Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0716 I can’t keep up with my imagination

What does it mean?

Meng Liang basically didn't understand.

And the system continued to broadcast.

[There are currently 1,600 worlds left in the seventh system]

[One half of them have started the doomsday process, and the other half are still on the eve of the doomsday outbreak]

[Meng Liang is in charge of all worlds. Do you want to set up a protection program to prevent the invasion of the Tianxian system]

"Uh, nonsense, of course set it up"

[The setting is completed, the alarm system is turned on, once a world that has not erupted in the doomsday enters the zombie virus, Meng Liang will receive a warning, and he can lead troops to fight in any world after one year]

[This setting will take one year to complete]

One year?

Funny, right?

[Because the system needs to be readjusted to match the Meng Liang system, within this year, Meng Liang will not be able to leave this world, the space copy will be closed, and this will become the Meng Liang system disk world]

"Wait! I don't understand, where is this place?"

The system sound at this time is provided by Meng Liang's system, which can answer Meng Liang's questions.

And this system was actually the system of the demon in the past, a copy of the seventh system, so it has some memories of the demon.

Therefore, the system can answer Meng Liang's questions in a more comprehensive way.

[This is the 250th world of the seventh system]


Meng Liang was really speechless.

[The 250th world of the seventh system is a world created by the demon in the later period to control Meng Liang]

"To control me? Please explain it to me clearly, in the simplest and most popular language, or give examples."

[Assuming that Meng Liang's original main world, the first world of the seventh system, the data parameters of all members of Meng Liang's family, relatives and friends are collectively referred to as A

First, the demon copied the first world and constructed the 250th world

Then the parameter A in the first world was cut to the 250th world, replacing the A in the 250th world.

Please note that the data is cut, not copied.

In other words, in the first world, there are basically no relatives of Meng Liang, and even if there are, they are not with Meng Liang's parents.

And all the relatives and friends of Meng Liang around Meng Liang's parents were cut out and left the first world.

Therefore, in the first world, there is no existence of Meng Liang's parents and relatives at all

They were copied to the 250th world, and the timeline was adjusted to more than three years ago.

At the time point where you are now, Meng Liang in the 250th world is a son-in-law of the Qu family, and there are still 27 days before the outbreak of the doomsday.

Then Qu Jiaolan in the 250th world is a complete copy of Qu Jiaolan in the 1st world. The two have the same genetic attributes, but this Qu Jiaolan is a few years younger than Qu Jiaolan in the 1st world.

So they are the same person, but not the same person.

Suppose you return to the 1st world and have sex with Qu Jiaolan there, causing her to get pregnant, and the child born may be A.

But in the 250th world, having sex with Qu Jiaolan here, causing her to get pregnant, the child born may be B.

This mainly depends on the difference in Qu Jiaolan's ovulation in the two periods. Of course, the tadpoles you output each time are also different.

The Meng Liang in the 250th world is not you. He just copied some of your parameters to form a Meng Liang.

After all, your data volume is huge and cannot be completely copied to this world. Therefore, Meng Liang in this world only has one 630,000th of your genes. Except for the appearance that looks the same as you and is considered a human being, there is nothing else in common. Whether it is personality, soul, or everything else, they are all different.

The main purpose of the demon to cut your family over and put them in this world and advance the timeline is to keep them in captivity so that you can control you when you are disobedient.

But as you become stronger and kill cold-blooded, the demon feels that he is wrong.

You are no longer an ordinary human being, but a special existence of the seventh system. Using your family may not make you submit, so the demon decided to give up.

The reason why you can teleport to this world is that the demon has released some of your parameters, and your ability is stronger.

Your childhood friend, your childhood sweetheart, Shen Mengting had a dream before, and at this time her brain waves were in a very powerful energy release state.

As the master of the system, you feel her longing for you and form a system parameter positioning mode, so you teleport here and activate the random system.

The seventh system is being rebuilt, and the system has serious BUGs.

For you,

The good news is that the Celestial Immortal System and the Celestial Demon System cannot mess around in the Seventh System for the time being, and many data links are invalid.

The bad news is that you cannot return to the First World for the time being.

This will enter the Doomsday outbreak in 27 days as time progresses. The 250th World is a copy of the First World. It will not be until a year later, when the Seventh System is reconstructed according to your thinking, that you can close this copy world and merge it with the First World, and you can then travel through any world in the Seventh System at will.

You can have a brand new combat system,

You will face the challenges of real humans, the Celestial Demon System, and the Celestial Immortal System on a larger scale.

As your independent system, the goal of the self-help thinking consciousness is to be more powerful.

In one year, the system will open upgrade copies and mission copies for you. The treasures you have in the Seventh System World will be transferred to this world as your mission copy rewards.

That is to say, your ability can still be improved quickly after the doomsday of this world

Then there is no way for the current 27 days. The doomsday has not started. In theory, this is an ordinary world, and there should be no copies.

Therefore, after 27 days, the system can help you kill monsters and level up.

These 27 days are like holidays, and you can slowly enjoy the time with your family.

Your body parameters have been automatically integrated into this timeline, so now you are in your early twenties, which is your age before the doomsday.

Please note that your family and friends who were cut, copied and pasted here don’t know all this.

Their timeline is ahead of time, and for them, your current appearance is very strange.

They all thought you were still a son-in-law in the south.

You have been away from this family for more than two years.

So in the south, in Qu Jiaolan’s home, Meng Liang is indeed still a son-in-law.

It’s just that this world has one more Meng Liang.

I explained so much, do you understand? 】


Meng Liang’s head hurts.

Although many parameters sealed by the demon have been unlocked.

But in fact, Meng Liang has not changed much, just a system that can speak more.

His thinking consciousness is still the same as before, and his world view is that he thinks he is a special human being, but he is still a human being.

For the content said by the random system, his brain hole is really a bit out of tune, too weird, right?

I can't go back!

What about Qu Jiaolan in the first world? How to eliminate so many zombies over there?

I can only return after a year.

Meng Liang was stunned for a while, and couldn't help saying:

"Please say it again, I still feel like it's not very clear."

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