives in Xianggu's house, and Xianggu has nothing to do every day.

She is the grandma of the family, a completely authoritative figure, and she is the boss at home.

But shiitake mushrooms also have their own problems that they can't solve.

For example, her emotional world.

As a 104-year-old man, she is still a woman and has regained her youth. His wife passed away more than 10 years ago, so now he actually has a chance to find a wife again.

But now he looks only 18 years old, so of course he also wants to find young people.

Shiitake mushrooms really fell in love with just one person, the great monk Bodhi.

It’s just that there are too many obstacles between them. For example, Bodhi is a monk who needs to practice pure cultivation and is not a womanizer. Moreover, the monk’s real age is actually in his 20s now, just like Shiitake’s little grandson. Big, the monk doesn't seem to have any ideas in this regard. Although Xianggu likes the monk very much, he doesn't know what to do.

This is obviously very distressing, and Xianggu is too embarrassed to express it directly. After all, she is a 104-year-old old lady, and she always feels a bit disrespectful.

But just today, Shiitake suddenly had an idea and found a way.

What the monk did during this period was to preach to these evil people.

Most people basically couldn't listen to it. After all, they didn't have this kind of belief in the first place. The monk was persistent and recited the sutra very well, string after string, which made these people chant up and down. I stayed in Chen Cang secretly, confused and in great pain.

So these people began to resist and began to insult the monk.

The monk is quite good-tempered. He allows them to insult him, and when everyone else is drunk, he is also drunk. I just want to tell you how to be kind to others, put down the butcher's knife, and become a Buddha immediately.

So the others scolded louder, finally alerting Shiitake.

Shiitake has always had a crush on Bodhi, so of course she was angry when she heard that she was scolded like this.

So Xianggu rushed into the villain's room and dealt with them.

Shiigugu couldn't do anything to curse people. Anyway, these people were tied up and didn't have any special abilities. They all looked like ordinary people. Shiigugu would go over and beat whoever was scolding him, one mouth at a time.

Such a powerful mushroom can make people blush and vomit blood even if they don't use too much force.

When the monk saw Shiitake starting to beat someone, he came over to beg for mercy, and actually said: "Grandma Xianggu, please don't beat anyone."

When Shiigugu heard that the monk called her grandma again, her face turned red with anger.

She raised her hand to push his bald head, but it was still out of reach, so she pulled his neck to bend him over, and then pointed his bald head with her finger.

"You, the big monk, have such a bad memory. Didn't I tell you not to call me grandma? You've called me old"


"Also, you should be a monk, but you can't be stupid. I'm helping you when they scold you. How can you say I'm bad? Who will help you in the future if you do this?"

The big monk was speechless after being scolded by Xianggu, and Xianggu started to scold him because he was angry. When scolding people, he naturally said a lot.

The group of people around were all bad guys. Bad guys are generally kind-hearted and experienced. After watching for a while, they suddenly understood.

Yu Qiuyu pouted and said coldly:

"It turns out that Grandma Xianggu likes this big monk. If you like him, just say it directly. Why are you so hesitant? Although he is several decades younger than you and the same age as your granddaughter and grandson, you look young and petite after all. He has no problem picking you up and playing with you, so it's considered a good match."

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