Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0794 Meng Liang's World

Then the biochemical robots are actually only sent to the outskirts of the mountain tribe for reconnaissance. The ultra-small micro robots that can really detect the internal information of the mountain are those that look like ordinary earth insects. They fly around to collect information and record it in the command center.

On the third day, some of the collected information refreshed everyone's understanding of the mountain people.

It turns out that the so-called three major categories of mountain people are not natural selection, but a kind of acquired artificial selection.

All children are hairless after birth, which is actually not much different from the children before the end of the world in Meng Liang's virtual world.

These children will be raised together.

Various ability tests will be carried out, and then they will be distinguished when they grow up to 15 years old.

A small number of people will be selected to enter the management level, and some people will be selected to become reproductive tools, and the rest will be the labor and combat tools of the entire society.

In other words, for those children, they are actually like being raised, and then they are divided into different levels.

The way of separation is also very simple, mainly relying on diet.

The people in the management level eat balanced food, and the pregnancy tools eat the kind of big fish and meat that can nourish the body.

The hairy barbarians who were responsible for fighting ate radioactive food. After eating these things, they would become muscular, powerful, and grow hair.

On the fourth day, I finally got some information about the management staff.

The chief of the mountain tribe was called Hengshan.

Although there was a chief, they did not have a royal social system, but a parliamentary system.

In addition to the chief, there were nine elders. Of course, they did not call the elders elders, but wise men.

Hengshan was a man, and the nine wise men were all women.

So they were actually a matriarchal society, because among these hundreds of wise men, women accounted for the majority, almost 80%, and men only accounted for 20%.

But they were not a pure matriarchal society, after all, the chief could only be inherited by men.

So one chief, nine wise men.

They only had the right to manage the reproductive tools and labor of the entire race, and they would not completely manage other management levels.

So the parliamentary system actually includes all the highly intelligent people, and this part of the highly intelligent people also has their own reproductive tools and labor.

Let's describe it more specifically - it is a social pyramid type system. At the top of the pyramid, there is a small group of people who are slave owners.

Such a social structure seems a bit complicated, but it is actually very simple, because the reproductive tools and slaves can be completely removed. In other words, these hundreds of people constitute a small society and realize the unified management of the entire tribe. These hundreds of people can be regarded as the whole of this society.

It is so cool for hundreds of people to control the entire race. These people have absolute power and endless luxury. They can do whatever they want. Don't be too happy.

The people on Meng Liang's side are a little depressed. At first, they thought they should have a leader, such as an emperor, a real person who keeps his word, and they can reach an agreement with him to achieve this cooperation.

Now it seems a bit difficult, because they are a parliamentary system, and more than a few hundred people all have good power. If you want to cooperate, you have to contact these hundreds of people and ask them to decide through the parliamentary vote.

So Gong Jinhua and her subordinates began to have different opinions. Some people thought that they should reach cooperation with them through peaceful means. After all, this was also a major ideology of the team at the beginning.

However, a small number of people thought that it was completely unnecessary. In this way, as long as they controlled those hundreds of people, they could control the entire mountain tribe. In this society, the reproductive tools and labor force are relatively stupid and have no wisdom. So why should they reach a cooperation intention with them? It is better to control them.

Because of the disagreement, they will argue.

Meng Liang did not participate in this discussion because he felt that the information collected might not be complete. After all, all the information was brought back by robots. Without really integrating into this tribe, it must be incomplete.

After thinking about it, Meng Liang felt that he had nothing to do anyway, so he went out for a stroll, so he said goodbye to Gong Jinhua and went out alone to see this mountain tribe with his own eyes.

Although it was hundreds of kilometers away, Meng Liang was not in a hurry. He walked forward and felt the new earth environment. When he came out, he was also wearing a space suit. He slowly took off the space suit in the air to feel it.

It was indeed hot, and the body was not used to it, but it was only for a short while. Meng Liang had the mental power to control the neutrinos in his body. When his body made subtle adjustments to adapt to the external environment, Meng Liang felt much more comfortable.

In this way, Meng Liangjiu knew that he was still different from other real humans. His soul power was stronger and he could control the matter neutrinos, which could also make some adaptive adjustments to his body, so he could take off his space suit and expose himself directly to the earth's environment.

There were some strange plants around, some green, some black, and some red.

There was a lot of moisture in the air, so the skin would quickly become sticky under high temperatures.

This is indeed different from the virtual world he lives in. Many giant plants were found. That is to say, in the past few thousand years, after the entire earth's ecosystem has changed, the plant system has also changed.

On the road, he encountered some huge man-eating plants. When Meng Liang passed by, they lowered their heads one after another. They would even take the initiative to capture Meng Liang. He couldn't figure out whether they were animals or plants.

Meng Liang quickly dodged and finally released all attacks, killing many passing through this area.

Just like this, Meng Liang arrived at the outer circle of the mountain tribe's residence at dusk. There is a high hill here. Meng Liang climbed up and saw the human gathering place like a village below. When he raised his head, he could see the sunset in the west with a hint of fiery red.

This sunset looks different from the sunset in the virtual world. It is more red and clearer.

Meng Liang's mouth corners rose. Generally speaking, he actually likes everything here.

Well, this place should be the world he lives in in the future. He wants to build this planet into a big world that combines the real world and the virtual world. This will be the door to the future and the origin of mankind.

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