The name of Zhuxian Wanjian is really scary.

The high-level fighters from the fantasy world are indeed not comparable to those in the main world.

I don’t know if there are 10,000 swords, but many arrows and swords are flying from all directions, stabbing Wen Qingge directly.

This is a super group attack ability, and the attack power must be very strong, because the opponent is also a fourth-level beginner god, so the swords are shot from all directions, there is no way to dodge, and can only be blocked and endured.

At this moment, Meng Liang didn’t want to do it.

It is obvious that this girl named Mu Siyu is more powerful than those people in the Fire Buddha Temple before.

If you want to break this sword formation, you must control her first. As long as you control her, the sword formation will be invalid.

The sword formation is a group attack skill, and the damage to a single unit is often relatively weak.

Wen Qingge, who is also a fourth-level, will not be killed quickly. Although some swords have scratched his body, scars have been left on his body, and some blood has flowed, it is impossible to kill him quickly.

Meng Liang is about to reach the fourth level, but he lacks a copy to break through the bottleneck. He has never found the time to go. Now he is only at the third level, and his third level is different from others.

Even if he does not transform, Meng Liang is still strong. The flying sword is directly bounced by his strong body defense, leaving no scars at all.

He will lose blood, 100, 200, which is really negligible for Meng Liang, who has nearly 40 million blood in total. His blood recovery speed is faster than the blood loss speed.

Moreover, after Meng Liang left Wen Qingge, there were not many swords that could touch him. One reason is that he was too fast, and the other reason is that he was not the main target of attack.

Mu Siyu did not expect that in the blink of an eye, a small black shadow appeared in front of him. Looking closely, it was a child. At this time, the parameters beside Meng Liang's blood bar had already appeared, the third level of the initial god.

Mu Siyu was shocked. Before, she saw Wen Qingge holding a child and didn't take it seriously. How could this child's level be so high?

So Mu Siyu prepared to defend herself. It seemed that the kid was going to attack her. What she didn't expect was that Meng Liang's attack speed was too fast.

He punched him in the stomach when he got to him.

This involves a problem of the combat system.

An important reason why Meng Liang is stronger than most fighters is that he has no skill restrictions at all.

Others may use a skill or some special attribute to attack.

Meng Liang's attack is of course also a characteristic attribute, but he has no skills. With one punch, he can deal the greatest damage.

This time, Mu Siyu was beaten into a cooked shrimp. She couldn't help but cover her stomach with both hands and stepped back seven or eight steps. She sat on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. Her blood bar was directly reduced by half. One punch reduced her blood by half.

As a fourth-level fighter, her blood volume is of course a lot, but Meng Liang's attack can also cause serious injuries.

The so-called serious injury effect has a standard. A one-time attack that causes a large amount of blood loss in a short period of time is a serious injury.

After being seriously injured, the movement is slow in an instant, and the whole body is in a state of inflexibility.

This time is actually very short. If it weren't for the fight between masters, Mu Siyu might have been able to dodge Meng Liang's subsequent attacks, but now it is a fight between masters.

Meng Liang pounced on her and kicked her once, then punched her, and then kicked her twice.

He didn't use his full strength in these few attacks, but he still knocked Mu Siyu unconscious, and all the floating swords in the sky fell down.

Meng Liang already had an idea in his mind. These people came from another world and their levels were so high. It would be a pity not to make them prisoners and let them help him work to kill zombies.

So Meng Liang took out the immortal rope and tied Mu Siyu up.

Real humans cannot be subdued. They are the real hostile party. So from the girl's story, we can guess that she is still sad about the death of her senior brother. She should be a virtual person.

Since she is a virtual person, of course she should be captured.

There will be time to tame her slowly in the future. This is a 4th-level beginner god, higher than her own level.

At this time, the people from the Gold and Silver Pavilion had just chased out, and other people from the nearby Tianjian Sect had also arrived. Hundreds of people surrounded this place, watching Meng Liang clapping his hands beside the unconscious Mu Siyu.

Then, including Wen Qingge, everyone was really dumbfounded.

A 3rd-level beginner god fighter actually knocked out a 4th-level beginner god fighter with a few punches.

What skills did he use? What is his profession? Why is his attack power so high? Who is he?

All kinds of questions lingered in people's minds.

But it didn't last too long, because the head of the Gold and Silver Pavilion, Jin Yin, and the head of the Tianjian Sect, Song Anfa, all issued attack orders.

It was obvious that this little boy was very complicated. They originally wanted to deal with Wen Qingge. Now that Wen Qingge had a helper, it would be even more difficult to deal with him. In this case, the two sects didn't care who attacked first, so they attacked together, and the target of the attack was Meng Liang, wanting to kill him first.

Meng Liang snorted coldly. Since he was coming for him, why should he be polite?

It's just that there are too many enemies around, so Meng Liang didn't transform. In this case, if he uses his strongest ability, if a stronger master comes later, he will become passive.

Looking at the enemies in front of him, they have basically reached the initial god realm. There are many people at level 1 and level 2, not many at level 3, and there are only two or three at level 4.

Well, of course, I'll pick the weak ones first.

Meng Liang's body movements were too fast, and he rushed directly to the Gold and Silver Pavilion. There were still many disciples here who had not reached the initial god level, but were in the reincarnation realm.

Meng Liang was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. After entering, he held the Seven Gods Demon Sword in his hand, and after swinging it, the blade swept out, instantly killing a group of people, and dozens of people were cut in two.

"What a powerful group attack!"

"It's okay! I guess this is his ultimate move, rush up, the ultimate move has a cooling time!"

Someone commanded, and a group of frightened boys became brave again and quickly surrounded Meng Liang.

Meng Liang snorted coldly, and attacked again, and there was another burst of blades.

A dozen more died, and three people from the second level came over. They were not killed directly, but they were also left with residual blood.

Meng Liang was actually very distressed, killing so many people.

But in this situation, not killing people is not enough to check and balance these guys. This is a hunting game. They thought they were here to deal with Wen Qingge. Now Meng Liang has to do something simple, which is to hunt them in turn. Not only to catch them, but also to make them surrender.

Meng Liang himself is not very confident, after all, the enemy is very powerful.

But the goal has been determined, so let's do it. Kill the little ones to make them fearful. Now we have to deal with Jin Yin and Song Anfa. These two are real humans, Meng Liang has already sensed.

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