Meng Liang's level reaches 2000.

Reward: Breaking through the bottleneck and entering the second-order initial god combat parameters.

Team up with Wang Peiji, level reaches 800, breaking through the bottleneck and entering the 8th level.

Obtain the Earth Demon Mark.

It is detected that Meng Liang has a super unique item safe house.

Because of Meng Liang's outstanding ability, the performance of the safe house has been improved.

Meng Liang can teleport back to the safe house at will.

And set up a safe house teleportation point.

Can shrink the safe house, carry it with you, and bring the safe house to the teleportation point. Others can be teleported back and forth between the safe house and the teleportation point.

Currently, 100 people can be transported every day, and the number of people transported will increase as Meng Liang's ability increases.

Reward magic weapon puppet mirror, use once a day, can copy anyone to become your own combat puppet, the puppet has 100% of the other party's combat ability and skills, and the use time is 1 hour.

It is detected that Meng Liang has two helmets connected to the real world.

The system is taken back and a special connection channel is opened for Meng Liang. He does not need a helmet, and his consciousness can enter the real world at any time, automatically identifying and finding a suitable carrier in the real world.

Because of the special parameters of Meng Liang, after the ability is improved, some of the sealed parameters will be activated. Meng Liang will have a certain ability to travel through space and can enter some worlds in the seventh system. The entry time will be randomly prompted, and there will be a prompt once a month.


Then all the rewards are these. It can be said that they are not many, but they are awesome!

Each one is what Meng Liang wants.

At this time, Meng Liang's new parameters are also prompted.

[Currently owned:

Artifact 7——

Kui Niang, power surge; Hanhai, overweight state;

Ghost Shadow, agile attack speed; Rock, diamond body;

Crying Blood, self-repair; Desert, raging sand body;

Drinking Sky, long-range attack

Beast God 2——

Phoenix God, fire control; Wolf God, clone

Panel 2——

Control others' appearance, skin color, body shape, gender

Control the import and export of copies in the main world

Magic Weapon 1,

Puppet Mirror, used once a day, can copy anyone to become your own combat puppet, and have the other party 100% combat ability and skills, use time 1 hour

Mark 1,

Earth Demon Mark, has a small range of earth ability, unavailable in combat, can be upgraded

Realm: 2nd level God

Level: 2000

HP: 20 million

2nd level God combat parameters

Possessing items: Seven Gods Demon Knife

Several other props

2nd level God realm comes with a firewall, can resist zombie bites 200 times, recovery time 80 hours]

Meng Liang was about to laugh, this time he really got a lot of things.

The people around him were still confused at this time, of course they knew that this copy that had been trapped for a long time had ended, and they returned to the real world.

Some people cried,

They remembered their relatives who died in this copy.

Thinking of the dignity they picked up in the copy.

Feeling ashamed of their perverted killing behavior.

Suddenly lost the direction of life.

Some people laughed,

They were glad that they were still alive.

Feeling that there is poetry and distance in the future.

The reason for laughing is that they actually want to cry, but they can't cry.

Some people went crazy because of too much mental shock.

When everything settled down, some people realized that this person who was not sure whether it was a woman or a little boy was very powerful.

So they gathered around, and someone took the lead and knelt on one knee, and then they knelt down. They were willing to let Meng Liang be the leader because they felt that only by following such a powerful person could they have a future.

Some people have left secretly because they don’t want their fate to be controlled by others. They think that the future is without freedom.

People have the same structure, but everyone’s mind is different, and the complexity of thinking is no less than any powerful energy in this universe.

The universe is infinite, and there are thousands of stars. Isn’t human thinking the same? It can be said that a person’s thinking can carry the sea of ​​stars and the vast universe.

At least 100,000 people chose to submit to Meng Liang, so around Meng Liang, they knelt down in a mighty manner. They all knelt on half their knees like the people in front of them, shouting Meng Liang’s name. Some people didn’t know his name was Meng Liang at first, but the people in front shouted, and the people behind followed after they understood what was going on.

Very good.

Meng Liang was very satisfied with all this. This army could be said to be the strongest force around him, and their average combat level exceeded the 5th level.

Then, with Wuyou City, Tianhai Town, Hell Gate, Giant Sword Clan, Suogong Mountain, and Safe House, Meng Liang already had a considerable number of troops.

But the purpose of coming here was to find food. Now not only did they not find food, but there were also 100,000 people crying for food.

It was not just the food problem that they were facing.

The personnel were too mixed, and it would not be a matter of a day or a night to make these people united.

Meng Liang directly appointed Mushroom Granny as the leader of this group.

Most of the masters were dead, and Mushroom could be used. She was so old that she would not be without scheming and scheming. The key was that her character and personality were not bad.

Ren Shuangqiu Tinglan was also willing to follow Meng Liang, and they were all powerful helpers.

What surprised Meng Liang was that Yu Qiuyu's group did not all escape. With Yu Qiuyu as the leader, more than 70 people actually stayed.

They found Meng Liang, and Yu Qiuyu looked indifferent.

"Didn't you say you would make us good people? This agreement has not been fulfilled yet, so I will continue to play with you. The others have all run away, and I only leave these. Do you still want to lock us up?"

"Of course, human nature is like this. It is difficult to change one's nature even if it is easy to change the country. You still have to be tied up, but I don't have time to deal with you for the time being. Let the monk take you. Remember, people want to be good or evil, and they have to do it from their own heart. You, Yu Qiuyu, have killed countless people and are perverted, but you have been with me for a few days, and in the end you still want to continue to follow me. There are only two purposes. One is that you are not convinced by me and want to challenge me; the other is that you think I am rich and are willing to continue to get along with me. These are not important. For me, only if you become a person with the same values ​​as me, can we become friends and get along with each other. So Yu Qiuyu, I will wait for you to become a saint, or one day I am afraid that I will eventually kill you with my own hands."

As he spoke, Meng Liang took out the immortal rope and handed them to Monk Bodhi.

There were many things to do next. Meng Liang found a deserted place to test his ability to burrow into the ground. He became Tu Xingsun and could drill more than ten meters underground. However, this ability was actually useless because it could not be used in combat.

However, it could penetrate walls, which meant that Meng Liang actually had the ability to penetrate walls, which could be used for reconnaissance.

He used the Tongxin Ring to contact Qu Jiaolan in Wuyou City and told her about what was happening here.

Qu Jiaolan was of course happy.

"Just now I heard the system prompt sound, saying that the first stage has ended. I don't know what will happen next. It's always a good thing, right? Have you become more powerful again?"

"I'm more powerful than you can imagine now."

"Cut it out, stop bragging, and wait until you can become a big man."


Speechless, Meng Liang rolled his eyes in anger. This Qu Jiaolan really looked down on him now.

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