Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0655 A challenge from the truth

It is indeed different from what Meng Liang imagined.

Yes, they are not bad people. Real humans and virtual humans are just in two different worlds, fighting to protect their own worlds.

Real humans may be more righteous than virtual humans.

Because it was the Heavenly Demon System that attacked real humans.

Meng Liang sighed, and then he didn't ask anything, it didn't matter whether it was right or wrong.

One thing must be made clear.

Real humans died in battle here, but they were not really dead.

As virtual people, dying in the virtual world means that the data is deleted and they die thoroughly.

Okay, no more nonsense, Meng Liang turned on the transformation and made his strongest state appear.

Bai Suzhen had already gone far back. This battle was a challenge to Meng Liang. Originally, Bai Suzhen could not participate at this level.

Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐•ฅ๐•จ๐•œ๐•’๐•Ÿ.๐•”๐• ๐•ž

The four guardians are not limited by level. Their combat power and Meng Liang's current desire to die can cause real damage.

If Meng Liang cuts Zhen with a knife, even if he doesn't kill her, he will probably seriously injure her.

If Zhen attacks Meng Liang, it may also make Meng Liang fall into eternal damnation.

This is a battle between masters, where every move is a matter of life and death. It is impossible to fight for three days and three nights, but it is possible to decide the winner in seconds.

Zhen didn't get close to Meng Liang, but just looked at her with a smile, and said gently:

"You look so beautiful. When we enter the virtual world, we often like to design our images very beautifully, but it is rare to find someone as beautiful as you.

"Okay, Zhen, let's do it?"

"You go first. I heard that you have some strange moves. I dare not approach you. I can only counter your strange moves by keeping a distance."

"Haha, to respond to changes with the same attitude? I originally wanted to do this. What do you think we should do? Neither of us will make the first move. Do we have to stand until the end of the eternal night?"

"Okay, since you are so cautious, I will go first. You be careful. Let's see how this move works - the fatal blade! "

While speaking, Meng Liang felt a pain in his chest.

Looking down, he saw a red blood sword stuck in his chest! His blood volume has been reduced by more than half, from 23 million to 10 million, and he is injured!

Meng Liang widened his eyes in shock.

It's a bug!

There is no attack process at all, this sword directly causes damage, it's too abnormal, if such a skill can be fired continuously, wouldn't he die after two times? Damn, how to fight this?

When he was stunned, the sword stuck in his chest flew out and returned to his hand.

"Sure enough! Level 2300? Haha, this world seems to have entered the apocalypse for more than two years, and it can reach the level of the second-order primary god. Meng Liang, Meng Liang, I am really curious about you now, what kind of existence are you? ฦกษฑโ€

Hearing Zhen say this, Meng Liang knew that she didn't know her specialness yet.

These don't matter. Now he can't wait and see. He has to kill her immediately.

Meng Liang took out a full-blood bullet and swallowed it. His blood volume was full instantly, but the wound was still there. He was still in an injured state, but it was only a minor injury, and his athletic ability was slightly weakened.

However, Meng Liang's athletic ability was too strong, and this consumption was negligible for him.

Meng Liang directly started the attack and used the control panel to adjust Zhen's parameters to turn her into a man.

"Ah! Wonderful! So wonderful! What happened? "

Feeling the changes in her body, Zhen's face finally lost its calmness and became shocked.

Meng Liang had already reached her side and slashed out with the Seven Gods Demon Sword.

However, Zhen's speed was not slow either. Although the changes in her body caused her internal damage, Zhen was still Zhen after all, and her movement speed did not decrease.

A prompt sounded in Meng Liang's ear.

[The opponent has a variety of attributes. Meng Liang's changes to her through the control panel did not form a stable mode. She can still adjust the attributes and change the various states of her body by herself.]

Meng Liang was very entangled after hearing this.

No wonder she can still be so fast, because she can change back and forth by herself, so she is very tolerant of such changes and will not be unable to move.

Zhen, who had originally turned into a man, retreated quickly, and his body changed rapidly. This time he was not the image just now, but became a stunning beauty.

After completing the transformation, Zhen immediately used another skill.

Even if she didn't shout out, Meng Liang could know.

The ability to explore other people's parameters is not very useful on Zhen, but As long as she makes a move, the system will give a prompt.

For example, the previous fatal blade.

This thing has no attack process and can hit the target directly.

If the combat power is much different from the truth, it will be killed instantly without even a chance to resist.

Like a strong man like Meng Liang, he has a certain defensive ability, so he only lost more than half of his blood and was slightly injured after recovering.

Such an ability can be used once an hour, and the attack power is stronger each time. It is a super single attack skill.

Meng Liang felt a little nervous and knew that he had to kill the opponent within an hour, otherwise the next fatal blade might take his life.

Meng Liang's attack methods are not single. Although he has no special skills, he can cause the strongest damage as long as he is close to the enemy. He is not suitable for the clone beast god reincarnation slash. He is a super warrior type.

At this time, the second skill really explodes.

[Rage Slash, the attack range is a square with a side length of 300 meters. It is impossible to dodge within such a range]

Another powerful killing move, this time it is a group attack.

A light blue interface appeared in front of him, pushing straight towards Meng Liang.

Meng Liang slashed with a knife, and the blade flew directly to the blue interface, the interface was directly cut open, and a gap appeared, but it was repaired in less than a second.

When he drew his knife, Meng Liang had already jumped back and flew, and this jump lifted him more than 300 meters into the air, and he was already more than 500 meters away from

Zhen, his body was hanging in the sky.

[Like a shadow, lock the target and teleport to your side instantly]

Damn, bully me for not having any skills.

When Meng Liang was in the air, Zhen's body flashed and appeared immediately.

Meng Liang had already detected this ability, so of course he was careful to defend himself, and drew his knife directly when she arrived.

Zhen had no time to dodge, and was directly chopped on the arm, and his arm was cut off.

Zhen actually twisted her body and retreated in the void. This is one of her attributes, and she can use force in the air.

"Such a fast attack! Can you predict my skills?"

Zhen had to doubt that she was teleported there to attack Meng Liang, but now she gave Meng Liang the opportunity to attack. If Meng Liang hadn't predicted it in advance, he would not have had time to draw his sword.

"Stop talking nonsense! Go to hell!"

As Meng Liang spoke, the wings behind him flapped. Although this thing couldn't let him fly, it could let him float in the void. He slashed in the direction of Zhen. This knife was ignited by fire. The fire wings took effect, releasing a flame attack, and a long fire dragon swept across Zhen!

On the ground, Bai Suzhen couldn't help swallowing her saliva. This level of battle was too exaggerated, right?

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