Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0625 Parameters Revealed

What's going on?

What's going on?

What happened?

Is this a dream?

My eyes must be blurry.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’π’•π’˜π’Œπ’‚π’.π’„π’π’Ž]

This is impossible!

Everyone is thinking about something like this.

Finally, someone who is straightforward and doesn't think about it, he yells out.

"Tuoba Gu! Killed by that kid with one knife?"

Everything has settled down, and this is what they saw.

The master who was said to be able to enter the top 10 strong,

the killer who killed countless people,

the guy who everyone fears,

the person who is hated by countless people,

has been cut in half at this time, and his body has been split into two halves.

No, no, that happened a few seconds ago. The little boy held the arrogant-looking big knife in his hand and didn't stop. He hacked at the two halves of the body. It was estimated that there were dozens of knives, so now the body has been broken into many pieces.

It is estimated that even if Tuoba Gu has any repair ability, it is difficult to repair it now.

The key is that as everyone knows, although Tuoba Gu is powerful, he does not have the ability to repair his body and revive after being cut into N pieces.

"Hahaha, this kid is pretending to be cool with me, get up, damn, underestimate the enemy? Come on, stand up and continue to play, hahaha."

The child laughed exaggeratedly, and while he was laughing, another little girl on the arena who was scared by Tuoba Gu had climbed out of the energy circle. Now there is only this little boy on the arena.

He naturally became the first in the bubble point, and the parameters were displayed above his head.

Level 1563, 1st-order God, no race restrictions

The scene was silent, because the parameters displayed on the top of the head were very large and very clear. The font was red, flashing red light, and could be seen far away. It was very three-dimensional, and basically everyone could see it.

Although everyone didn't know what the first-order God was, they could see the level.

Level 1563?

What the hell is this? What kind of pervert is this?

Meng Liang also noticed that the level above his head was displayed. Originally, he was only level 1500, so after soaking in it for a while, he actually upgraded to level 63. The upgrade was really like taking stimulants, too fast.

In this world, the fastest upgrade place may be here. Meng Liang felt that he must make good use of it and not waste it.

It's just that he showed his true strength, which was a bit unsatisfactory.

There was no way, maybe this was a good thing, after all, he wanted to conquer this group of people, and showing his trump card was obviously the best way.

And this is not his trump card at all. After activating the transformation ability, its combat power may increase by at least 10 times.

Although it is impossible to play the pig and eat the tiger, it is still possible to keep a low profile.

After about a minute, people in the crowd began to discuss actively. Although the voices were very small, everyone was talking, and the voices became louder, noisy and chaotic.

Qiu Tinglan's eyes were wide open.

Suddenly turned to look at Ren Shuang.

"Sister, what is he? How could he be so powerful? Did you know him before?"


"I, I, I... I have only seen him. I met a level 90 corpse king before, and he killed him with one sword, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful. More than 1,500 levels, how did he get up to that level? And what is a novice god? Oh my God, there is no need to do it. He will become the strongest person here, absolutely! Even Tang Xian'er, who ranks first, I don't think he can beat him!"

When Ren Shuang was talking, Meng Liang spoke again.

"Why are you all in a daze? Don't waste time. Hurry up, the top 100, come in in order of ranking. Um, is Xu Liang ranked second? Come in, come in, who's behind? Oh, I forgot, anyway, come in and soak for a while. If you don't soak when you gain experience so quickly, are you stupid? Mushroom, why are you in a daze?"

Hearing Meng Liang call them, Mushroom and Bodhi immediately left the crowd and entered the arena.

At the same time, Mushroom was holding Wang Peiji, who was already dumbfounded.

Wang Peiji was also brought by Meng Liang. After all, it was very lively here today. When she saw Meng Liang's parameters, how could she not be shocked.

Yes, Meng Liang is powerful, but she didn't expect him to be so powerful that she couldn't understand it. More than 1,500 levels, what is this concept?

Seeing that only the monk Mushroom and Wang Peiji were aggressive, Meng Liang was very dissatisfied, so he continued to tell the people around him to come in and soak for a while in the order of combat power ranking, and not to waste.

Finally, some people started to come in. Of course, they were all strong and ranked within the top 100.

There was a lot of space inside, so people continued to come in.

Meng Liang began to announce his own rules. No one should fight each other. They came in just to soak up some time. Even if they came in late, they could still enjoy the experience and the benefits of occasionally breaking through the level bottleneck.

Meng Liang was too short. He was afraid that he would be drowned in the crowd, so he flew onto the shoulders of the big monk. The big monk was strong and tall, so he could stand on one leg.

Meng Liang began to summon a few people who were ranked high and asked them to come to him.

Obviously, Meng Liang has the right to speak in this place now, because he is the strongest, and no one is willing to offend him easily.

The apocalyptic world has always been like this, the strong are respected.

Many people wanted to disobey him and deal with Meng Liang, but Meng Liang always used his powerful ability to suppress others, so that one person could capture a city.

This is because Meng Liang is indeed very powerful, and also because these human beings cannot unite together at all. They have lost their values ​​​​and worldview in the doomsday, because the doomsday worldview is selfishness, and the doomsday values ​​​​are that they cannot let themselves be harmed, so they have no The forces unite to fight against the powerful Meng Liang at this time.

After Meng Liang gathered these top people, he quickly and loudly told everyone about real human beings.

He also pointed out that the purpose of this dungeon is to kill all human beings, so it is pointless for human beings to fight each other to level up. In the end, everyone will die, what is the use of leveling up? Meng Liang is a leader in persuasion and education. Best example.

"You think upgrading every day is awesome, don't you? But what's the use? Are you as fast as me? I can still kill you with one knife, so it's useless! Everyone must unite, and you must understand that the real enemy is this system and Real humans behind it!”

When Meng Liang said these words, about 30% of the audience were thoughtful, but more people were not so smart. In fact, they were very stupid and could not understand what Meng Liang said.

And most people also value immediate benefits, so someone in the crowd said:

"What you said is very good, but how can we escape from this dungeon? We have been trapped here for a long time and there is no way to escape. There is no way to complete this dungeon."

"Who said there is no way to complete the dungeon? Let me tell you, it is entirely possible. Just kill the woman named Tang Xian'er who is ranked number one in your ranking. She is not a human being like us at all!"

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