Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0785 The inventor of steamed buns

Meng Liang and the real Gong Jinhua escaped.

Gong Jinhua immediately regained her spirits, her eyebrows stood up, and she took Meng Liang to find Huahua.

When passing that checkpoint, the guard did not even look at the detection instrument, and said coldly:

"I've said it before, you can't go in, your master has also said it very clearly, rules are rules, you can't just cross them."

Gong Jinhua understood as soon as she heard it, this was treating her as Huahua, and Huahua really replaced her.

Gong Jinhua raised her hand and pointed at the measuring instrument next to her.

The guard was stunned after seeing it.

He didn't understand, just before another Gong Jinhua went there, why the parameters measured after this one arrived were still real, this was obviously impossible, there must not be two real entities.

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"Johns, I know you, and I also know that your teacher is Ewaldrant. I have a good relationship with Ewaldrant. You call him now, and I can tell you something that only we know, so that I can prove my identity."

Gong Jinhua is not stupid, and she found a way to prove herself.

Johns hurriedly called Ewaldrant as soon as he heard it.

In front of Johns, Gong Jinhua only spoke for a few minutes and got the desired conclusion.

Ewaldrant can prove that Gong Jinhua in front of him is the real person.

Johns was annoyed.

Then the one who just passed by was fake?

Gong Jinhua told him that there was no need to make this matter public, and she wanted to see what Huahua wanted to do.

Johns had nothing to say, don't worry, Meng Liang just followed Gong Jinhua through the customs.

This place is very prosperous, there are no street stalls and small businesses, but people can be seen everywhere.

Biochemical clones, bionic robots, various strange service robots, and real humans occupy every corner of the space.

Looking up, you can see the starry sky of the universe. There are various lights in the base, which can illuminate the entire base like daytime. The amazing thing is that in addition to the transparent energy light, there is still the black curtain of the universe and various shining stars.

Meng Liang saw that all this was magical, so he walked slowly and admired it all.

Suddenly Gong Jinhua came back.

She had actually walked a long way, and found that Meng Liang did not catch up, so she turned back to look for him.

"Can you hurry up?"

"Haha, why are you in such a hurry? You should always give Huahua some time to see how she wants to play you. Only in this way can the game be interesting."

"Do you think this is a game?"

"Of course, it's great. Finding out the person who wants to kill you and avoiding future dangers, isn't this a good thing? She wants to die, so you have to give her enough reasons to die."

"Why do you want to have that kind of relationship with her? Don't you like her?"

"We met by chance, she hooked up with me, and I took advantage of her, but you also saw that when she wanted to abandon me, she didn't think at all. I am tired of thinking about such a vicious woman, so even if you don't kill her, I will end her life with my own hands.

Gong Jinhua had calmed down.

At this time, her attention was finally focused on Meng Liang.

She couldn't say it, but she felt that Meng Liang was different.

"You are a weird person, hum, actually I don't like you, you know? I can't close the touch connection between Huahua and me, so I feel clearly what you have done to her in the past few days. ”

“Ah? That’s how it is? Haha, do you feel good?”

“Not at all! You touched my clone without permission. I tell you, this behavior is illegal in some areas!”

“Okay, baby, as you said, we are already in a trial marriage relationship. To be honest, your clone gave me a very bad experience. I think you should compensate me, right?”

“You are talking nonsense. What’s wrong with you? You are so weird!”

“Haha, there’s nothing weird. This is my first time in this place. Come shopping with me?”

“I don’t!”

“Hey, there must be no steamed buns in this place.”

“Why not? Of course there are. Steamed buns are one of our basic staple foods.”

“Wow, it turns out that you also eat steamed buns. Do you know who invented steamed buns?”

“Ah? "

Meng Liang's topic jumped too fast, and Gong Jinhua couldn't keep up for a while.

She really didn't know the answer to this question.

It's like we use electric lights every day, but not everyone knows who invented the electric light.

After thousands of years, technology has reached a certain level, but no one knows who invented steamed buns.

Meng Liang saw Gong Jinhua's tangled face and tried to think hard, and knew that she didn't know.

So he smiled and said:

"Then do you know the Three Kingdoms period?"

"Of course I know! I know the most famous person in the Three Kingdoms!"

"Ah? Who?"

"Zhuge Liang."

"Do you know anyone else?"

This is a topic that Gong Jinhua is interested in, so she can chat with Meng Liang.

"You also know Bai Yun"

Meng Liang laughed.

"Haha, who is Bai Yun, you mean Zhao Yun, right?"

"Ah! Yes, yes, you know a lot about these things?"

"Of course, I tell you, steamed buns were invented by Zhuge Liang."

"Impossible! Zhuge Liang should be a conspirator, how could he have invented steamed buns? And it's too long ago. In that era, could it be that there was such a food as steamed buns on Earth?"

"Of course, according to legend, during the Three Kingdoms period, Meng Huo, the leader of the Nanman cave in the south of Shu, kept attacking and harassing, and Zhuge Liang personally led his troops to attack him.

The Lushui area is sparsely populated, and the miasma is heavy and poisonous.

Zhuge Liang's men came up with a superstitious idea: kill some of the 'Nanman' captives and use their heads to Offering to the river god.

Zhuge Liang certainly could not agree to kill the ‘Southern Barbarian’ captives.

In order to boost morale, he came up with another idea:

Mix flour into dough, shape it into the shape of a human head, steam it, and use it as a sacrifice to replace the ‘barbarian’ head to offer to the river god.

Since then, this kind of noodle food has been passed down and spread to the north.

Because the term ‘barbarian head’ is too scary, people replaced the word ‘barbarian’ with the word ‘man’, writing it as ‘mantou’. Over time, mantou became the staple food of northerners. "

Meng Liang had also read Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Records of the Three Kingdoms many times.

So it was very simple for him to talk about these things, and he knew them all by heart.


It was quiet around him.

Meng Liang turned his head and saw Gong Jinhua was stunned, with her mouth open and eyes wide open, completely shocked.

She actually didn't understand what Meng Liang was saying at all.

She couldn't understand the words "Southern Barbarians", "Northern", "River God" and so on.

But she could feel that Meng Liang really knew this period of history in detail.

Oh my God!

She was most interested in these things, but she had never met such a person who could explain things clearly. She was so curious that she even forgot about Huahua temporarily and began to ask Meng Liang to tell her more about the wars and wars of the Three Kingdoms.

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