Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0083 The good-tempered son-in-law

On the top floor of the company's staff dormitory, Bai Na has arranged a single apartment for Meng Liang. After all, she didn't know that Meng Liang had a safe house, so she thought that she would continue to use this place as a base. Meng Liang is an important member of the team. Even if Bai Na doesn't like Meng Liang, she can't ignore this fact and treat Meng Liang well.

In the single apartment, a beautiful female soldier brought food to Meng Liang.

"Hello, sir, my name is Fang Tianai, and I will be your personal assistant from now on."

Meng Liang was a little surprised.

"Bai Na is really good to me. Let you, such a beautiful woman, be my assistant. What are you responsible for helping me do?"


"Including warming the bed?"

Meng Liang said casually.

"Well, if you need it, I don't mind. Before the doomsday, I worked in the hair salon opposite. I am professional in this area."

Fang Tianai smiled calmly and spoke generously and appropriately. It seems that she is really experienced with men.

Meng Liang stood at the window and looked across the street outside the compound. Sure enough, there was a small hair salon with pink lights, the kind you often see on the street. Every time you pass by, you can see women wearing miniskirts inside, either sitting there playing with their phones or putting on makeup.

Meng Liang's face darkened and he was speechless.

Fang Tianai was no longer interested and asked her to leave. Then Meng Liang sat on the sofa next to the coffee table and looked at the food that was delivered.

Not bad, both were vegetarian dishes, the staple food was rice, and some wine was also brought, both red beer and white beer.

At this time, Lu Anke was standing next to him, crying like a little girl, with red eyes.

Seeing these meals, she stopped crying, came closer, and sat on the sofa next to Meng Liang.

"And fried eggs with garlic sprouts?"

Meng Liang almost rolled his eyes when he heard her say that.

Not to mention the brother-in-law, the sister-in-law and wife are both smart people. I really doubt whether it was Lu Anke's child.

In fact, people like Lu Anke are very strange.

In today's world, there are also those who are spoiled and ignorant, but as they grow older and experience more things, they will change to some extent, and understand the dangers of the world and become cautious from then on.

And Lu Anke can live in her own simple world for decades, which is really rare.

"Do you want to eat?"

"I haven't seen eggs for a long time."

"I'm asking if you want to eat."

Lu Anke raised her head and looked at Meng Liang for a while, then nodded aggrievedly.

Meng Liang snorted and handed the chopsticks to her.


Lu Anke was a little surprised, but didn't ask anything else, and ate quickly.

Meng Liang watched her eat for a while before saying:

"It seems that you had a hard time before I came back."

"You don't know Meng Liang, it was hard. Guan Beishan and his family had nothing and ate raw vegetables every day."

"Raw vegetables?"

"Yes, how can we eat those vegetables if they are not fried?"

"It's enough to have something to eat, you still ask for so much."

Meng Liang also started eating while talking.

He didn't make it too difficult for Lu Anke. It was true that he didn't like her in his heart, but as a grown man, there was no need to really abuse Lu Anke. No matter what, he and Qu Jiaolan were still husband and wife, and Lu Anke was still his mother-in-law.

Maybe because Meng Liang's attitude was quite friendly, Lu Anke started to discuss after eating for a while.

"Meng Liang, don't let me go out, I don't dare to kill zombies."

"Let me tell you something. This is a game-type doomsday. Zombies and humans are constantly upgrading. A level 1 human against a level 1 zombie basically needs to chop it ten times to kill it, which is extremely dangerous. But if the human is level 10, there is a chance to kill a level 10 zombie in two or three times. This is normal, and it is a manifestation of humans fighting against zombies. However, if you don't go out to kill zombies now, then after a long time, a level 1 human facing a level 10 zombie may not be able to kill him after a hundred attacks. If you face a level 11 zombie, you may not be able to kill him hundreds of times. What should you do then?"

Meng Liang felt that he was too saintly. He treated his mother-in-law like his own daughter. This was considered repaying evil with virtue.

Lu Anke pondered for a while before whispering:

"Isn't there a safe house?"

"Yes, there is a safe house. The 1 million health points mean that it is not invincible, but ordinary zombies cannot break through its defense, so it cannot lose blood. Do you remember the level 10 zombie king we met last time? The small bronze zombie king, its attack can already make the safe house have blood points, which proves that its attack is a critical value. If we encounter a level 20 zombie king, maybe the safe house will lose blood. If the 1 million blood points are lost, the safe house will no longer exist. What will you do then?"

Lu Anke was speechless.

"And by then, there may be no level 10 zombies in this world. There will be level 20, 30 or even higher level zombies everywhere. Even if it stands still, you may not be able to kill it. At that time, how can you survive in this doomsday?"

Lu Anke was speechless, and stopped eating, biting his lip.

Meng Liang smiled slightly, it really seemed like he was lecturing a child.

"So, while you still have a chance, you must go out and kill zombies to level yourself up. Even if you don't fight in the future, you will at least have more self-protection abilities. Don't worry, even though you don't treat me well and don't help me persuade your daughter to consummate her marriage, I have a kind heart and will do my best to protect you."

"If I go out, will I survive?"

"Everyone will die, especially at the end of the world. What I can promise is that I will try my best. Whether you die or not depends on your luck, so eat enough, otherwise this will be your last meal."

Lu Anke was dumbfounded. Tears fell again as she watched Meng Liang, unable to eat any more.

Meng Liangze laughed loudly and teased his mother-in-law, and seemed to be quite happy.

Meng Liang slept very comfortably that night, but of course Lu Anke couldn't sleep. He closed his eyes at dawn and woke up with dark circles under his eyes in the morning.

Meng Liang arrived at the company's small playground early. Lu Anke and Zhang Tao came a long time later, and Zhang Tao was accompanied by Guan Li.

Meng Liang saw Guan Li and smiled:

"The responsibility of the logistics team is to protect the construction team's enclosure. It seems that you are quite free."

"It doesn't matter if you take a day off, Meng Liang, don't make things difficult for my cousin. He really is nothing."

Zhang Tao looked innocent and had dark circles under his eyes. It seemed that he had been taught a lesson last night. When he saw Meng Liang's respectful look, he bent down to salute and said softly:

"Hello, sir."

Meng Liang thought of Bao Qingtian when he heard the word "adult". To be honest, he still couldn't get used to it.

But that's fine, the word represents a status symbol.

"Okay, now that you're ready, let's go out and kill."

After Meng Liang finished speaking, he walked towards the door first.

The night watchman over there has gone off duty and has been replaced by a day guard.

After seeing Meng Liang, they all gave a military salute. It was obvious that they all knew Meng Liang's appearance and could recognize him.

Meng Liang secretly praised him. Look, they are called professionals. Those behind him, especially Lu Anke and Zhang Tao, must be pulled out for training.

"How's the situation outside?"

Meng Liang asked, and one of the guards said:

"Sir, we have blocked both sides of the nearby street with cars. It is safe to go out, but if you leave this road, there will be zombies outside."

"Well, open the door, I'll go out and kill."

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