Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0637 People in the humble corner

Four people walked in, and Meng Liang was really shocked after seeing it.

The house was not big, probably about 30 square meters, with two double beds, which means it could sleep four people.

What shocked Meng Liang was that the house was clean and tidy, with bedding on the bed, which felt dry and not damp, and there were all kinds of daily necessities in the house, and two kilograms of rice.

All of this must not be accidental, this is what Jiutianmen prepared for outsiders.

In other words, they did not leave the refugees alone like other cities, but controlled them as long as they entered the city.

So this is not a simple shantytown but a temporary living area for doomsday survivors.

If even the refugees are taken care of so well, it can be imagined that the permanent residents here must live very steadily.

People can be arrogant, but they must not be stupid coins. They must be able to see their own shortcomings and see the strengths of others. Meng Liang first admitted his defeat and felt that he might not be as good as these people.

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So along the way, for example, Bai Na of Suogong Mountain, Lu Qianqian of Hell Gate, Zhong Zhenshan of Tianhai Town, Meng Feixue of Giant Sword Clan, and Qu Jiaolan who now controls Wuyou City.

There must be some people who can manage a city, but just at this point, Meng Liang feels that these people must not catch up with these people from Jiutianmen.

So Meng Liang was happy.

Now there are many people who have been formed by themselves, but they are basically a mess. Many people are even their enemies and hate themselves. They are just forced by the status quo and their powerful abilities, so they temporarily obey. If they can't sit firmly as the boss, they can't say that they will rebel.

Meng Liang needs someone to help him manage.

So Meng Liang also needs to form his own cabinet. These people don't directly lead the soldiers, but they have to help him manage all affairs, military and civil affairs, etc.

They have very high power, and I granted them such power, and I must directly lead the army, but they can help me manage it.

This is the concept formed by Meng Liang, so he is happy and thinks that if these 9 people are really so good, then he must recruit them.

Meng Liang knows his weaknesses, but he also knows his strengths. Now he is the strong man, and whoever disobeys him can be convinced by his own strength.

Thinking of this in his heart, Meng Liang smiled foolishly, thinking that he was really lucky, and now he has a ready-made cabinet member.

He has not considered that they are all heroes, and it is not so easy to conquer them.

For real heroes, fighting and killing cannot make them surrender.

"Wow, this place is really nice. Look, there is food here, Xiaoliang. I can't imagine it. It's been more than two years since the doomsday. How can they still have such strength to prepare food for outsiders?

Wang Peiji is now in high spirits and familiar with Meng Liang. She speaks in a delicate voice.

When Li Yang first heard Wang Peiji calling him, he was about to speak.

But Wang Peiji mentioned Meng Liang's name again.

So Li Yang couldn't speak, and retreated to the corner, leaving the space for Meng Liang.

Su Xiaomeng has always been an invisible person.

So she can notice every move of the humble Li Yang.

This makes her very concerned.

Her appearance is not worse than Wang Peiji. If it was before the doomsday, she even felt that Wang Peiji was not as good as herself.

But after the doomsday, their experiences are not the same at all.

Wang Peiji has always been protected by her husband, and now she has Meng Liang by her side.

This woman is so lucky.

Originally, she was a waste like herself, but now she has become an 8th-turn master.

In Su Xiaomeng's heart, There is some jealousy.

This emotion exists in everyone's heart.

Some people will turn jealousy into hatred, and even turn it into action, actively hurting others.

Su Xiaomeng is just not this kind of person.

She is now dirty and has been played by a good man over there, but she still has a strong heart and is still looking to the sun. These sunshine energies are very powerful and are the foundation of her life. They can suppress all the negative emotions in her heart and dispel all the darkness.

If she is not compared with Wang Peiji, she is also a lucky person.

She couldn't hold on at first and thought she would die over there, but now she is saved by Meng Liang. This little boy is careless and strong. Although he has some bad thoughts and his thoughts and morals are not very noble, his values ​​are good and he is also very smart. He is a little wise.

This man can't hurt her and can protect her. Isn't that good?

"Su Xiaomeng, I'll leave all the food and drinks to you. There seems to be a public pot in the alley outside the window. You are responsible for cooking. OK?"

"Okay. "

Su Xiaomeng nodded immediately after hearing Meng Liang's instructions. Her cooking skills were actually pretty good.

Watching Meng Liang leave, Su Xiaomeng began to prepare for dinner.

Then Li Yang walked to the side and lay on the bed, looking very decadent.

Su Xiaomeng began to beat the potatoes. After a while, she finally whispered:

"I think Meng Liang is actually a reasonable person. As a man in the end of the world, he likes your wife, but he didn't kill you. You have to know that this is a piece of cake for him.

He didn't kill you not because of Wang Peiji, but because it didn't conform to his own values.

So he is a good man. If you want to take your wife back, you'd better act quickly and go to Meng Liang to negotiate directly, express your true thoughts to him, tell him that you care about Wang Peiji very much, ask him not to joke with you anymore, and even if you die, you must maintain your relationship.

This is of course a bet, and I am not sure what Meng Liang will do, but what I can be sure of is that if you don't do something, you will eventually lose Wang Peiji's heart.

There is no loyalty between men and women. Meng Liang, this man, has given Wang Peiji all the reasons to betray you.

If Meng Liang is a mountain, you are just a speck of dust at the foot of the mountain. If you want to keep your woman, you have to have some courage.

This is my personal opinion, it depends on you whether you listen to it or not. "

From beginning to end, Li Yang didn't say a word, lying on the bed with frowned eyebrows.

He actually listened to it and knew that what Su Xiaomeng said made sense.

But the problem is that no one knows what Meng Liang will do, and in Li Yang's mind, Meng Liang is already a complete bad guy. Li Yang doesn't believe that the meat in his mouth can be spit out.

At this time, on the street, Wang Peiji was holding Meng Liang. Not far away from this alley is a street of trading market, which is very prosperous and full of things. Wang Peiji is already dazzled.

Meng Liang has a smile on his lips.

It seems that it is right to bring Su Xiaomeng back.

She is indeed a very interesting woman.

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