Holy shit!

Children have no human rights!

It’s okay not to sell it, but he even scolded himself.

Meng Liang was very angry.

I have already begun to consider whether to kill this middle-aged man selling vegetables.

Just then, a pair of hands reached out from behind.

Mulan was of course very cautious and felt that the target of these hands should be herself. She quickly turned around and saw a tall woman.

"Oh, whose child is so cute? Oh, look at that little face, you are so fat!"

While the girl was talking, she reached out and pinched Meng Liang's face, and even kissed Meng Liang on the mouth.

Damn it, this shameless bitch!

Meng Liang didn't expect that he would be secretly kissed. Isn't this teasing? He also felt that the girl's mouth was not honest when kissing him, and it was a bit passionate.

She was simply a female hooligan. Meng Liang took action, pushed her in the face, distanced herself, and looked at her carefully.

The woman is probably under 30 years old. She is not bad looking, but according to Meng Liang's beauty standards, she is considered an average person. She is estimated to be 1.7 meters tall and weighs about 130 centimeters. She is a big girl.

The most distinctive thing about her is her smile. When she smiles, she feels like a caring elder sister, very greasy, and she must be a married person.

"Hey, look, this kid is pushing me. Ouch, what's wrong with my sister's kiss? Kid, let me ask you, are you alone? Where are the adults at home?"

"Who are you? Why are you holding me? Put me down and act like a gangster, right? Or do you want to trick me into selling me? Help me, someone is acting like a gangster!"

Meng Liang suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, and his voice was quite loud.

The big woman's face turned red, she was a little embarrassed, and she didn't expect that Meng Liang's voice was so loud that many people nearby heard it, so she turned her head and looked this way.

The woman then put Meng Liang back on the ground and pouted:

"You kid, I just think you are cute and I like you. Oh, okay, okay, okay, please stop shouting, and the onlookers should stop looking! I don't want to kidnap him, how dare I, let's Human trafficking is a serious crime here, I’m a local, look at this my ID card.”

As soon as he said he was a local, and after seeing his ID card, everyone showed trust.

Because she is a local, everyone trusts her

, it can be seen that the credibility of the local people here is very high, and it can also be seen that the rule of law in this place is very complete.

When the woman saw that everyone was no longer looking at her, she clapped her hands and knelt down, pouted and said to Meng Liang:

"You little thing, you yelled randomly and almost made people think that your sister is a bad person. Okay, then I won't hug you anymore. Tell me where your adults are, and I will send you there. Although this place is still It’s relatively comfortable, but after all, it’s a temporary camp with outsiders, so it’s still dangerous.”

This woman was very enthusiastic and warm-hearted. Meng Liang decided not to argue with her. Although he had just teased her, he would not suffer any loss. After all, he was a gentleman.

"My sister is over there, and I'm here to play."

"Ah, your sister is over there. Okay, okay, it's me who's meddling in other people's business. Little brother, let's meet again soon. Oh, by the way, sister, my name is Tang Sisi, and my father is the manager of this area. Officer, if you need anything, remember to ask your sister."

This girl is really enthusiastic, and she turns out to be a child of an official.

Meng Liang took a look at her combat power parameters. Well, at the second level, she was a mage.

Well, we must be clear about this kind of thing. There are still many people with 2 turns in this world, who can reach the level of medium combat strength. 3 turns and 4 turns are considered masters, and 5 turns are considered peerless masters.

There are too few like him, and it is completely different from the situation in the upgraded copy.

This was just a small episode. Tang Sisi hugged Meng Liang and talked to Meng Liang for a while, and then left with her best friend.

But before taking two steps, Tang Sisi suddenly fell to the ground, her blood volume instantly cleared, and she died!

Now chaos came again. People couldn't figure out what was going on and gathered around chattering. Tang Sisi's best friend suddenly raised her hand and pointed at Meng Liang.

"What's wrong with this kid? Sisi just had contact with him and it seems like he was poisoned. Can you guys see if Sisi is poisoned?"

She shouted, and when people looked at Tang Sisi, it was indeed as if she had been poisoned. Her eyes were black, her lips were purple, and blood was leaking from her nostrils. Anyway, the blood bar was cleared. She was already dead. She must have been poisoned. .

Tang Sisi's best friend is a woman who is about the same age as Tang Sisi and has an average appearance.

Meng Liang was very dissatisfied after hearing his shouting.

What's the meaning? You have to put the blame on yourself.

Just as Meng Liang was thinking about it, a man suddenly rushed out from the crowd, hugged Tang Sisi and started crying.

"My wife, my wife, you died so miserably, my wife!"

The man cried a few times, and Tang Sisi's best friend immediately came over to complain to the man.

"Brother-in-law, Sisi and I came here to go shopping. Sisi saw that the little boy was cute, so she hugged him and kissed his face. But he died within two steps. I suspect Sisi must be It was poisoned, but I don’t know who did it.”

Meng Liang almost rolled his eyes when he heard this. It was so obvious that it was directed at him. Ah, who did it? He died after coming into contact with him. What does this mean?

As expected, the man got angry when he heard this. He looked at Meng Liang with murderous intent in his eyes, took out a knife, and ran towards Meng Liang.

Meng Liang stood there stupidly, watching an unexpected disaster about to befall him. This man really dared to chop him with a knife. Didn’t they say that this was a place of rule of law?

And this matter was actually quite strange. There was a real human being next to him, that old lady.

Was this strange incident that suddenly happened related to her? Why was he so unlucky to become the eye of the storm, and trouble came to him directly.

At this time, the man, Tang Sisi’s wife, had already picked up a knife and chopped at him. Meng Liang decided to fight back.

And at this moment, suddenly a giant eagle fell from the sky, flapped its wings, and a hurricane rose, repelling the man who was about to attack Meng Liang.

Meng Liang raised his head and looked at the eagle. It was really big, about three or four meters long. With its wings spread, it could probably reach a distance of seven or eight meters. It was obvious that this was not an ordinary eagle. It should be a summoned beast, right?

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