Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0703 Chapter The boss lady gets angry

He won, but there was nothing to be happy about. He only caught Mu Siyu and everyone else ran away.

After Meng Xiaoniang returned to normal, she kept asking questions. The most frequently asked question was why Meng Liang turned into a woman.

Of course Meng Liang didn't bother to talk to her.

After experiencing this incident, Meng Liang no longer wanted to wander around and took Meng Xiaoniang directly back to the camp, which was by the clear water pool.

At this time, the camp was already up, many tents were set up, and some soldiers were training in battle formations.

Meng Xiaoniang was surprised.

so many people? Where did it come from?

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"Chief? You are the leader, right?"

"The leader has returned to camp!"

"Go and report to the female leader!"

Meng Liang was quite happy at first because everyone recognized him, but after hearing that, his heart skipped a beat. The female leader should be talking about Qu Jiaolan, right? She is coming?

In the middle of a cold war, he brought back Miss Wen. This jealous girl probably wouldn't be happy.

However, this is actually not a big deal, and he and Wen Xiaoniang are nothing.

Meng Liang vaccinated himself and felt at ease.

First, find the leader you know and ask them to send people out to search around to see if the family members are in this area. Of course, this work is done secretly and cannot be done in a big way, as it may cause trouble to the family members.

After that, a group of people were sent out to tell nearby organizations that they wanted to kill zombies. Those who were willing to help could join the mountain city and have food to eat in the future.

This is not recruiting, it is just seeking cooperation. Those who want to join must have the courage to kill zombies.

The men and horses left quickly, choosing those who could speak well to let everyone nearby know that something big was going to happen here.

The apocalypse has been going on for so long, and finally something is about to change.

The cavalrymen of the external liaison were very tired, and the furthest ones were 800 kilometers away.

"My name is Batamu."

In the northwest royal city, Lu Heng received a messenger.

It is a large city with a population of 1.2 million.

Cities are still necessary, and these cities are now built in pre-apocalyptic places that were inaccessible.

Although life is difficult, there are relatively few zombies nearby, and life can be considered comfortable. However, supplies are becoming increasingly scarce, which is a bad thing for people.

At this time, Lu Heng was sitting on his throne, looking at the strong man below.

"Batamu, who asked you to come to see me?"

"My acquaintance, the owner of the northern mountain city."

"Hehehehe, the owner of the northern mountain city, why have I never heard of such a city? Tell me, why did he ask you to come to me?"

"At the junction of the grassland and the Central Plains, a zombie wave is gathering, and the number of zombies is likely to be hundreds of millions.

"Oh, this place is still far away from here, right?"

"Probably less than 900 kilometers."

"Hahaha, that's too far. Are you here to give me a message? Let me be prepared?"

"No! The leader of the northern mountain city plans to lead his troops to destroy this wave of zombies!"


Lu Heng was stunned, and everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it, and then laughed, thinking it was all ridiculous.

Batamu looked very calm, with no change in his expression.

He remained quiet until everyone was tired of laughing.

Lu Heng finally frowned, looked at Batamu and said:

"Those are hundreds of millions of zombies. What skills do you have that you think you can fight against them?"

"The leader of the northern mountain city can level up 10 million warriors whose average combat power has reached the sixth level of reincarnation within three months. They can fight in separate positions. As long as one person can kill an average of ten zombies, the battle can be over in a week."

Everyone was quiet now and looked at each other, their eyes full of resentment.

10 million masters with an average combat power of level 6 reincarnation?

Oh my god, are you dreaming? Could this Doomsday Clock be so powerful?

But Meng Liang still played an important role in the leveling field at Suogong Mountain. Over this period of time, the team's overall combat effectiveness has really improved a lot.

So Batamu is not bragging, such a unit can indeed be produced.

"You didn't lie?"

Of course Lu Heng didn't believe it.

"Of course I'm not lying. You can send an envoy to follow me back to investigate. In addition, this was just an order given to me by my leader. Before I left, I also received a verbal order from the leader's wife."

"Oh? What's the order?"

"Our female leader said that eliminating zombies and ending the apocalypse is a matter for all mankind. It is not the mission of our family or me, nor our responsibility. Therefore, the surrounding forces have no right to watch the show. Now that our strength is at its peak, if If you are willing to join us in joint operations, then pull the team to the deployment area within two months and put it under our unified command. If you do not agree to joint operations, we will start a purge operation in two months, covering the entire grassland, Northeast, and Central Plains. Within the scope we can reach, killing everyone and looting them all, leaving too many people behind will also take up resources. In order to achieve the big goal of clearing out zombies for all mankind, we will use any means."

Batamu didn't lie this time.

Qu Jielan called them to convey the instructions, and she spoke through gritted teeth.

People couldn't understand why Qu Gueran gritted her teeth.

I heard privately that the leader brought back a girl. It is said that she is very charming and charming, and her every smile can enchant people. Her name is Meng Xiaoniang, which was given by the leader.

The strong walls and clear fields were used for this decisive battle.

Lu Heng's face darkened, he looked at Batamu and said coldly:

"You're threatening me, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Boy, I don't have any special abilities. I can't beat anyone. I just have the means to save my life. I am confident that the king can't kill me. This is by no means a threat. It just represents the determination of my leader to eliminate zombies and clean up the whole world. I will tell you again. Let me tell you again, our battle plan is to launch a general attack on the zombie swarm in 16 directions in three months. By then, we will have to deploy at least 10 million people. Of course, we will also transfer people from the northeast in the future and are expected to join the war within half a year. The number of people will reach 20 million. In this process, we will absorb survivors from all nearby territorial gathering places, and there will be about 10 million people. The goal we will achieve is to clean up the entire Northeastern region, the grassland area, and the Central Plains. The zombies in the southern region and around the Bohai Sea formed a joint position in the north. After recuperating for half a year, they then sent troops to Jiangnan, Northwest, North China, Guangnan, and the Plateau to complete the nationwide zombie cleanup within three years and establish a completely zombie-free state. ’s land.”

Batamu talks eloquently, but all this is like a fantasy in the eyes of everyone.

Lu Heng was dumbfounded.

After a long time, Lu Heng's counselor came forward and whispered to Lu Heng.

"Don't get angry yet, Your Majesty. Let him stand down and we can discuss it."

After Batamu left, Lu Heng and his subordinates immediately held a meeting.

I feel like this is really suspenseful.

But there is no smoke without fire.

The final result of the discussion was to send a special envoy to see if there was really such a powerful team coming to the grassland!

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