The son-in-law has returned, which is a big event.

Just the scene with blood all over his body was exciting enough.

Meng Deyang did not go to see his son, but he got confirmation from his wife that his son was not seriously ill, but now he is completely weak.

Meng Deyang was angry that he wouldn't argue and wanted to go see him, but he still didn't go.

A family meeting was held, with dozens of people attending.

"Does any of you know what's going on with the music artist that Meng Liang came to visit?"

Someone who really knows this is Meng Liang's sister-in-law, Meng Xiaojie.

"Liangzi and I talked on the phone several times. Their family name is Qu, and they come from a wealthy businessman's family. Liangzi said that the whole family is okay. They are not bad people. Even if they are lukewarm to him, he doesn't care. They live there anyway. , I still have a place to live, which makes me feel quite sad.”

"Huh, he asked for it. By the way, he hasn't said anything about Meng Liang being beaten so far. What do you think?"

There were so many ideas, and we discussed and discussed them, and this is how the final storyline was arranged.

As the saying goes, once you enter a wealthy family, you are as deep as the sea.

This must be a love killing.

First of all, Meng Liang entered the Qu family as a son-in-law. It was his father-in-law who arranged it, but his wife did not agree at all.

So after two years of marriage, either the daughter-in-law cheated on her or someone else wanted to mess with Meng Liang.

Either someone wanted Meng Liang's location and sent a killer. Meng Liang was frightened after getting the information, so he fled all the way back, hoping to get the protection of his family. ơɱ

Meng Deyang frowned when he heard this.

I feel more and more that my son is not living up to expectations.

But now his son is about to be forced into a desperate situation. No matter how unkind his father is, he is only thinking about dealing with the outside world.

"Okay! I will contact my apprentice Yu Feihai right now. He is in the southern city where Meng Liang lives. I want him to investigate and find out what is going on."

Meng Deyang personally called Yu Feihai and explained the situation.

Yu Feihai belongs to Meng Liang's senior level.

I heard that my junior brother was actually injured and covered in blood. Of course I couldn't agree.

It happened that he opened a private detective agency there and immediately led people to investigate in person.

Just two hours later, a bombshell dropped into the Meng family.

Yu Feihai concluded:

"Sure enough, someone wants to harm my junior brother. In Laoqu's house, there is a boy who looks exactly like Meng Liang! This is simply a raccoon cat for a prince! No, no, a tomato for a tomato."

Meng Deyang didn't understand yet.

"How come there are the same people?"

"Master! Don't you understand this? There must be someone who happens to look a lot like my junior brother. He found out that his son-in-law had a good identity, so he had plastic surgery to look exactly like him, and then wanted to murder him and replace him! "

"Ah? Oh my god, there is still someone who wants to steal the identity of the son-in-law?"

Of course, a pure man like Meng Deyang cannot understand this kind of behavior.

Yu Feihai, who has been working hard outside for many years, sighed and said with emotion:

"Master, think about it, what kind of world is it today? Money and status are everything. Laugh at the poor but not at prostitution. If you join a rich family and become a son-in-law, you can save decades of hard work. What's more, the daughter of the Laoqu family is not a grown-up. It’s ugly. According to what I know, it’s super good-looking and has great abilities. Junior Brother’s father-in-law has passed away, and now Miss Qu is in charge!”

After putting down the phone, Meng Deyang was still not confused and hurriedly asked someone to confirm whether the Meng Liang who had returned home now was really Meng Liang.

Since there are two sons, who knows which one is true and false?

Shen Mengting's biological mother, biological grandfather, all went to confirm, and finally they were 100% sure that the one in the family must be real.

Meng Deyang was still uneasy, so he finally walked into the room and finally sat in front of his son's bed for the first time. It was almost dusk.


Meng Liang's body recovered a little at this time, but he still looked a little weak.

Meng Deyang was serious in speech.

"Take off your pants and let me see the inside of your left leg."

Meng Liang chuckled.

He had already used his super hearing to understand everything and knew why his father was like this.

Hey, I didn’t listen to my dad when I was at home.

Now that he has truly entered middle age, he understands his father's painstaking efforts.

Filial piety comes first among all virtues, and filial piety in the final analysis means obedience.

But I'm old enough, so of course I have to take the big ideas myself, so don't resist on such small matters.

So Meng Liang took off his pants and showed his father his thighs.

It's very light, with a small round birthmark.

Meng Deyang nodded, frowned and thought for a moment, and then said:

"When you were twelve, you asked me to buy you a game console."

"You didn't sell it to me. I was very angry. I turned around and took a small note and wrote on it: Cao Nima! But you caught me and threw the note into the fire pit and beat me up. You also asked me who I was calling when I wrote swear words. I said that what I wrote was not a swear word but a name, but you didn’t believe me, so you beat me again. No one in these years knows what I wrote on the note at that time. Dad, I’m sorry. I was too young at that time and did something wrong.”


Meng Deyang was slightly stunned.

Yes, that's what he wanted to ask.

Unexpectedly, Meng Liang remembered it clearly and apologized to him.


It was certain, this must be his son.

It's just that we haven't seen him for more than two years, but he has actually changed a lot.

Sometimes he was just a young boy, but now he feels mature and stable.

Most importantly, he lost the sharpness and awkwardness of a young man.

Hey, after all, he is a man who has a family outside, and it is time to grow up.

The room was quiet for a while, and Meng Deyang finally showed the kindness of a father.

"How's your body?"

"It's nothing serious, maybe I'm tired."

"Well, what's going on?"

"Dad, this matter is a bit complicated. I can't explain it in a sentence or two. Even if I say it, you may not believe it."

Meng Deyang just thought that his son was mature, but he didn't expect that he would do something stupid again.

"Say! How do you know I don't believe it? How do you know I don't believe it if you don't tell me?"

Seeing his father getting angry, Meng Liang smiled bitterly and said:

"Then if Dad believes me, call everyone in our family back and use the money at home to prepare supplies. I have placed virus defense tools for our house. When the apocalypse breaks out, as long as the An family If we all hide in the house, we won’t turn into zombies. Then I will lead you to quickly upgrade and build a super strong army in this world in one year to cope with all future challenges and crises!”

Meng Deyang actually did enough psychological construction.

My son is two years older and has been wronged outside. They say they want to sever the relationship between father and son, but how can it be possible to sever the relationship with such a single child?

So Meng Deyang is also working hard to grow up, thinking that no matter what his son says, he should try to believe it. This is the basis of communication.


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