Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0799 Meng Liang and Nightmare

Set foot on the road to doomsday again, there are corpses everywhere, blood mist everywhere, and the sky is gray.

In the end, the group of people gathered under the city were accepted by Mengjia Town.

After all, they had just experienced the doomsday, and they did not have the same cruel heart as Meng Liang.

Fortunately, the operation was relatively good, and no one with the zombie virus was allowed to enter.

In addition to those who entered the city, basically all the living people outside the Noah's Ark turned into zombies.

People knew the legend of Noah's Ark, so they came here one after another.

But in the end, they all became the prey of these zombies. Even if they were only one step away from Noah's Ark, they could not get in.

In this way, there are more and more zombies, and for Meng Liang, it is equivalent to creating a leveling field.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’π“‰π“Œπ“€π’Άπ“ƒ.𝒸ℴ𝓂

Going out from the side of Mengjia Town, Meng Liang took several abandoned cars and piled them together to form a fortress. The zombies that rushed up would be killed by Meng Liang immediately, and the killing began.

The four women teamed up with Meng Liang and stood on the balcony upstairs looking down.

Looking around, Luo Xiaohuan couldn't help but say:

"It's really amazing, isn't it, Xiaolan, little sister?"

Qu Jiaolan just frowned, but Chen Xiaomei stared.

She didn't want to be called Chen Xiaomei.

It's just that she didn't want to talk much at this time.

Meng Liang became a beautiful landscape, so she didn't want to miss too much content, and wanted to see how he killed zombies.

For a full hour, my God, the corpses piled up like a mountain.

Since the outbreak of the doomsday, they have killed zombies themselves and know how hard it is to kill a zombie.

So I can't figure out why Meng Liang can be so easy? This is just like cutting vegetables. Even if they all know that Meng Liang is very powerful, they will still be shocked. Seeing all this with their own eyes, they will still feel it is exaggerated.

Meng Liang cut a bloody path. The zombies in this direction no longer come up, but walk out.

It seems that there are some other targets in the distance that attract the attention of the zombies.

It is estimated that they are the survivors who come to Noah's Ark again.

Meng Liang waved his hand upstairs and said:

"Hey, jump down."


The four women were all stunned.

Then Shen Mengting reacted first.

She could fully comply with Meng Liang's request.

So she jumped down first and fell directly into Meng Liang's arms.

Luo Xiaohuan saw it and jumped down without saying a word, and was caught by Meng Liang again.

Qu Xiaolan and Chen Xiaomei looked at each other and were a little embarrassed.

Of course, they wanted to follow Meng Liang out to upgrade. In just one hour, they had already upgraded 3 levels. Only by following Meng Liang out, they could get better development. They understood it very well.

But jumping down would be like throwing herself into Meng Liang's arms, and neither of the two women wanted to.

At this moment, they all had complicated thoughts about Meng Liang. They thought Meng Liang was very reliable, and they also thought he was a rare scumbag in the world.

After hesitating for a while, Meng Liang urged them from below, and the two finally jumped down.

It's okay. Thinking about something is terrible and embarrassing, but it's nothing to do it.

After the four landed, Meng Liang took them away from the wall of Mengjia Town and walked further away.

After walking for a while, they found that although there were fewer zombies nearby, some of them could still pose a threat to the four women. Their level was not low, but their fighting skills and courage were not.

Meng Liang could only take them into a nearby attack tower, where there was an entrance to the underground. They walked two kilometers from the underground to the river outside the formation.

There was an overpass on the river.

Meng Liang asked the four women to wait under the overpass, and he went up the bridge to kill the zombies.

After another round of killing, the zombies were killed, and the women were upgraded to level 3 again.

Leave the bridge and go further.

Zombies can also be killed under the city wall, but there are too many zombies and it is dangerous.

So Meng Liang took every step carefully and walked further away, looking for a place where zombies were not densely populated to kill.

He kept killing into a small forest, and a large number of zombies appeared in front of him, and he heard the sound of others shouting.

In fact, the distance was very far, two or three kilometers, but Meng Liang could hear it.

"Lao Gao! Lao Gao!"

"Save my husband! Save me!"

"Child, climb up the tree! Climb up and hold your mother's hand!"

Listen carefully and it is estimated that there are dozens of people, and they are climbing up the tree.

Meng Liang didn't bother to interfere, but he killed in their direction.

First, let the four women climb up the tree.

Their strength has exceeded that of ordinary people, so climbing trees is no problem.

Meng Liang killed alone, using trees as cover. Once the zombies piled up, he jumped directly onto the tree and went to other directions.

In this way, after more than three hours of turnover, the four women actually reached level 50.

The main reason was that there were too many zombies killed too quickly.

The two-kilometer zombie belt was estimated to be 500 meters wide, and Meng Liang killed almost all of them.

The four women came down from the tree, more than 20 meters away, and followed Meng Liang.

In front of them, they finally saw the survivors, more than 20 people, lying on the tree. The zombies piled up below were about to touch them, and behind them, opposite Meng Liang, there were countless zombies piled up.

Meng Liang didn't want to waste time, and directly activated the clone reincarnation slash. In an instant, all the zombies nearby were slashed.

The same prompt sound immediately rang in the ears of the four women.

[Because the system copy is in an abnormal state, reaching the 50th level bottle is considered a direct breakthrough

Killing a large number of zombies at the same time, the team gains a lot of experience and gets upgrade rewards

Directly reach level 100, break through the 100 bottleneck, and enter the state of continuing to upgrade]

The four women all jumped up excitedly. This is really a big surprise. They quickly checked their parameters. They haven't chosen their race or profession yet. In the end, they all chose mages. They feel that they can fight monsters remotely, so there is no need to get close to them.

Meng Liang stepped on the corpses of zombies and walked over. Looking at the people on the tree, there were men and women, all young and strong, and only one little boy who looked like he was in his early teens.

It was just a group of ordinary survivors, a family unit. It is very likely that there were old people at the beginning, but along the way, the old people left and did not stay. After all, they were weak. For example, it was difficult to climb a tree.

These people were also looking at Meng Liang.

Watching him kill from a distance, and then get close, killing all the zombies with one move.

It was terrible.

Since the outbreak of the doomsday, they have been in a state of panic. In their eyes and hearts, the fear of zombies is indestructible and a nightmare.

However, now, such a big nightmare has been wiped out in an instant.

They can't imagine who this man is, why nightmares are so insignificant in front of him, why it is as easy for him to kill zombies as spitting?

This is too big an unknown, and the unknown will always make people fearful, and fear will form a new nightmare in their hearts.

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