Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0686 Wanderer's Inn

Actually, Meng Liang did not reach this level, but his thoughts were similar to those of the two boys at this time. They all thought that they had fallen in love with this girl. Now it seemed that everything was a misunderstanding.

And it was normal for this to happen.

Meng Liang just felt good about himself.

But in reality, he looked like a child. If Wen Qingge could fall in love with him, then she would be sick. How could an adult woman fall in love with a little boy? Even though she knew that he was an adult, she was attracted to him.

Meng Liang was a smart man. When he was thinking about it, he also figured out the problem. Therefore, he was angry, depressed, and sad.

Finally, the four of them arrived at the so-called small village.

This was a village before the end of the world, and now it has become a traveler's station.

The so-called Silk Road is different from the ancient meaning, but it does start from the northern corridor, enter Xinjiang through Inner Mongolia, and then reach the border to enter Europe.

In the past, there were borders between countries in Central Asia, but after the end of the world, there were no restrictions, and this side became a large piece of land.

Although people from different countries still belong to different forces, the trade between different races on the border is indeed in full swing.

And the so-called trade is actually mostly the sale of population and food. Beautiful women can be used as currency to exchange food and other goods with foreign races.

Of course, this side is still far from the border, at least thousands of kilometers, but this route has begun. Even Meng Liang can hear some legends from the wanderers along the way.

The so-called wanderers, at first, are wanderers.

It's just that they are called differently in different regions.

Scavengers, wanderers, wanderers, horse thieves, beggars, etc., the names are different, but what they do is almost the same.

In order to get food, people who walk do things like robbery, stealing, begging, etc.

And in such post stations, people generally abide by some rules to make this side a safe zone.

In such post stations, if you want to commit crimes, you have to ask the guards of the post station whether they agree.

Different people have different ways of survival in the doomsday.

Some rely on stealing and robbing, while others rely on this kind of post station.

There is a water source here, digging a well.

They rely on selling water to obtain some supplies and provide certain security for people.

Before entering the village post, the two brothers had introduced this place to Wen Qingge.

"That man is called Gao Tang, he is a ruthless man, although he is only in the 3rd level, he once killed a master in the 4th level, and he is famous in our generation. It is said that the mayor of Fengsha City will give him some face when he sees him, and will not easily act rashly, haha. Moreover, although Fengsha City is a relatively large doomsday gathering place in the local area, their people don't come to the west very often. By the way, girl, are you from Fengsha City?"

"Yes, I stayed there temporarily.

Wen Qingge speaks sweetly, it's really like a love song, slowly, not hurriedly, with a kind of literary energy, which makes people think that she is the type of good wife and mother.

The two brothers also pay more attention to her, and Meng Liang seems to have become a light bulb.

The village also has a city wall, not tall, only about four meters, but a city wall corridor has been built.

Someone on the corridor from a distance shouted to this side:

"Four people in front, this is Gao Tang's territory, do you know the name of Gao Tang? "

Zheng Tianti took a few steps forward and shouted.

"Yes, knifeman, we are brothers Tianyi from Huorong Town. We passed by here when we came here and drank with Brother Gao!"

"Ah, so you are brothers from Huorong Town. There were two of you when you went there, who are the other two now?"

"Friends I met on the way, the beautiful Miss Wen Qingge, and her little brother."

"Women and children, since Brother Tianyi has guaranteed you, we won't make it difficult for you. Wait, I will close the trap mechanism, and then you can move forward. "

This side is fifty meters away from the city wall. I didn't expect there would be traps. Sure enough, everyone has their own way of survival in the doomsday.

After waiting for a while, the four of them shouted again, and then they rode over. The city gate opened and they entered.

This is a small village. Although there are city walls, it is not a city at all. Once you enter, you can see everything.

It is about 800 meters from east to west and less than 1,000 meters from north to south. There are about 70 or 80 houses, three steps around, and a large square in the middle. Many wanderers just find a place to live and build some sheds. In the innermost circle among the sheds is a small market. There is a well in the village, so they sell water. There were also some other commodities for sale, food, women, and even male slaves. It was not dazzling, but the scale of the exchange market was equivalent to the community vegetable market before the end of the world, and it was still very lively.

Meng Liang and his friends could see this scene standing at the gate of the city wall. The distance was only 500 meters, and there were no houses in the middle, that is, there was a big dirt road.

Brother Tianyi was also a rich kid. He took the two of them inside and soon found a local soldier. They called themselves knifemen and all carried knives.

The soldier looked at Wen Qingge for several times, and then couldn't help but secretly talk to Tianyi.

"I say, brothers, what a trick! Where did you get such a beautiful girl? Will you sell it? If you are willing to sell it, I will give you 10 kilograms of rice! Brothers, you must know that this 10 kilograms of rice is enough for me to buy 20 women. If this stuff is not really good, I can't offer this price."

"What are you talking about! Miss Wen is also a wanderer, not our goods at all, and now she has become our friend. Let me make it clear to you, don't have any ideas about her, and make it clear to your brothers in the city. If you don't behave yourself, don't blame me for falling out with you, Brother Gaotang, it will be hard for you to explain."

Zheng Tian grinned when he spoke.

The swordsman sighed in disappointment and said:

"Well, I have no owner, but I can't ask for it. It seems that you two brothers have taken a fancy to it. Anyway, brother, I won't compete with you for this business. I am here to stay in the hotel, right? The price has increased. I want to live independently. A single double room requires at least five days’ worth of food. I think you want two rooms, right? I’ll give you a discount, for a total of eight days.”

"What? So expensive?"

Both brothers were dumbfounded.

"I can't help it. There are so many people coming here now. Look at this small place. Do you believe me when I tell you that there are four thousand people living in the city now?"

"Ah, there are so many people there, why is it like this?"

"It's not just the stray zombies, everything is not peaceful now. There have always been few zombies here, but recently the zombies nearby have become active, and they seem to be moving towards the big zombie group. It's okay here, we haven't seen any. There is a large-scale zombie group, so the homeless people are hiding, so naturally there are more people. How about it? If you can’t live in it, there are cheap ones. Ten people can live in one of the shacks over there, and they only cost a day. A day’s worth of food.”

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