Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0777: Unaccustomed to the local climate

Meng Liang was immediately confused.

Does he look like a live-in son-in-law?

He is a live-in son-in-law in the virtual world, and he still has to be a live-in son-in-law in the real world?

He would never take this path.

Because Meng Liang felt that he would never fall in love with anyone again.

He already has two true loves, Qu Jiaolan and Qu Xiaolan, so how could he still be a live-in son-in-law to others?

But this is indeed a bright path.

Jianfeng Space Station, a lawless place in the real world, is not easy to provoke.

He can indeed find a way to establish some connections there.

So Meng Liang ignored Pan Li's bright road and just asked her to send him there.

"What do you want to do?"

"No idea. You send me over there. Don't I have a legal identity? Shouldn't I be able to go there?"

"You are a member of the alliance. Once you go there, you can only act in a specific area. If you want to truly integrate there, being a live-in son-in-law is the best way out. Don't think that using force can solve the problem. I have said that in the real world, you don't have a golden finger. Only in front of the historian Gong Jinhua, you are a special man. Just tell her some things in your world. That is the history she wants, and it will attract her attention."

"Pan Li, are you annoying? Listen carefully, I don't want to be a live-in son-in-law. You send me over there, and I naturally have my own way of doing things.

"Haha, are you embarrassed? What's the matter? You are a live-in son-in-law. Everyone in your twelve villages knows it, right? "

Meng Liang's face was very dark, and he wanted to beat Pan Li up.

Pan Li saw Meng Liang's intention, and said with a grin:

"Okay, you and I are friends, and I have helped you a lot. I have done my best. You can contact me through the robot Granny in the future. If you want to go to that space station, Granny can also help you. This is an advanced society, and currency has almost disappeared. You don't need to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation. Take this opportunity to experience the real world. It takes about fifteen days to reach Jianfeng Space Station. You will pass through some transit stations on the way. That's it, bye, I'm leaving. "

While talking, Pan Li disappeared directly.

Real humans in the real world do not have the ability to be invisible or teleport.

Therefore, Meng Liang realized that the Pan Li who appeared in front of him was just an image. It was so lifelike that you would not know it was fake if you did not touch her.

Well, no matter what, now there is only himself and the robot called Grandma.

Meng Liang had no feelings for her and asked Qu Jianfeng directly how to get to the space station.

"We can go to the space teleportation station first. There is a wormhole that can directly reach the A planetary belt. We can take a star-level spacecraft there and start our interstellar journey.

"Okay, Grandma, let me go to the space teleportation station first."

"Okay, master, please wait."

"Can your image change? I prefer younger women."

"Yes, but you need to work at the lunar childcare base for one year and three months. In this way, you can get a beautiful and young female robot shell to help me make a new dress."

"Is that so? Then you should continue to grow old. Oh, the car is coming."

Meng Liang decided not to talk anymore. He didn't want to work here.

The car did come, an unmanned hovercraft.

The grandmother reached out and grabbed Meng Liang's arm, and took him directly to the car.

The car started quickly, and soon arrived at the destination, and was transported to the A planetary belt.

Meng Liang had never been to this place, and was surprised when he got off.

These stones are running at high speed. There are two reasons why people choose to live here.

One is that this place is in a relatively habitable temperature zone.

The other is that there are more materials on these planets.

The asteroids are not large, the smallest one is only more than 800 meters in diameter, and the largest one is only 15 kilometers in diameter.

The asteroid is directly wrapped by a large air cover.

The so-called vacant cover is to establish a gravity system on the planet.

Then artificial oxygen is produced, and the oxygen is bound to the surface of the asteroid by artificial gravity, and a photosynthesis system is created by artificial optical instruments, thus forming a human living environment on the asteroid.

But oxygen will still escape, so this asteroid belt must be replenished with oxygen once every four months, otherwise the asteroid belt will not be able to survive due to lack of oxygen.

Because asteroids are not big, and the distance between planets is not far, so standing on a planet, you can see the scenery on other planets, which is the most magical place.

This place is closer to the sun than the earth, but the sun's rays can never shine directly on the asteroid belt, but only shine on the nearby large planets, and the planets refract the light, providing the asteroid belt with eternal brightness. .

This brightness is different from the daytime seen from the earth.

Because the universe is dark, but the asteroid belt is illuminated into light blue, everything you see becomes light blue, and other hues enter the eyes, which become abnormal. Anyway, they lose their colorful colors and become mainly blue, and the others are light blue, sky blue, tile blue, green blue, etc.

Because the asteroid itself is also rotating and revolving with the solar system.

Standing on it is not like standing on the earth, you can feel this movement.

After both feet landed, I felt dizzy and had to enter the gravity room to get used to this rhythm.

Meng Liang was not immune, thinking that he had strong physical strength and could handle it.

But it only took a few minutes for me to vomit, and I almost fainted in the end.

The old lady took him into the gravity chamber. He was in a daze for a few days and could not adapt to this rhythm.

Fortunately, the starship that comes once in twenty-one days comes.

Meng Liang and other passengers boarded the spacecraft and finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering.

Meng Liang didn't say a word after boarding the ship, and he was in a state of depression.

He does not belong to this world. The time he came here before was short, but this time it was the longest. His mind was integrated into his body, and his rejection reaction appeared under external stimulation.

Although he was sitting by the window of the spaceship cabin and the starry scenery outside was still strange, Meng Liang was really uncomfortable and felt like everything he saw was being reflected twice.

Damn it, you won’t just hang in the cabin like this, right?

I really wanted to ask my grandma if this was normal, but she couldn't even speak.

Just when Meng Liang felt that he was about to die, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, and then soft fingers touched his lips. Something like nectar and jade liquid slid down the corner of his mouth and entered his mouth. Meng Liang's body and mind I felt much more comfortable instantly.

Although I haven't returned to my normal state yet, I feel less uncomfortable. I can close my eyes peacefully and finally fall into a deep sleep. This is the most comfortable sleep I've had since I came to the real world.

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